Things to do in Switzerland

old, good

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Things to do in Switzerland

Post by Paul »

Hey gang:

I'm going to be in Switzerland from 9/18 thru 10/1 and was wondering if anyone can recommend shooting clubs, gun manufacturers, retailers or any other shooting related places I should visit.

I will be in the Geneva area but I figure after four days with family, I'll be ready for an out of town excursion even a long one.


"The trouble with life is there's no danger music"

F. Paul Figlia - Attorney at Law
2922 Evergreen Pkwy, #320
Evergreen, Colorado 80439
(303) 670-4179
(303) 670-4180 fax

Re: Things to do in Switzerland

Post by Patrick »

I believe that in the southern, Italian portion of Switzerland, you could possibly visit the Morini factory. I believe that Scott has some pictures listed here of his trip there.
I shot at one of the clubs south of Zurich in the Rapperswill/Pfakkion area (sorry if I misspelled them.) There are some local shooting federations that you could contact as well.
I exchange emails with a shooter in Switzerland. If you want, I could pass your contact info on to him.
Enjoy the trip: it's a beautiful country.

Re: Things to do in Switzerland

Post by Paul »

Thank you Patrick - that would be great.. I already have the Morini factory as a definite place to visit.

: I believe that in the southern, Italian portion of Switzerland, you could possibly visit the Morini factory. I believe that Scott has some pictures listed here of his trip there.
: I shot at one of the clubs south of Zurich in the Rapperswill/Pfakkion area (sorry if I misspelled them.) There are some local shooting federations that you could contact as well.
: I exchange emails with a shooter in Switzerland. If you want, I could pass your contact info on to him.
: Enjoy the trip: it's a beautiful country.
: Patrick
ken gordon

Re: Things to do in Switzerland

Post by ken gordon »

the Hammerli factory is in Lenzburg, about 20 kliks outside Zurich, an easy train ride. I had a fantastic, personally guided tour there a few years back. Best to contact them before you go.
the Albisgeutli (sp)range is in Zurich and is a first class multi-story facility with rifle, pistol and air accomodations (and a great restaurant).

Re: Things to do in Switzerland

Post by Sam »

: the Hammerli factory is in Lenzburg, about 20 kliks outside Zurich, an easy train ride. I had a fantastic, personally guided tour there a few years back. Best to contact them before you go.
: the Albisgeutli (sp)range is in Zurich and is a first class multi-story facility with rifle, pistol and air accomodations (and a great restaurant).
I thought the factory was move, please kindly check. I heard someone say they moved from Lenzburg!


Re: Things to do in Switzerland

Post by Patrick »

Didn't they close up shop in Switzerland? When I was visiting last year, I was told that only sales staff were left. I thought that production was all done in Germany?
Paul: I've sent an email to Philippe, asking him to drop you a note. I don't know if he's received it.
Good luck.
David Levene

Re: Things to do in Switzerland

Post by David Levene »

: : the Hammerli factory is in Lenzburg, about 20 kliks outside Zurich, an easy train ride. I had a fantastic, personally guided tour there a few years back. Best to contact them before you go.
: : the Albisgeutli (sp)range is in Zurich and is a first class multi-story facility with rifle, pistol and air accomodations (and a great restaurant).
: I thought the factory was move, please kindly check. I heard someone say they moved from Lenzburg!
Yes they have closed the Lenzburg factory.
Albisgeutli is indeed a superb facility (the GB CF Pistol Squad are all members and train there) but, unless it is being used, it is locked up like Fort Knox. You should be able to see some shooting at weekends. It is at the end of the Zurich number 13 tram line.
F. Paul Figlia

Re: Things to do in Switzerland

Post by F. Paul Figlia »

MANY THANKS to all of you out there for a wealth of information for my upcoming trip to Switzerland. I even managed to get a personal invitation from a Swiss shooter to join him for a session.
I should not be surprised that a wonderful sport should attract such wonderful people.

: Didn't they close up shop in Switzerland? When I was visiting last year, I was told that only sales staff were left. I thought that production was all done in Germany?
: Paul: I've sent an email to Philippe, asking him to drop you a note. I don't know if he's received it.
: Good luck.
: Patrick

Re: Things to do in Switzerland

Post by Matt »

I used to go to a town in Switzerland (business) called Stansstad. There is a mountain right near the town named Mt. Pilatus. Right in Stansstad there is a trip that can be made up Mt. Pilatus via bucket and cable cars to the top where there is a neat restaurant and gift shop. From there you travel down the other side of the mountain via the steepest rail road in the world (believe me it's steep!). The cars are built to compensate for the slope. Once you come down the mountain, you then board the Ship Lake Luzerne that steams up the lake to Old Luzerne (near the train station). You can tour Old Luzerne (I visited a gun shop there - it's on one of the streets there - can't miss it - ask people there and they will guide you to it). It is owned by a father and son. The father has been the Suiss 3-position champion many many times and will talk your ear off about shooting - his english is bad but his son will be glad to translate. You have to see the shop - thay deal in nothing but competition firearms. There's medals and awards hanging all over the shop. You can eat off the floor. Real neat place Old Luzerne is - I miss it. Then from Luzerne you board the train all the way back to Stansstad - about an hour train ride - great scenary!. The ticket includes the entire trip! You can stay at the Hotel Winklereed - it's right in Stansstad or at the Pilatus Hotel (in Stans across the lake just a little ways). both hotels have the finest of dining and a great view of Lake Luzerne.
I would highly recommend it.
There is one other restaurant you can't miss. It's in Brugg - small town. there is a plant there named Hammerle (not of the firearms). Nobody in the restaurant speaks english but they serve the meaneast of sausages and potatoes (Ruesti - the likes of which you will never taste anywhere else.
Good luck and I wish I was going too!
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