TOZ-35 hammer won't fall - cleaning procedure recommendation

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TOZ-35 hammer won't fall - cleaning procedure recommendation

Post by pelletHed »

I have an issue with a recently acquired TOZ-35 that may be either due to sear adjustment issues, or just due to the fact that it needs a good cleaning. Out of approximately 50 shots, I had three shots where the trigger broke, but the hammer wouldn’t fall. I'm not talking about a light hit- the sear just didn’t disengage the hammer at all. Resetting the trigger did not work – I had to eject the live round, re-cock the gun, re-load the gun, and set the trigger again before I could get the round to go off. I recall hearing about this happening to other TOZ owners, but I couldn't find any information in the TT archives.
I would like to attempt to give the gun a good cleaning. Any ideas on how to best proceed with this without losing or breaking any sensitive parts? How far do I need to strip it down to get the gun clean enough to function without losing my mind from worring about lost springs and fussy pins that won't go back where they're supposed to? ;^)
Thanks in advance.

Positive loading

Post by Warren »

Yes, you're experiencing something that new Toz owners often go through. When you push the action lever to the front, the empty shell will eject. It is possible to push the lever far enough forward to eject the shell, but not far enough to cock (or set) the firing pin. Re-cocking the set trigger will obviously have no effect because the firing pin is already forward. Every time you open the action you must push the main lever ALL the way to the front.
BTW, to look after the firing pin spring, look at the TenP Files to learn how to put the pistol away with the spring released. Otherwise you might be replacing the spring all too soon...
Bob Riegl

TOZ-Short Stroking

Post by Bob Riegl »

This is a rather familiar "old problem" with the TOZ---the locking lever must be vigorously moved forward to eject the spent casing or the sear will not fully engage the striker. Check your grips and see if you need to carefully relieve the wood with a dremel. Sometimes those grips do swell in high humidity. I also had to change the striker, striker spring and sear in order to achieve consistent firing.

Re: Positive loading - That seems to fix the problem - Thank

Post by pelletHed »

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