FWB 65 purchase advice needed

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Andrew Berryhill

FWB 65 purchase advice needed

Post by Andrew Berryhill »

I'm relatively new to competitive shooting. Although I consider bullseye (with a .22 and sometimes .45) my main sport, most of my shooting is practice with an air pistol in the basement. For the past year I've been playing this game, I've been using a Daisy 747, which I've been happy with. I can consistently shoot about 90% with it, which is also about what I shoot in bullseye slowfire at 50 ft with my .22.
I now have the opportunity to purchase a FWB 65 for a few hundred dollars. While I'd love to be shooting an LP50, I just can't justify that kind of money right now (or anytime soon). The question is this: if I'm shooting 90% with my 747, who far am I from being able to appreciate the upgrade to a FWB 65? Is there anything else I should consider in this equation?


Re: FWB 65 purchase advice needed

Post by Rodm »

I would suggest that you look at an IZH-46M if you are sure that you want to upgrade the Daisy. I think that it is better choice than the FWB unless you want to have the "kick" simulated. On the other hand why change from the Daisy if what you want is to practice for BE when you don't have time to go to the range? I think that it is as accurate as the FWB. The grip is more like the .45 and most target pistols used in BE. Also you can put the money into a good indexed mutual fund and hope it appreciates so when you decide to get serious about competing with air gun you have more ready to upgrade to a good CO2 or PCA pistol. One other thought is one of the TAU CO2 repeters so you can practice timed and rapid.

: I'm relatively new to competitive shooting. Although I consider bullseye (with a .22 and sometimes .45) my main sport, most of my shooting is practice with an air pistol in the basement. For the past year I've been playing this game, I've been using a Daisy 747, which I've been happy with. I can consistently shoot about 90% with it, which is also about what I shoot in bullseye slowfire at 50 ft with my .22.

: I now have the opportunity to purchase a FWB 65 for a few hundred dollars. While I'd love to be shooting an LP50, I just can't justify that kind of money right now (or anytime soon). The question is this: if I'm shooting 90% with my 747, who far am I from being able to appreciate the upgrade to a FWB 65? Is there anything else I should consider in this equation?
: Thanks,
: Andrew

Joe Matusic, MD

Other thoughts

Post by Joe Matusic, MD »

I would ask yourself what your going to do with it, what you enjoy about air pistols, first. If your truely going for air pistol simulation of a firearm for off season practice, go for a co2 clone of your current firearm. I have a Berreta 92FS that is a dead ringer for the real thing, in weight, trigger pull, grip, even accuracy. Its so much like the real thing that many police and military use it for training.
Now for 10m pistol, the FWB 65 is hard to beat for that kind of price. The FWB trigger is much better than the IZH trigger, the IZH is significantly moe nose heavy compared to the IZH, the fit and finish is significantly better on the FWB, resale will be better on the FWB, sights are significantly better on the FWB. I agree that the accuracy is actually the same for the IZH and more expensive guns. You don't get much more accurate above the IZH price level, you get more extras (grip, adjustability, sights, trigger, PCP, etc).
I have owned the IZH46, FWB 65, Steyr LP5P, FWB 34, Morini 162e and 162ie, SAM K11, Berreta 92FS, Daisy 91, Daisy 747 and Tau7. I started with the IZH-46 and shot quite well with it. I traded that in on the Steyr LP5P. My scores actually went down, not up. My overall favorite is the Morini with the electronic trigger and the LP5P with the 5 shot repeating feature.

There are pictures fo the Berreta on my site, look on the Winston Salem page.


Re: FWB 65 purchase advice needed

Post by akihmsa »

I shoot a 747 and a 717. I have a friend with a FWB 90 which is basically an electronically trigger equiped 65. the trigger is wonderful compared to the Daisy's yet I shoot higher scores with both the 717 and the 747 than with the FWB springers. I am currently shooting in the high 80's with very little time devoted to practice unfortunately.
I have shoot the Tau-7 and the IZH-46. I like both of those much better than the FWB-90. The Tau-7 I favor over the IZH because it has better balance for me and I like not having the cocking lever to deal with.
If you are just practicing for B.E. stick with the Daisy and spend the money towards B.E. If you are looking to compete in A.P. go with a Pneumatic or C02 gun. Springers are 50 year old technology. The majority of which is used for dealing with the negitive side of using a giant spring for a powerplant.
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