Bullet Points

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Bullet Points

Post by NSSF »

Vol. 4 No. 40 October 6, 2003

A task force of scientists assembled by the Centers for Disease Control, which has been admonished for playing politics with the issue in the past, reported Thursday on its review of 51 existing studies on gun control. The verdict, that insufficient data is available to determine whether policies such as mandatory waiting periods, background checks and outright bans have affected crime rates associated with firearms. Gun control proponents immediately called for more studies, presumably until the results they desire are produced. What is clear is that an objective and scientific approach is needed in research on this matter. Epitomizing the flawed approach taken thus far by the CDC and others who attempt to equate firearm ownership with disease to justify their involvement, the Associated Press obligingly summarized: "Firearms injuries were the second leading cause of injury deaths, killing 28,663 people in 2000, the most recent year for which data was available. About 58 percent of the deaths were suicides. Gun accidents claimed about 775 lives that year."
- Accidental injuries and fatalities associated with firearms have trended down and are at historical lows during a commitment by the firearm industry to long-term safety education programs.
- Intentional injuries, particularly those resulting from the selfish acts of criminals, certainly do not share the same causes, and during the last ten years, as firearms sales continued strong, crime rates plummeted.
- Suicides represent almost 6 in 10 American firearm fatalities. They are the desperate acts of individuals wishing to do themselves harm and prevention is a legitimate concern for health care professionals, regardless of the means chosen for self-harm. It's important to note that, according to World Health Organization statistics, the overall rate of suicide in the U.S. has remained substantially lower than in other industrialized and European nations and much lower than Cuba, for instance, where individual firearm ownership is unheard of in a Communist "worker's paradise."

Assuming sport shooters and other legitimate gun owners are the same as criminals is the consistent flaw in gun control "research." The latest Centers for Disease Control findings are skeptically analyzed in an editorial by the Las Vegas Review Journal online.
Information about preventing misuse of the medical profession to work against the right of firearm ownership and recreational shooting can be found at the Web site of Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership.
SUPPORT FOR SPORTSMEN IN CONGRESS . . . The House of Representatives approved by unanimous consent a sportsmen's appreciation resolution prior to National Hunting and Fishing Day to express congressional support for America's millions of hunters and anglers. House Resolution 362 was introduced by New York Republicans James Walsh and Sherwood Boehlert with a bipartisan group of 37 original cosponsors. The Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation worked closely with the sponsors, Caucus members and over forty sportsmen's organizations to move the initiative forward. "Sportsmen have served a paramount role in our nation's conservation efforts and economy," said Congressman Walsh. "This resolution supports the traditions and values of American sportsmen, highlights their contributions, and commemorates sporting's impact upon the American family, environmental stewardship efforts, and local economies."
ATK ON BOARD ALL THE WAY . . . Alliant Techsystems, Inc. Group Vice President Mark DeYoung has announced all his company's commercial brands are now supporting members of the Hunting and Shooting Sports Heritage Fund, explaining, "ATK Ammunition and Related Products Group is a forward-thinking company that understands the vital necessity of supporting groups and organizations that give back to the sport we cherish. We are determined to support the mission of the Heritage Fund to 'create a sustainable environment for the shooting sports in America.'" The brands that will be proudly displaying the HSSHF logo and touting the importance of supporting both the Heritage Fund include Federal Premium Ammunition, CCI, Speer, Outers, RCBS, Alliant Powder, Estate Cartridge, Champion Target and Weaver mounting systems.
WHEN THE MEDIA CALLS . . . What do you do when the local newspaper or television station sends a reporter to your gun shop to ask about one of many controversial firearm issues so frequently in the news? Or what if you're sponsoring a Scholastic Clay Target team and want to get that good news story in the media? Learn the "quick and dirty" rules of dealing with the media from a couple of former news reporters in Las Vegas at SHOT SHOW® University in February. Also new to the curriculum at SHOT this year, “The Cowboy Action Shooting Phenomenon,” “Niche Marketing—Competing with Big-Box Stores,” “Grassroots Marketing,” and “How to Pass an ATF Inspection with Flying Colors.” SHOT SHOW University debuted in 2001. “The response from participants was incredible,” organizer John Badowski notes. “The ‘University’ is now a ‘must-attend’ event for retailers at the SHOT SHOW.” Register online at the National Association of Firearms Retailers Web site. The cost is $15 for NAFR members ($25 for non-members) who register before the show. On-site registration will cost NAFR members $25 and non-members $40.
SUBSCRIBE NOW . . . There's a lot more to learn about SHOT SHOW University from the pages of October's of SHOT Business magazine. It's just one of the stories you should be reading. If you're involved in the retail sales of shooting and hunting products and you're not getting SHOT Business, you should. To see if you're qualified, fill out the on-line questionnaire now to become a subscriber.
STUDENTS FOR THE SECOND AMENDMENT . . . A non-partisan, campus-based student organization dedicated to educating young people about their rights guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution is sponsoring speakers, workshops, and events on college and high school campuses. With a special emphasis on that right which is the guarantor of all others, Students for the Second Amendment introduces many to the safe enjoyment of the shooting sports and is committed to instilling a love of country, the rule of law, and an understanding of not only our rights as citizens, but our obligations as freedom-loving Americans. Most notably, the group has inspired a groundswell of pro-freedom, grassroots, student activism on campuses across Texas and would appreciate the help of Texans and support from the industry in its mission. Contact Damasso Torres at (210) 674-5559 if you can lend a hand.
LET'S DO LUNCH . . . The National Shooting Sports Foundation will host the 2nd annual "Women in the Industry Luncheon" Friday, February 13, 2004, during the SHOT SHOW. The luncheon will take place from 12:00pm to 1:00pm in room N258 of the Las Vegas Convention Center. The keynote speaker will be Melinda Gable, executive director of the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation. The luncheon is for women attending the SHOT SHOW, and will be by invitation only. Contact Shane Hotchkiss at (203) 426-1320 to request an invitation.

A LOSS IN UTAH . . . The firearms rights community suffered a great loss Saturday when Jim Messinger, 52, of Sandy, Utah, was killed in the crash of a small private aircraft in the Cedar Mountains. An avid outdoorsman and naturalist, Messinger was engaged in aerial photography of raptor nests as a volunteer with the Bureau of Land Management at the time of the accident. A native of Montana, Messinger called Utah home for the last two decades, and played an active role in the promotion of gun rights and self-defense issues in the late 1980's and early 1990's. He was one of the original founders of the Utah Shooting Sports Council, was an excellent marksman and instructor of both rifle and pistol, and held a number of state pistol titles in practical and defensive shooting
MISSOURI . . . As of October 11, Missourians age 23 and older can apply to their county sheriffs for a permit to carry concealed guns. They must pay $100, undergo a background check and pass an eight-hour gun safety course. Guns will be banned from most schools, churches, government buildings and a few other places. The law also allows any resident 21 or older to conceal guns in the passenger compartment of a vehicle without need of a permit.
SAVE-YOUR-SPORT WEB CAMPAIGN . . . The Students for the Second Amendment organization now prominently features on its Web site a variation on the logo below supporting the campaign to stop "junk" lawsuits. Webmasters for sites not directly involved in manufacturing or selling recreational shooting products should still join the effort to pass Senate 659, by adding the Save Your Sport logo to their Web sites. Check out http://www.heritagefund.org/stickers/index.cfm, for instructions that will also put Save Our Industry and Save Your Job messages on a page, and place the appropriate message on your site, the way Dionisi Cartridge USA did on its site, and Connecticut Sportsmen did on theirs.
NAVAL ARMS MUSEUM . . . The Naval Historical Center’s armory collection is featured in this month's edition of Small Arms Review, "As a material reminder of the operational, technical and social aspects that firearms have made in naval history,” according to Mark Wertheimer, armory supervisor and acting head of the NHC’s Curator Branch. Specimens range from a flintlock pistol used in the American Revolution to a Russian sniper's rifle captured recently in Afghanistan.
ATTENTION OUTDOOR MEDIA . . . The 2004 SHOT SHOW media registration form is now available at http://www.shotshow.com/mediaReg.htm for working journalists planning to cover the show in Las Vegas February 12-15. Please be sure to send along all required materials in order to receive your credentials. Public relations, advertising sales and media marketing attendees are not eligible for media credentials but should instead apply here for credentials that will gain them admission to the SHOT Show.
DOWN ON THE BORDER. . .A Western Lawman's Journal is a collection of columns previously seen in Guns and Ammo magazine, Bart Skelton's reminiscences of his time in law enforcement. Like his famous father, Skeeter Skelton, Bart worked in law enforcement, for five years as a New Mexico state policeman and 14 years as a Federal criminal investigator and this book is the compilation of his experiences, which his wife Kim edited and published.

The Senate is soon expected to vote on S.659 to prohibit junk lawsuits against manufacturers, distributors, dealers, or importers of firearms or ammunition for damages resulting from the misuse of their products by others. See whether your Senator is a co-sponsor of this important legislation by clicking here.

Contact your Senators and urge them to support the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms

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