Cataract Surgery

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Martin Catley
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Cataract Surgery

Post by Martin Catley »

I have finally decided to go ahead with surgery after dithering for some time. What I would like to know from Rifle shooters that have had surgery or have knowlege of. I understand you can have a choice in the lense replacement. For Prone shooting in particular would you go for a lense with an infinity focus which I understand is the norm, and use lenses for clarity. Or would you go for a lense which would assist seeing the foresight? I am only doing one eye, the shooting one unfortunately as it is slightly worse than the other.
Any advice welcome. Martin.
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Re: Cataract Surgery

Post by Cumbrian »

First, I would like to offer every sympathy to you because I have been told that I have the beginnings of cataracts. The condition is only to be expected with age but it is still a dreadful affliction, especially for us target rifle shooters.

Second, for what it may be worth, I would caution against a shooting specific lens, because you shoot only some of the time and for most of the time you need as normal a vision as you can get. That would be my instinct, but others may be able to offer better counsel from actual experience of an operation for cataracts. (In my case I don't need glasses except for reading, so I would like to keep things simple.)

Good luck whatever you finally decide.

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Re: Cataract Surgery

Post by Mikey_P »

Martin -

I had the lenses in both of my eyes replaced back in 2016. I chose the infinite focus or distant vision correction. I'm a prone shooter and use shooting glasses (Decot). When ordering the eyeglasses, I supplied Decot with a copy of my lens prescription, along with the sight radius of my rifle. For my right (aiming) eye, I have a lens for shooting irons, and also a separate lens for shooting with a scope. They are easily changed out of the eyeglass frame. Everything has worked out well. Hope this helps and best of luck with your surgery.

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Re: Cataract Surgery

Post by MGoodman »

A Bloop Tube will help considerably. This will keep your far-sight in focus,
While keeping the front sight in focus.
I had the surgery with the distance only lens.
Martin Catley
Posts: 170
Joined: Wed Dec 22, 2004 4:19 am
Location: New Zealand

Re: Cataract Surgery

Post by Martin Catley »

Thanks everyone for the advice recieved in the thread and messaged. It gives me a lot more confidence and a good guid to replacement lenses.
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