TAU 7 Breech Port

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Wayne Lee

TAU 7 Breech Port

Post by Wayne Lee »

Help anyone?
The breech port on my Tau 7 blows open occasionally upon firing. I have read somewhere in the past that this is not really uncommon, and that extra care needs to be taken when closing it, ie. pulling back on the thumb wheels to securely lock it in place. Within recent times, even though I religiously try to secure the breech port, it blows open with increasing frequency. Maybe a stronger locking spring is needed.
Any ideas out there? If in fact the spring needs changing, where is it available and how do I open the port to replace the spring? Thanks in advance for your replies.


Re: TAU 7 Breech Port

Post by Bubba »

I don't know how he did it, but Boris Plessenger at Top Gun in AZ. (the US importer) Finally fixed my Tau-7. I had the breech problem twice.
Hope this helps.
wayne lee

Re: TAU 7 Breech Port

Post by wayne lee »

: I don't know how he did it, but Boris Plessenger at Top Gun in AZ. (the US importer) Finally fixed my Tau-7. I had the breech problem twice.
: Hope this helps.
: Respectfully,
: Bubba
Thanks Bubba
I'll give him a call.

Re: TAU 7 Breech Port

Post by TCooper »

The breech seals are sometimes a bit thick for the thick lock pin on the latch to fully enter the frame. Try pushing firmly on the top of loading latch with your thumb and also pulling the latch knobs back at the same time. I use this method had no problems after more than 8000 pellets through a TAU-7.
If the above doesn't work, you have a problem.
wayne lee

Re: TAU 7 Breech Port

Post by wayne lee »

: The breech seals are sometimes a bit thick for the thick lock pin on the latch to fully enter the frame. Try pushing firmly on the top of loading latch with your thumb and also pulling the latch knobs back at the same time. I use this method had no problems after more than 8000 pellets through a TAU-7.
: If the above doesn't work, you have a problem.
: Later,
: Todd
Thanks Todd,
I do as you suggest as a matter of course, but am still experiencing an increasing frequency in port blowout. I have been on my hands and knees searching for the breech seal once too often. Any ideas on how to disassemble the knobs to get to the spring in the block. If I could get access to the spring I coulg try changing it or using one with heavier compression . Thanks.

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