New Morini Air Pistol - CM200 EI

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Re: New Morini Air Pistol - CM200 EI

Post by Timberwerks »

Thank you for the the review! It looks like the EVO 10 will most likely be my next pistol purchase. I was also considering the new Walther LP 500 but I just can't warm up to the bold chrome lettering enough to give it a try.
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Re: New Morini Air Pistol - CM200 EI

Post by Rover »

How about an LP1 or a good 'ol FWB 100. Your scores will be the same, but you'll have more beer money (if you're a sensitive kinda guy).
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Re: New Morini Air Pistol - CM200 EI

Post by 400driver »

Grip temporarily adjusted to allow my hand some support. Trigger adjustment to 520G.
Lots of dry fire and some live training, starting to enjoy the pistol.
Love the orange!
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Re: New Morini Air Pistol - CM200 EI

Post by ebeja »

400driver, nearly 2.5 months have passed since your last statement. How satisfied are you meanwhile? From your experience with the CM 200, would you think that switching from CM 162 to CM 200 is worthwhile?
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Re: New Morini Air Pistol - CM200 EI

Post by 400driver »

Well folks, I did not want to post this but... I went back to Steyr! I couldn't get the smaller grip despite waiting for 4 weeks. I found that compared to the Evo and LP10 I had at home it just wasn't as adjustable as I had hoped. This pistol just didn't suit me.
The dry fire cable application was a complete waste of time. It blocks the trigger on a random basis so a shot is not possible. There you are trying to release the trigger and obviously you increase the pressure while you are in your shot zone, it doesn't release so you add more pressure and eventually you realise that this is a no fire shot.. You only know as the pressure increases to a point where your pistol moves from the hold zone. I don't know what I expected, perhaps a dry trigger release but not nothing happening except pressure increasing against the springs.

I did a deal and returned it and have an Evo which I prefer in all respects.
I really wanted to like the pistol, I had always hankered after the 162 and when I saw the release of the 200, I wanted to be one of the first to jump on the bandwagon despite nearly everyone I know using a Steyr.

I went ahead and have to say the experience was not as I had hoped. I was told by Morini that the pistol was adjustable via screws in the rear as per the Steyr but the adjustments were very rudimental when compared to my old LP10.
The trigger was great but was not enough to make me keep the pistol. I had the LP10, 162 and an Evo at home and the 200 just did not warrant the premium being charged by Morini. As many have stated.. Just look at what most people use and its clear that Morini has not hit the same level as Steyr.
My LP10 went to a good home and now I have the Evo in my hands with a personal grip made by Ibergrips and I could not be happier.
Obviously this is just my experience and in the right hands I'm sure this pistol will impress, but the Steyr just works for me.
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Re: New Morini Air Pistol - CM200 EI

Post by ebeja »

400driver, thank you very much for your honest evaluation regarding the CM 200. That helped a lot in my decision-making.
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Re: New Morini Air Pistol - CM200 EI

Post by 400driver »

I dont want to put you off the Morini but I would suggest that you get one in your hand and see how it fits you. Better if you can try one before you buy, but that is difficult as they are scarce. I was lucky that my friends leant me an EVO and a 162 for a month so I could train 2 hours per day with one or the other and really see what suited me. The 4 adjustment screws on the Steyr really help fit the pistol to your own body and when you are faced with the 2 small grub screws on the 200, it really shows that the Steyr method was far more customisable.

I just felt the 200 wasnt for me. It took me a while to swallow my pride and admit that I had been hasty in my choice, yes I lost a few $$$ but it was better than pushing on with a pistol that I wasnt enjoying. Shooting is such a mental game and if you have any doubt about your equipment , it eats away at you. For me personally it was better the devil i knew!

When you see all the podiums that Steyr achieves that cant but help you feel that you have the ultimate tool and you just have to learn how to use it.
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Re: New Morini Air Pistol - CM200 EI

Post by ebeja »

Mark, don´t worry, I had already thought intensive about pros and cons with the CM 200 as well as Pardini K12 and also considered the EVO 10, especially because of it´s better technical adjustment options and grip settings.
Therefore, performance overrules optics and I suppose that the difference from CM 162 to EVO 10 offers much more advantages than from 162 to the 200 which seems to me obviously no important improvement. Your report was helpful for me and although I do like the Morini optical wise, I'm afraid i would have made the same experience like you and afterwards would have regretted a purchase as well.

good shooting all the time....
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Re: New Morini Air Pistol - CM200 EI

Post by xman1981 »

@400driver Thank you for great and honest reviews. I was EVO 10e guy (about one year) until I started shooting with Morini Titanium. Last month I had the opportunity to shoot simultaneously with EVO 10e, Titanium and CM200. In my opinion the CM200 is simply bragged. Morini had to release something new because rest of the guy boast of new models but they did not have to because they have CM162EI.
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Re: New Morini Air Pistol - CM200 EI

Post by 400driver »

I borrowed the 162 and was a nice pistol but was 11 years old and shot nicely. I just expected more of an evolution with the 200. I have never tried the Titanium version and only see them occasionally here in Barcelona.

I think Morini did the equivalent of putting fins on a car, nothing major changed. People also say the same about the Evo over LP10 and people keep buying them hoping to squeeze another point out of 100. But deep down we all know that all that extra cash would be better spent on RWS Basic pellets ;)
But thats just not as much fun!
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Re: New Morini Air Pistol - CM200 EI

Post by django »

Jin back to steyr. Traitor !!! Lol

(Even jin know this gun suck )
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Re: New Morini Air Pistol - CM200 EI

Post by xman1981 »

Yes, I saw it today on the final, beautiful silver EVO10e and grip from Rink. BTW great final and shoot-off.
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Re: New Morini Air Pistol - CM200 EI

Post by 400driver »

I started a trend ;)
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Re: New Morini Air Pistol - CM200 EI

Post by Christopher Miceli »

my cm200ei shows up tomorrow.
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Re: New Morini Air Pistol - CM200 EI

Post by Coolmeester »


Picture taken from Changwong APW finals. Nice mod.
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Re: New Morini Air Pistol - CM200 EI

Post by django »

Yea i saw it on changwon wc

162 titan with 200el board ?+ Griff
I think new compensator and barrel shroud on 200 srewup pistol ballance.
This mod take good ballance on 162 + improvement on 200 ( electronic module and
Some griff adjustment)
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Re: New Morini Air Pistol - CM200 EI

Post by Coolmeester »

django wrote:Yea i saw it on changwon wc

162 titan with 200el board ?+ Griff
I think new compensator and barrel shroud on 200 srewup pistol ballance.
This mod take good ballance on 162 + improvement on 200 ( electronic module and
Some griff adjustment)
I think it is cm200 with just barrell, cylinder and comp from 162titanium.
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Christopher Miceli
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Re: New Morini Air Pistol - CM200 EI

Post by Christopher Miceli »

Got my CM200EI last night. I don't own a 162ei but as far as i can tell the trigger is the same, except the circuit board and battery. The barrel is 10mm shorter than the 162ei but the line of sight is up to 20mm greater than the 162ei. The barrels are different, i believe the 162ei has 12 rifling the 200 has 6 polygon. Different compensator, the barrel is vented as well. Grips are different with adjustment (frame screws like lp1)
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Re: New Morini Air Pistol - CM200 EI

Post by ChipEck »

Just received my CM200ei and it sure is lighter compared to my Evo10. Only shot 60 pellets so I cannot give full report. The good news is shooters at our next Bloomer Air can now try a Pardini K12 or a Morini CM200ei

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Re: New Morini Air Pistol - CM200 EI

Post by django »


You have an evo and now adding 200el ? Wow...
Serious collector. Lol
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