"Back in the Saddle" Advise

old, good http://www.midcoast.com/~pilkguns/bbs/

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"Back in the Saddle" Advise

Post by Jim »

After completing a 1.5 year career assignment, which took me away
from AP, I'm home and anxious to work towards my below par "B"
category shooting.
Before embarassing myself, any suggestions on how to resume the
shooting would be appreciated.
I've installed a LARGE backstop for the flyers!
Thanks in advance.

Re: "Back in the Saddle" Advise

Post by Michael »

First of all start a program of positive thinking about your shooting. Convince yourself that you are capable of shooting great scores. Set some reasonable goals with reasonable time limits to reach those goals. Write down a shot plan. Refer to the shot plan before the execution of each shot. You will soom memorize the shot plan. Keep a shooting diary to track your progress. Start an exercise program to tone the muscles you will need for AP shooting. A milk jug filled with a small amout of water held out in the shooting position and aimed at a spot on the wall and held for as long as possible is a start. Next tie a chord to the milk jug and staple it to a length of broom handle or dowel. Hold it out in front of you and roll the milk jug upto the handle and slowly roll it back down. A mild cardio vascular program of walking, biking, swimming or similar exercise is beneficial and helps get you into that positive frame of mind. Train on specific areas of your shooting and don't be afraid to experiment with grip, etc., then train some more. Finally, compete! If you don't have enough local matches then compete in a postal match, such as "High Noon". That should get you on your way to some very good scores. Oh yeah, have fun!
After completing a 1.5 year career assignment, which took me away
: from AP, I'm home and anxious to work towards my below par "B"
: category shooting.
: Before embarassing myself, any suggestions on how to resume the
: shooting would be appreciated.
: I've installed a LARGE backstop for the flyers!
: Thanks in advance.
: Jim

David M

Re: "Back in the Saddle" Advise

Post by David M »

Start with the basics-
You may be better off just holding the pistol for stance and holding exercises, shooting on a blank card for watching the sights and trigger control, with the occasional match for result and progress.

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