10m Pistol matches?

old, good http://www.midcoast.com/~pilkguns/bbs/

Moderators: rexifelis, pilkguns

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10m Pistol matches?

Post by Todd »

I have scoured the internet even e-mailed a Jay olson Goude and a Marc catlin and wasnt really able to get an answer and have even checked the MRRA website, where or when or who do I need to talk to about 10m pistol competion everything I find is feild target! (no offense)

Re: 10m Pistol matches?

Post by LesJ »

These are USAS sanctioned matches:www.usashooting.com/Schedules/ShootSche ... ?#schedule.


Re: 10m Pistol matches?

Post by LesJ »

That address doesn't work. Try this one: www.usashooting.com/Schedules/ShootSchedule_Main.cfm
and than do search yourself.

Are we talking Minnesota?

Post by Rudy »


Re: Are we talking Minnesota?

Post by Todd »

Yes I am sorry about that folks i forget this isnt a local website! MINNESOTA ya' sure you betcha!

twest-at-sherbtel .net.43575.43570

Search for "Minneapolis" in this forum

Post by Rudy »

...or contact me at SmallTarget@hotmail.com about Minneapolis air pistol matches.

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