Tau 7 Does not hold air, please help

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Jong Chen

Tau 7 Does not hold air, please help

Post by Jong Chen »

I have a Tau 7 that I have been shooting. It dosen't seem to hold C02 anymore. I've been using 12 gram cartriges. Following instructions I cock the gun before I insert the fresh 12 gram cartridge. I insert the cartrige nipple side down and use the provided "wrench" to tighten the cap with the piercing nipple down. When I open the port to load a pellet I hear the hiss of air escaping. If I twist the gun around I can increase the hiss and ocassionally cause a "cloud" of CO2 to escape. I originally thought that this was just related to the first shot but even after I fire a few shots I still hear the hiss. I have tried both of the caps (and several cartridges) provided but still have the same problem. Does anyone have any suggestion for what I could do to fix the problem?


Re: Tau 7 Does not hold air, please help

Post by BobZ »

: Hello,
: I have a Tau 7 that I have been shooting. It dosen't seem to hold C02 anymore. I've been using 12 gram cartriges. Following instructions I cock the gun before I insert the fresh 12 gram cartridge. I insert the cartrige nipple side down and use the provided "wrench" to tighten the cap with the piercing nipple down. When I open the port to load a pellet I hear the hiss of air escaping. If I twist the gun around I can increase the hiss and ocassionally cause a "cloud" of CO2 to escape. I originally thought that this was just related to the first shot but even after I fire a few shots I still hear the hiss. I have tried both of the caps (and several cartridges) provided but still have the same problem. Does anyone have any suggestion for what I could do to fix the problem?
: Thanks,
: Jong
By any chance have you or someone adjusted the power level screw which is located under the forend grip ?This problem can occur if the power level has been set too high (it happened to me).Shot many rounds before the problem showed up.If this is your situation try backing off (counter-clockwise) on the power level screw so that the striker does not hit the valve as hard.


Re: Tau 7 Does not hold air, please help

Post by R.M. »

Is it leaking out the barrel, or from the piercing cap?
Are you alternating piercing caps? If not, you probably have knicked the o-ring in the cap.
A few things to check.

: Hello,
: I have a Tau 7 that I have been shooting. It dosen't seem to hold C02 anymore. I've been using 12 gram cartriges. Following instructions I cock the gun before I insert the fresh 12 gram cartridge. I insert the cartrige nipple side down and use the provided "wrench" to tighten the cap with the piercing nipple down. When I open the port to load a pellet I hear the hiss of air escaping. If I twist the gun around I can increase the hiss and ocassionally cause a "cloud" of CO2 to escape. I originally thought that this was just related to the first shot but even after I fire a few shots I still hear the hiss. I have tried both of the caps (and several cartridges) provided but still have the same problem. Does anyone have any suggestion for what I could do to fix the problem?
: Thanks,
: Jong


Re: Tau 7 Does not hold air, please help

Post by Bill177 »

If the hissing is coming from the bottom of the grip - it is probably the o-ring in the piercing cap that needs to be replaced. This happens all too often, so it is a good idea to keep a couple of them around as spares. It is also the reason I went to bulk refills rather than 12 gm capsules.
Jong Chen

Re: Tau 7 Does not hold air, please help

Post by Jong Chen »

Thanks for the responses.
I haven't adjusted the power level but I'll play with the power adjustment screw and see it if makes a difference.
The leak is coming from the barrel so I don't think it's the O-ring for the piercer. I've been fairly religious about switching piercing caps when I use the pistol. Not that I routinely (ever) have shot two full 12 gram cardriges in a row.
Much Thanks,

Jim P.

Let me try...

Post by Jim P. »

I think that it is obvious from your comments that an "O" ring has started leaking on your Tau-7.
Since your responses have pretty much eliminated the "easy" ones: The ones on the caps where you insert the CO2 cartridges.
And you say that the leak is coming out of the barrel. I'm going to guess it is the valve "O" ring.
Have you been using oil (I use "Pelgunoil") with each or every other cartridge (you know, "a drop on the tip?") If so you'll probably have to disassemble and clean. If not, well maybe a couple of drops of oil with the next CO2 cartridge will solve your problem.
I suspect the "O" ring numbered 29 in my parts diagram in my TAU manual. It is where the valve seats. Getting to it in the TAU-7 is not such a big deal...but I should tell you I haven't actually done this...I've done the B-4 and B-96 which seem similar (My Tau-7 has not needed any work since I got it.)
Remove the Grip with the "wrench." There is a screw in the back (#30 on my diagram) remove this take out the valve and spring etc. Use a "Q tip" (a cotton tipped swab...I don't know how else to describe it.) with oil on it and wipe out the inside of the "O" ring (it should still be in the pistol.) Get a strong light to shine down in there to make sure the "O" ring isn't cracked or split (I doubt it or the leak would be larger.)
Put it all back together and try again. Note clean the "O" ring that seals the screw (#30)and make sure it is well oiled when you put it back. We don't want to damage that one and cause a new leak.
Just my opinion.
Jim P.
If you have questions ask before you try. But it really is pretty simple.

Jim P.

Actually getting the two "spacers" back is the hard part.

Post by Jim P. »

Actually the only difficult thing I have found in working with my TAU-7 is getting the two Grip spacers called "stock support"(# 37 P&L)Back in the grip and sliding the grip on. It just takes "fiddling" and being careful.
Jim P.

Re: Let me try...

Post by TCooper »

The valve seal on the TAU-7 is a white (teflon?) sleeve type seal with a small metal stiffening ring. The white material is quite stiff.
As Jim says, try cleaning the seal first. If cleaning does not work then you might have to change the seal. I changed one for a friend and it was a simple operation. I used a long screw and carefully threaded it into the old seal, by hand, and pulled it out. To insert the new seal I used a ballpoint pen. I put the seal in the tapered tip and pressed it in. The pistol worked fine after the seal change.
The TAU importer is www.topgunairguns.com and they should have the valve seal.
Jim P.

Thanks, Todd. As I said ...

Post by Jim P. »

I hadn't actually done the TAU-7 before and was just trying to guess from the diagram.
It looked as simple as the others.
Jim P.
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