No Quota=No Olympics competitor?

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No Quota=No Olympics competitor?

Post by PETE »

If I read the ISSF rules correctly, no quota slot means nobody from that country shoots that event at the Olympics. Hence no FP or Rapidfire for USAS?

Re: No Quota=No Olympics competitor?

Post by Greg »

Traditionally the IOC awards some "wildcard" slots to contries which participate in many of the World Cups and some individuals whose participation would add to the games. Don't be surprised to see the US get one, or two. Also Ragnar Skanaker could get one. Greg

Re: No Quota=No Olympics competitor?

Post by PW »

An entrant in one match may be entered in another, i.e the AP shooter can be double entered to shoot RF or FP.


Re: When are Wildcards typically awarded? NT

Post by Marilyn »
David Levene

Don't expect a Wildcard

Post by David Levene »

: Traditionally the IOC awards some "wildcard" slots to contries which participate in many of the World Cups and some individuals whose participation would add to the games. Don't be surprised to see the US get one, or two. Also Ragnar Skanaker could get one. Greg

Remember that the quota place system changed dramatically in February with the 4th printing of the rules.
The distribution of wild cards was formalised, the criteria changed and the number was reduced. Rules Q.8.1, Q.8.3 and Q.11 describe the process.
Anyone from a country with a representation in the Olympic shooting events would be extremely lucky to get a wild card.

Re: No Quota=No Olympics competitor?

Post by Scott »

Yes, but only if the AP entrant also has an IOC MQS in that Olympic event. At this point the major contenders for the two US MAP slots are probably Bickar, Szarenski and Turner, with Bickar having an MQS for RFP and the other two with MQS for FP.
However, the entire 2004 US Olympic mens's pistol will fit comfortably into the front seat of a Toyota pickup, with room left over for a large St. Bernard...

: An entrant in one match may be entered in another, i.e the AP shooter can be double entered to shoot RF or FP.
Chris L in NC

AP team can double start in FP or RF but (here's the rule)

Post by Chris L in NC »

: If I read the ISSF rules correctly, no quota slot means nobody from that country shoots that event at the Olympics. Hence no FP or Rapidfire for USAS?
Actually, yes we will, but as it stands now, not two athletes in each. Jason Turner and Darryl Szarenski won our quota slots in AP and the two people who make the Olympic AP team will be able to enter one other event so long as that athlete has shot a minimum qualifying score in that event at an international competition. This is called "double starting". It depends on who makes the Olympic AP team as to which events we would double start. If say John Bickar makes the team, he would double start in RF since he does not AFAIK shoot Free. Daryl, since he won the FP Gold at Pan Am by quite a wide margin, would probably double start in that event if he makes the AP team.
That, anyway, is how I think it would go.
ISSF has all their rules online so if you get really curious or bored one day, you can read through them. Even those of us who for a living read and interpret statutes, rules, etc. occasionally have trouble interpreting them so don't be surprised or ashamed if you don't understand something. The quota rule is in Annex 1Q and here are the parts about double starting:
Q.4.2 Maximum participation per country (NOC) per event:
Q.4.2.1 In the Olympic events the maximum qualification per country (NOC)
per event is two (2) shooters except in the Trap, Double Trap and
Skeet events for women in which the qualification per country is
limited to one (1) athlete only.
Q.4.2.2 Each shooter, however, who has been entered in one event in a
quota place by his NOC can be entered as a double starter in other
events if he has also obtained the minimum qualification scores in
the other events. NOCs are not allowed to enter more then two (2)
shooters in any event.
Q.4.2.3 For Trap, Double Trap and Skeet events for women each country is
limited to one (1) athlete quota only but may enter up to two (2)
athletes if the second athlete is a double starter.
Q.4.3 If an NOC enters one (1) athlete as a double starter in any event in
which it has also obtained the possible number of quota place(s),
those quota place(s) will automatically be returned to the ISSF/IOC
to be granted as an additional quota place. On request of an
NOC/ISSF Member Federation one (1) quota place in one event
can be changed for one (1) quota place in any other event if
Q.4.4 Entered double starters on a quota place may be replaced by a
substitute (alternate) with quota place in any other event and MQS
only before the deadline for receipt of the Final Entry Forms by the
Organizing Committee of the Games (21 days before the Opening
Q.4.5 If a substitution is required by an emergency, the ISSF General
Regulations, Article may be used, except that all
substitutions must be made at least 24 hours before the start of the
first shooting competition. Such substitution automatically
surrenders the accreditation of the replaced athlete.

Just because you win a quota

Post by Greg »

I believe that the quota slot is awarded to the country, not the competitor(this may have changed) An MQS score can be shot up to six weeks before the Olympic games last I knew. The sporst for the team are wide open. We have had it in the past were a shooter came out from the dark and won a spot on the Olympic team without an MQS. The shooter had one chance at the last WC of the season just prior to the Olympic games to make the team. It is many times the case that a quota winner is not the entrant in the Olympics. Each country has its own way of picking entrants. Greg Derr
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