New classification

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New classification

Post by Leadbelly »

In my earlier days, the middle 1980's. we were classified as :
Sharo shooter
Those numbers seemed to change some over the years.
Now were are using A, B. C ETC.
I can't find out what those numbers are.
I see where juniors also special classes, DO WERE SENIORS HAVE THOSE TOO. ( i'M 72 )
After laying off for 32 years, I want to see how high I can qualify.
Pat McCoy
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Re: New classification

Post by Pat McCoy »

The older classifications you mention are NRA classes. They are still the same (but the cutoff numbers may have changed, and can be found in the NRA rules books (available online at

The letter classes are USAShooting classes, again found in the rule book. (
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Re: New classification

Post by Leadbelly »

Thanks Pat, that was just what I wanted and could not find.
Also now I know why the put SV beside my name, Means I'm over 70.
Thanks again
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Re: New classification

Post by Rover »

The only two you have to know are:

AA...over 552 in AP USAS

MA...over 558 in AP NRA

Good luck!
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Re: New classification

Post by Leadbelly »

Rover, you will have to give me a little more time, after a 32 year lay off, it's hard to shoot with only one hand. I got my Morini CM 162 el Feb 13th this year and I am just starting to average close to 90. Last night I had one 10 shot target at 93. These new PCP guns are so superior to our old CO2 FWB's, they almost shoot them selves. I LOVE THESE MORINI'S.
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Re: New classification

Post by atomicgale »

Rover fails to consider the new "Appeal to the TV Masses" shooting events, as previously discussed:

1. The FLOBERT dueling event,
2. Olympic Drive-by
3. That whole Jackalope Varmint hunt thing (beats shooting steel Water Buffalo w/ double rifles)
3. And what happened to my idea of "Gangsta'-hold" event?

. . . so stay tuned for the progress of my match-grade titanium-bedded Mosin Nagant . . . .
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