FWB 800 Alu rear sight adjustment

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FWB 800 Alu rear sight adjustment

Post by NickyT »

Hi everybody,
I'm a newbie in air rifle world.
I've buied last week a FWB 800 Alu. My first air rifle. I'm very excited.
I've immediately tested the accuracy with 30 shosts in 5 different targets.
The screws are all well tightened as well front and rear sight (1.5 Nm).
Targets where placed indoor at 10m, air cylinder pressure approx. 100/120 bar, diabolo basic 7 gr., rifle on the rest.
All the shots landed on 7 in a 5mm. hole. So I adjusted the diopter with 20 'R' click (0.2mm x click) and the point of impact now is a right 10.
But I've some questions.
Is it possible that the rifle, carefully sighted in factory, shows an approx. 4/5 mm. gap on the first use?
The diopter is '20 click', what does it mean? That I have max 20 click (approx. 4 mm.) to adjust horiz./vert. gap?
Thank you in advance for your support.


I'm terribly sorry for my worst english...
Tim S
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Re: FWB 800 Alu rear sight adjustment

Post by Tim S »


20 click means there are twenty clicks per rotation of each turret.

I suspect the rearsight wasn't specifically zeroed for your rifle, but was pre-set to be roughly centred. There's no point in precise zeroing, as you will need to adjust to suit your eye, sight radius, head position, and pellet.
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Re: FWB 800 Alu rear sight adjustment

Post by NickyT »

thanx for your reply Tim, but I've not understood.

- OK, 20 click per rotation. But this is the maximum rotation?

- If the diopter has not zeroed for my FWB, how can do that now?

Thank you.
Tim S
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Re: FWB 800 Alu rear sight adjustment

Post by Tim S »


Regarding the clicks, there should be more than one full rotation, before it stops.

You zero by shooting, and adjusting the turrets until your group is centred. You may need to make small further corrections when you shoot, as your body position changes, as well as for different pellets.
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Re: FWB 800 Alu rear sight adjustment

Post by NickyT »

ok, thank you.
I'm sorry for this newbie questions.... but I need to learn....
Posts: 13
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Re: FWB 800 Alu rear sight adjustment

Post by NickyT »

did you know how many full rotations have the turrets before they stop?
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