Help! getting huge groups with a new Anschutz @

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Help! getting huge groups with a new Anschutz @

Post by DW »

Hi. After months of coveting, drooling, and nearly constant comparisons, I finnaly upgraded to an Anschutz lp from an izh. The new gun is fine, but I went from shooting reasonable 9's and 10's to a wild group that mostly flies left and often ends up in the 7 ring. My first inclination was to check the gun, nope, the gun shoots fine from a rest (#@! not the equiptment). I then figured in my long summer break from shooting, I screwed up my breathing, stance, trigger release or one of the many other subtlties. Odd thing is I still shoot same (or close)groups with the izh. Any ideas why I might be shooting so much more poorly with a gun that is tuned so much better?
I am not anything like a world class shooter. Hell, you good shooters scare me. I only just like to shoot in the evenings and compete against my past scores. I just do not get why my groups are so big when I can shoot fine with the clumsy old Izh. Maybe my wife was right, I didn't really need that new gun after all. :)
David Levene

Re: Help! getting huge groups with a new Anschutz @

Post by David Levene »

: Hi. After months of coveting, drooling, and nearly constant comparisons, I finnaly upgraded to an Anschutz lp from an izh. The new gun is fine, but I went from shooting reasonable 9's and 10's to a wild group that mostly flies left and often ends up in the 7 ring. My first inclination was to check the gun, nope, the gun shoots fine from a rest (#@! not the equiptment). I then figured in my long summer break from shooting, I screwed up my breathing, stance, trigger release or one of the many other subtlties. Odd thing is I still shoot same (or close)groups with the izh. Any ideas why I might be shooting so much more poorly with a gun that is tuned so much better?
As you will appreciate, long distance coaching and fault diagnosis is extremely difficult.
With the symptoms you describe it is natural to suspect the set-up of the gun.
If you bring the gun up on aim with your eyes shut, when you open them are the sights in line with each other. If not then either alter the angle of the gun in the grip (presuming this can be done on the Anschutz) or start thinking about modifying the grip to suit you.
Check that the trigger finger is not touching the grip or frame.
Ensure that the trigger is correctly positioned so that, just before the trigger breaks, your finger is at 90 degrees to the line of the barrel. Bearing in mind my earlier comments about long distance diagnosis, make sure that the trigger is not too far forward (presuming that you shoot right handed).
Hope this helps.
Jerry LeVan

Re: Help! getting huge groups with a new Anschutz @

Post by Jerry LeVan »

I also only shoot against myself. Since I retired I get to shoot in the afternoon and evening :)
When I transitioned from the IZH to a PCP I had a similiar problem.
The IZH is very "nose" heavy compared to the PCP's, I think this helps keep the IZH centered.
I believe that you will ultimately find that it is just a matter of technique that is causing the problem.
With PCPs you <b>really</b> have to focus on the front sight until shot completion.

Re: Help! getting huge groups with a new Anschutz @

Post by Bubba »

: Any ideas why I might be shooting so much more poorly with a gun that is tuned so much better?
: I am not anything like a world class shooter. Hell, you good shooters scare me.
OK, you have nothing to fear from me. Mr. Levene gives good advise, and My comments wil be in another direction.
I have an Anscchutz LP@. I was shooting Morini, and a FWB P-34 before that. I currently have an FWB-103, A TAU-7, a Steyr LP-1 using C02. The only reason that I metion the different pistols is that they all took some time to get them addjusted to fit. And my concept of fit is evolving.
I think I have spent longer getting the LP@ to the magic miraccle adjustment than any of the others. The LP@ has a LOT of adjustment possibilities. It may take you a little time to fit the pistol than it did with the IZH 46. I had one of the 46s in the standard version. The range of addjustment is no where near that of the LP@.
You sen to be content with your performance with the IZH, so that shows that you can shoot well. So, be patient, and don't make too many changes to the pistol at one time, so you don't loose sight of what made the pistol shoot, or feel better, or worse and make changes as yoy percieve the need.
I have the grip angle a lot more verticle than I thought I would. Perhaps that might be a place to start, for you as well.
I have never shot the LP@ from a bench. I don't have anything against shooting from the bench, but, the POI will vary from bench to any other hold, so, there is another place to look. Keep some targets, and see if groups are consistant, and adjust the sights to put the group nearer the center.
From an old duffer in Southwest Missouri.

Re: Help! getting huge groups with a new Anschutz @

Post by Fabian »

I have the same problem, I was shooting in the high 550's with the IZH and with the LP@, I'm barely shooting high 540's low 50's. It seems to me that the gun requires that you pay more attention to the front sight, as is seems to be nose light when compared to the IHZ, and it makes you pay deerly for whatever mistake you make. Lots of flyers...

Pual T (UK)

Re: Help! getting huge groups with a new Anschutz @

Post by Pual T (UK) »

You mention a break from shooting. Have you had your eyes checked recently and are your shooting glasses (if any) the correct prescription and setup? I hope this helps.
Jim P.

Let's see, I was going to bet on the trigger...but this soun

Post by Jim P. »

As I understand it:
It can't be the equiptment 'cause it shoots Ok from a rest.
It can't be you 'cause you still shoot the IZZy Ok.
No really, I know what you are going through. I went from my Izzy to an LP-1 and the same thing happened. I got a 50g barrel weight and adjusted the grip. And practiced with the trigger (the LP has the so called "roll over" trigger (some of us might call it creap.)) Anyway after a month I can shoot the same with the LP. Then back to the Izzy the recovery is much quicker (I now have the IZH-46 set up with a very light trigger to practice my Free Pistol at home.) When I go back to the LP-1 it takes a couple of weeks to get that trigger to break when I want it to (or close.)
Make some adjustments then just shoot it and wait it will come.
Jim P.


Post by DW »

sure, mock and laugh at the lousy shooter... :) Ha Ha, He cannot shoot a consistent group. No really, thanks for all your great constructive critisism. I have tried moving the grip with some sucsess. Still, my groups stray and move around the target with the much more frequent wild shot.
I agree that the izh is very barrel heavy, and that is why I upgraded. Do you think I moving the weight forward would make a difference in my groups or just add to the problem?
I wonder if picking a setup and just learing to cope will produce better results than constant tinkering. nothing thus far has helped me, but I have yet to put 500 rounds thru it.
In a typical practice session, how many shots do you all make?
Also, at what pressure will I begin to see shot derevation? 100 bar or below?
again, thanks for humoring the amature will all these simple questions.

: As I understand it:
: It can't be the equiptment 'cause it shoots Ok from a rest.
: It can't be you 'cause you still shoot the IZZy Ok.
: Wind?
: No really, I know what you are going through. I went from my Izzy to an LP-1 and the same thing happened. I got a 50g barrel weight and adjusted the grip. And practiced with the trigger (the LP has the so called "roll over" trigger (some of us might call it creap.)) Anyway after a month I can shoot the same with the LP. Then back to the Izzy the recovery is much quicker (I now have the IZH-46 set up with a very light trigger to practice my Free Pistol at home.) When I go back to the LP-1 it takes a couple of weeks to get that trigger to break when I want it to (or close.)
: Make some adjustments then just shoot it and wait it will come.
: Jim P.
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