Top American match air rifles?

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Welly Wu

Top American match air rifles?

Post by Welly Wu »

Hello all! Thanks for your helpful suggestions on my earlier thread. I noticed that everybody recommended that I visit my local gun range and talk to people to gather up information about pursuing a career in competitive shooting. So, I thought to do that but I also realized that this is a virtual community itself. So, why not ask a couple of questions?
I've noticed that the top "match" air rifles come from Germany. Anschutz, Feinwerkbau, Steyr; they all make top equipment used by top shooters who have recorded top scores in top competitive matches. It seems to me as an Asian, German culture places a great deal of emphasis on precision engineering and painstaking systematic approaches toward defining and solving design / construction challenges. Take a look at German cars, the German language, and German firearms. I'm not going to ask why but I do want to know a couple of things.
First, are there any American "match" air rifles that can compete with the offerings by Anschutz, Feinwerkbau, and Steyr? Who are they made by? Can you point to any website urls and specific models? Comparing a Daisy air rifle to a Feinwerkbau is not the example I was looking for. Second, guns are a very important (albeit controversial) part of American culture. We do have some of the best firearms companies and guns in the world. We have talented people who make some of the best rifles, shotguns, and handguns worldwide. This I believe. Second, can you specify if there are any American companies that produce top "match" pellets? Third, how about various essential shooting equipment pieces such as coats, spotting scopes, match sights, etc. made by American companies?
Sorry for asking these questions, but I really want to know. I hope you will help me out some more like you did before. I am very grateful that you took the time to read this message and reply afterwards. Please keep in mind that I'm a newbie at this great game. Thanks.
BTW -> don't be shy to post your replies both here and send me a copy to my e-mail address: Welly@Comcast.Net. Thanks!

Re: Top American match air rifles?

Post by Val »

The only company that can compete with Anschutz, Feinwerkbau, and Steyr is Walther, but they are German as well :)
Vast majority of the sport shooting equipment comes from Europe, but that shouldn't bother you. Get the best stuff you can afford. The country of origin is irrelevant. "Supporting American business" by buying inferior and more expensive made-in-usa products is weak, unstable and artificial method, because it does not motivate the companies to make better and cheaper products, and the party who gets hurt by such policy is YOU. Thus, a consumer policy should reward those companies that deserve it, which is what automatically happens in the open market.
In any case, as far as I know, American companies do not even try to compete with the well-established ones in this niche.

Re: Top American match air rifles?

Post by MDriskill »

There are no American companies that make any competitive 10-meter shooting products that I know of.
This is not a statement of disrespect for US industry, it just reflects the reality that 10-meter airgun shooting is not very popular here, compared to its extremely strong following in Europe. In fact, the entire US airgun market is miniscule comparatively speaking. Can't prove it's true, but I once read that there are more registered target shooters in Germany than there are NRA members in the US.
Meanwhile, our relatively free state of firearm ownership, compared to Europe, means that we lead the world in MANY other types of shooting products, including target disciplines, that are not widely seen in Europe.
Welly Wu

Re: Top American match air rifles?

Post by Welly Wu »

: Hello all! Thanks for your helpful suggestions on my earlier thread. I noticed that everybody recommended that I visit my local gun range and talk to people to gather up information about pursuing a career in competitive shooting. So, I thought to do that but I also realized that this is a virtual community itself. So, why not ask a couple of questions?
: I've noticed that the top "match" air rifles come from Germany. Anschutz, Feinwerkbau, Steyr; they all make top equipment used by top shooters who have recorded top scores in top competitive matches. It seems to me as an Asian, German culture places a great deal of emphasis on precision engineering and painstaking systematic approaches toward defining and solving design / construction challenges. Take a look at German cars, the German language, and German firearms. I'm not going to ask why but I do want to know a couple of things.
: First, are there any American "match" air rifles that can compete with the offerings by Anschutz, Feinwerkbau, and Steyr? Who are they made by? Can you point to any website urls and specific models? Comparing a Daisy air rifle to a Feinwerkbau is not the example I was looking for. Second, guns are a very important (albeit controversial) part of American culture. We do have some of the best firearms companies and guns in the world. We have talented people who make some of the best rifles, shotguns, and handguns worldwide. This I believe. Second, can you specify if there are any American companies that produce top "match" pellets? Third, how about various essential shooting equipment pieces such as coats, spotting scopes, match sights, etc. made by American companies?
: Sorry for asking these questions, but I really want to know. I hope you will help me out some more like you did before. I am very grateful that you took the time to read this message and reply afterwards. Please keep in mind that I'm a newbie at this great game. Thanks.
: BTW -> don't be shy to post your replies both here and send me a copy to my e-mail address: Welly@Comcast.Net. Thanks!

Thanks a lot for your replies. Please keep them coming. I pretty much figured that out for myself but I thought, "why not ask?" I have nothing against Germany, German culture, or fine German "match" rifles. As a matter of fact, I'm saving up quite a bit of USDs to get one myself in short order.
But, your comments on this matter are most valued by me. Please keep them coming. Thank you!

Bill Poole

Re: Top American match air rifles?

Post by Bill Poole »

Someone said in another response that the majority of sport shooting equip is from overseas. NOT TRUE. The majority of ISSF-style 10m, 25m, 50m equipment ABSOLUTELY. BUT for US High Power and Service Rifle Everything but the spotting scope, the best is US made. Rifle, Coat, Mat, Sling etc. For US smallbore, add an Anschutz and all its accessories to your High Power gear and you're ready to go. NRA Bullseye pistol... most gear is US made, Silly-wet, Benchrest, hunting, IPSC, .... etc, most everything but the optics are US made...
But, for THIS (ISSF) game, like photography, ham radio, and other specialty hobbies, other places lead....
US companies will gladly make hunting rifles all day long that's what sells in quantity here.... but precision shooting is just too narrow a market...
in response to other comments.... I have a theory about people getting involved in shooting despite nasty gun laws...
HERE in the US, you wannt play with guns... go buy a 10/22 at wally-world and a milk carton of hollowpoints, or an AK-derivative anda case of Wolf and head out to the desert to shoot at rocks... in OTHER parts of the world... you must join the club, take the class, get the license, participate in THE official approved events.... sooooo those interested get channeled into competition or they don't shoot.... I believe there are many VERY good targetshooters right now out shooting tin cans at the gravel pit who have never heard of competition or think its too much work and bother to even try.... The best service rifle shooter in Arizona was just such plinker just a few years ago....
Joe Matusic, MD

There was one

Post by Joe Matusic, MD »

Daisy made a CO2 10m rifle in the late 1970's early 1980s. There was one for sale at the Damascus Airgun Show 2 months ago. I Know it was called a Challenger (not the current model), but not sure of model Number (perhaps 81?).
Gary Barnes makes excellent hand made target air rifles, but I am not sure if any are specifically built for 10m.
Daisy makes the 853 series, but again, not sure if made in USA or imported.
Jim P.

Close, Crosman Model 84 Challenger

Post by Jim P. »

Introduced in 1985.
According to "The Book."
(75 years of Crosman Airguns...DT Fletcher)
Nice Gun CO2 with digital gauge.
And there is also the Skanker Pistol Model 88.
Introduced in 1987.
Jim P.
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