2005 masters games

old, good http://www.midcoast.com/~pilkguns/bbs/

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2005 masters games

Post by bill »

I have just received a flyer on the 2005 masters games in edmonton, canada. Just wondering what it is like trying to get into canada with pistols ?
Patrick Haynes

Re: 2005 masters games

Post by Patrick Haynes »

It's no worse than getting into the USA from Canada with pistols. Essentially, you'll have to contact the Canadian Firearm Centre and fill out some papers. I believe that there is also a charge per gun.
Feel free to contact the CFC at 1-800-731-4000, if you have any questions. For the most part, they're pretty decent people.
Good shooting and hope to see you there.
PS: I just shot at that range a month ago. VERY nice facilities.
Craig E.

Re: 2005 masters games

Post by Craig E. »

Hello Patrick,
Does this same approach hold true for AP? And are there any prerequisite qualifications to enter (besides aging to perfection)? TIA Craig
: Hi.
: It's no worse than getting into the USA from Canada with pistols. Essentially, you'll have to contact the Canadian Firearm Centre and fill out some papers. I believe that there is also a charge per gun.
: Feel free to contact the CFC at 1-800-731-4000, if you have any questions. For the most part, they're pretty decent people.
: Good shooting and hope to see you there.
: Patrick
: PS: I just shot at that range a month ago. VERY nice facilities.

Don Williams

Re: 2005 masters games

Post by Don Williams »

: Hello Patrick,
: Does this same approach hold true for AP? And are there any prerequisite qualifications to enter (besides aging to perfection)? TIA Craig
: : Hi.
: : It's no worse than getting into the USA from Canada with pistols. Essentially, you'll have to contact the Canadian Firearm Centre and fill out some papers. I believe that there is also a charge per gun.
: : Feel free to contact the CFC at 1-800-731-4000, if you have any questions. For the most part, they're pretty decent people.
: : Good shooting and hope to see you there.
: : Patrick
: : PS: I just shot at that range a month ago. VERY nice facilities.
The only prerequisite for entry is to be over 30 years old. I have copies of the paperwork needed for taking firearms into Canada. There is a fee, too. I have competed in 3 previous WMG's and they are fun and you meet some great people. Take part, it is well worth the trip and paperwork hassle.

Re: 2005 masters games

Post by Marilyn »

As Colorado Canadians Bob and I are very familiar with this process.
A firearm is designated as a gun with a muzzle velocity of 150 m/s, (slightly under 500 ft/s), or higher. Because this is common to other countries, manufacturers
make air pistols with a velocity in the high 400's, but below that requirement. Bringing your owner's manual is sufficient to show the velocity of your air pistol.
Therefore, you do not need to pay any fees to bring in air pistols.
.22 and CF pistols are of course higher in muzzle velocity and do require paperwork. You contact the CFC ahead of time with the make, model & serial # of the
hand guns you wish to bring in. There are some guns that are not allowed, however, exemptions have been made for those common for international competition.
(eg .32's are prohibited BUT the Walther GSP .32 is exempted. Bob and I have had to remind them to check the exemption list when we contact them but after a
call back they agree it's fine. My Savage .32 ACP's, which are accurate at 2 feet are not exempted. I have one in temporary storage in Canada that was my Dad's
that ATF wouldn't let me bring into the U.S. either.) Back to the permit to bring your guns into Canada ...it's good for 60 days and costs $50 Canadian, (but can be
renewed without cost up to 1 year). Give them lots of lead time. Contact them at 1-800-731-4000 and they'll give you exact time lines, what border crossing you
use, etc.
Another option that's available that makes sense if you're wanting to bring your guns over several years is to take the test and get a PAL, (possession and acquisition
licence). This is good for 5 years and costs $150 Canadian. (It works like a 5 year background check.)
To bring handguns into Canada you REQUIRE 2 PIECES OF PAPER.
1. A temporary licence or PAL, (for long or short guns). This has a fee.
2. A travel permit giving entry point, dates & times, serial #'s of your handguns. They'll ask for your address in Edmonton ... give your hotel. This does not have a
fee at this time.
All of this is done at the same contact # 1-800-731-4000.

Re: 2005 masters games

Post by R.M. »

Where can I get one of these flyers?
Also, I was told that shooters had to be 55 years old. I'll asume I was told wrong.

: I have just received a flyer on the 2005 masters games in edmonton, canada. Just wondering what it is like trying to get into canada with pistols ?

David M

Re: 2005 masters games --Web site

Post by David M »

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