Rimfire vs Air - is there a "better" choice?

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Rimfire vs Air - is there a "better" choice?

Post by ProdigalSon »

I've had a thought bouncing around my head for a while about shooting choices. It was precipitated by my decision to go back to school after a few years out so I can get a M.S. or Ph.D., and on a grad student stipend, you can't really afford much in the way of luxuries. I like shooting, and I don't really want to give it up completely, but reasonable quality .22LR is upwards of 11 cents a round, or more depending on where you get it from, whereas even R-10s are barely over 3 cents. Financially, it might make sense to move to air rifle/pistol from rimfire; it would probably save me something on the order of a couple hundred a year.

I see these pros/cons:

- Air will certainly cost less shot per shot (although to actually save I'd need to sell what I have)
- Air reduces hearing damage risk
- Rimfire is more "universal" with more matches available
- Rimfire probably has better investment value for equipment
- Air has less lead dust exposure risk
- Rimfire can shoot at different ranges (50ft, 25yd, 50yd) with no issues, air really can't without going to higher powers like you'd see in FT
- You can mail-order pellets without needing a signature for delivery (surprisingly big thing for me because I'm never home during delivery hours)

What other opinions are out there? I'm sure I'm not the only one to ponder this.
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Re: Rimfire vs Air - is there a "better" choice?

Post by william »

You can practice air in the comfort of your home. You'd be surprised at how you can find 32' 10" and how little nuisance you'll be to neighbors.
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Re: Rimfire vs Air - is there a "better" choice?

Post by Rover »

Go cheap! An SSP and a case of RWS Basic. Shoot into a box of rags and shoot anywhere.
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Re: Rimfire vs Air - is there a "better" choice?

Post by Rwilson »

Save the rags....that’s what phone books are for!
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Re: Rimfire vs Air - is there a "better" choice?

Post by spektr »

Well I will always shoot smallbore, because I love it. BUT when I retire, I see a 40 foot container showing up in my yard. I will be able to shoot air in my jammies if I feel like it. I can put in a 40 foot container range in my yard with electrics, ligbts, air conditioning , big booming stereo, fridge and microwave for under 5 grand...... My wife thinks its a wonderfull idea to have me that close and in my own little world at tbe same time......
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Re: Rimfire vs Air - is there a "better" choice?

Post by m1963 »


I think each has it own rewards. Rimfire shooting does require a dedicated range. The recoil (though minor) is something one needs to learn to overcome.

Air pistol is a true wonder. Shooting in one's basement, or in one's hallway, opens up the opportunities! (I did try shooting in an apartment when we were displaced, after a fire. I would not recommend it, unless your neighbors are very forgiving.)

Basement shooting, with an air pistol? Well, that is where things begin to open up! Not only is the expense lower than rimfire, per shot, but the opportunities to refine your skill increase!

Kind regards,
Mike M.
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Re: Rimfire vs Air - is there a "better" choice?

Post by Mike M. »

I've got both...but the air pistols see a whole lot more shooting. Between the cost and the convenience, there's no question that AP beats rimfire as a training tool. Especially when you have the AP range laid out in the living room.
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Re: Rimfire vs Air - is there a "better" choice?

Post by Dan Ide »

I do both and send way more pellets down range either from pistol or rifle then .22. Plenty of postal matches for air if you want competition or just log your scores to see how your doing. You may be lucky and have shoulder to shoulder matches where you live. Go air and enjoy.
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Re: Rimfire vs Air - is there a "better" choice?

Post by m1963 »

BTW- something overlooked perhaps: get your MS or PHD when you are young, and suffer the sacrifice to do so!

Good for you, and good luck!
Last edited by m1963 on Mon Dec 31, 2018 6:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rimfire vs Air - is there a "better" choice?

Post by ProdigalSon »

Somehow I knew Rover would come out of the woodwork to suggest an SSP. I thought about it, but my experience with my old IZH 46 kind of soured me on them. Not that it was bad, but I didn’t enjoy having to put more effort into loading than shooting. A local was selling a FWB 800 Basic that was really quite something for as barebones as it was, and I’m still looking at what a good pistol would be if I went this route.

I guess my dilemma is partly an inertia question too - I’m already invested in rimfire and centerfire so it’s some effort to change. It doesn’t sound like anyone’s come out and said rimfire is better yet, but I’m going to keep pondering. I’ve got six months to decide.
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Re: Rimfire vs Air - is there a "better" choice?

Post by Kjanracing »

I just bought an air pistol and love it. Two thoughts...do you need expensive.22 ammo to train? I use CCI SV, for me shooting bullseye and sport pistol, I can’t see the benefit of high end ammo. If you buy an air gun, how much ammo could you buy for what you spend on the air gun?
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Re: Rimfire vs Air - is there a "better" choice?

Post by dschaller »

Rwilson wrote: Sat Dec 29, 2018 7:44 pm Save the rags....that’s what phone books are for!
What's a phone book?
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Re: Rimfire vs Air - is there a "better" choice?

Post by ProdigalSon »

dschaller wrote: Mon Dec 31, 2018 9:04 am
Rwilson wrote: Sat Dec 29, 2018 7:44 pm Save the rags....that’s what phone books are for!
What's a phone book?
Something from before my time. A relic of the dark ages of landlines, dial-up, and the Backstreet Boys.
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Re: Rimfire vs Air - is there a "better" choice?

Post by ProdigalSon »

Kjanracing wrote: Sun Dec 30, 2018 5:22 am I just bought an air pistol and love it. Two thoughts...do you need expensive.22 ammo to train? I use CCI SV, for me shooting bullseye and sport pistol, I can’t see the benefit of high end ammo. If you buy an air gun, how much ammo could you buy for what you spend on the air gun?
My math is pretty clear - if I don't sell what I have and transition entirely, the economics don't make sense. If I do, then I can save, both up front and through usage. It certainly would help me cut back on collecting. Goodness knows I don't use everything I have on a regular basis, and trying to live in a studio apartment or shared house with more "stuff" than is necessary is an exercise in clutter.

On the plus side, Purdue (my top choice and first so far to send an admission offer) still has a shooting club, so whichever direction I go, there will be an inexpensive place to shoot.
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Re: Rimfire vs Air - is there a "better" choice?

Post by izzyjim »

Son, you have to shoot the sport you like best. Air pistol will always be cheaper ammo, quieter, cheaper matches, and sometimes have the convenience of shooting at home. But if, like me, you LOVE precision pistol, A. P. will never quite satisfy.
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Re: Rimfire vs Air - is there a "better" choice?

Post by Shooterer »

Rover wrote: Sat Dec 29, 2018 5:58 pm Go cheap! An SSP and a case of RWS Basic. Shoot into a box of rags and shoot anywhere.
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Re: Rimfire vs Air - is there a "better" choice?

Post by Tangohammerli »

I was blessed last year with a windfall of sorts that
allowed me to get back in the game after selling my
competition gear years ago to finish school.

Found a nearly new SP22, broken but repairable Annie
2002SA, SSP and a used 162ei.
Of the three, I have been shooting the air equipment
far more.
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Re: Rimfire vs Air - is there a "better" choice?

Post by jps2486 »

ProdigalSon wrote: Sat Dec 29, 2018 5:14 pm I've had a thought bouncing around my head for a while about shooting choices. It was precipitated by my decision to go back to school after a few years out so I can get a M.S. or Ph.D., and on a grad student stipend, you can't really afford much in the way of luxuries. I like shooting, and I don't really want to give it up completely, but reasonable quality .22LR is upwards of 11 cents a round, or more depending on where you get it from, whereas even R-10s are barely over 3 cents. Financially, it might make sense to move to air rifle/pistol from rimfire; it would probably save me something on the order of a couple hundred a year.

I see these pros/cons:

- Air will certainly cost less shot per shot (although to actually save I'd need to sell what I have)
- Air reduces hearing damage risk
- Rimfire is more "universal" with more matches available
- Rimfire probably has better investment value for equipment
- Air has less lead dust exposure risk
- Rimfire can shoot at different ranges (50ft, 25yd, 50yd) with no issues, air really can't without going to higher powers like you'd see in FT
- You can mail-order pellets without needing a signature for delivery (surprisingly big thing for me because I'm never home during delivery hours)

What other opinions are out there? I'm sure I'm not the only one to ponder this.
In response to your pros/cons:
1. Air is definitely less expensive, even if you buy the best match pellets
2. True-no hearing problem AND, no problem with your neighbors
3. That's questionable depending where you live. I'm in Florida and I can find as many airgun matches as rimfire
4. I own some top end air rifles and I can get a better percentage back for them if and when I decide to sell. There's a good market for them on the airgun forums.
5. I guess that's true, but I've shot both for many years and this was never a consideration if you take resonable steps by washing your hands after shooting or handling lead pellets. Indoor shooting with rimfire would be a greater risk
6. Air rifle shooting is done from 10M, 25M, 50 yd, 100 yd and more in some places.
7. Again, depending where you live. Where I am, I can order any kind of ammo and not have to sign for it.
For airgun discussion, go on www.airgunnation.com, or www.airgunwarriors.com. There are others too once you dip your toe in the waters.
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Re: Rimfire vs Air - is there a "better" choice?

Post by jps2486 »

izzyjim wrote: Wed Jan 02, 2019 8:04 am Son, you have to shoot the sport you like best. Air pistol will always be cheaper ammo, quieter, cheaper matches, and sometimes have the convenience of shooting at home. But if, like me, you LOVE precision pistol, A. P. will never quite satisfy.
I've shot bullseye pistol for 35 years along with International AP. AP is by far a greater challenge and I enjoyed it more.
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Re: Rimfire vs Air - is there a "better" choice?

Post by sturm88 »

I've got fwb 700 and I use this one for 10m.
I'd wanted to shoot 50m too, but I realy hate cleaning . 22 rifle every time that why I set up steyr lg 100 to 27j. Unfortunately there is one drawback BC of diabolo pellet is worsen than bc of bullet of .22 but accurasy is equal.
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