A thought for a new "gadget"

old, good http://www.midcoast.com/~pilkguns/bbs/

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Mark Dennehy

A thought for a new "gadget"

Post by Mark Dennehy »

Following the spotting scope discussion, I've been pondering a new idea. Suis Ascor's a rather expensive system for small installations - has anyone ever tried to hook a CCD camera to a telescope and display the resulting image of the target on a small CDU so that the shooter gets a display similar to that of the Suis Ascor system?

Re: A thought for a new "gadget"

Post by David »

: I believe that the USOTC 10m running target range works with a camera like you described. I can see the value in this for perhaps a 50m rifle event in which the paper targets each receive five shots, it would eliminate the scope. But, 10m air rifle requires a new target each time anyway, so no paper you dont really need it with the electric carriers they have at OTC.
Bob LeDoux

Re: A thought for a new

Post by Bob LeDoux »

Why use a telescope? Just set the camera up in close proximity to the target and display the image on a monitor.
Rustam Bana

Re: A thought for a new "gadget"

Post by Rustam Bana »

One of my friends is working on a similar project. I don't think there is a scope involved, though. He occassionally reads TT, so may post about it.

Nev Cross

Re: A thought for a new "gadget"

Post by Nev Cross »

In my garage air pistol range I use an old video camera hooked up to a 5" B&W tv set, works fine.
David J

Re: A thought for a new "gadget"

Post by David J »

One excellent idea that works for 10 meters that we use on a running target machine is the inexpensive security camera's that you can buy. They come with 2 camera's and a monitor for under 100.00 With a cable extension one could use this for 50 meter use as well.
Mick Young

Re: A thought for a new "gadget"

Post by Mick Young »

I saw some photos last year of a Japanese shooter who had a video camera hooked up to his spotting scope to shoot 50m. He had it so he could see his shots on the small screen. It seemed to work for him.
Keep'em in the middle

Re: A thought for a new "gadget"

Post by Randy »

Nikon has an accessory for one of their spotting scopes that allows a person to connect to a video system. They brought it out about three years ago.

: I saw some photos last year of a Japanese shooter who had a video camera hooked up to his spotting scope to shoot 50m. He had it so he could see his shots on the small screen. It seemed to work for him.
: Keep'em in the middle
: Mick

Steve T

I've seen a guy use a camcorder

Post by Steve T »

A couple of years ago I saw a fellow shooter use his camcorder as a spotting scope. It had the flip out viewing screen (~2x3"). He set it on a small tripod and zoomed in on the target. It worked great, plus you could run video tape and be able to replay you shots. I think it would be particularly useful in sustained/rapid fire strings. You could see if that first shot really was a 10 or not.
I've thought about doing this, but I am concerned about the concussion on the electronics. If I do, I want to get an underwater case to protect it, but then it starts getting more expensive so I just keep using my binoculars or scope.
If I had the time I would get one of the cheap cameras and try what you are talking about, but I don't have enough time to shoot, much less do all the related projects. If you come up with something, please share with the rest of us.
Steve T

: Following the spotting scope discussion, I've been pondering a new idea. Suis Ascor's a rather expensive system for small installations - has anyone ever tried to hook a CCD camera to a telescope and display the resulting image of the target on a small CDU so that the shooter gets a display similar to that of the Suis Ascor system?

Jim P.

X10.com and an old color monitor.

Post by Jim P. »

From the dark ages of computerdom I had a color monitor that would show the NTSC(?)picture from a RCA plug. Bought a X10.com color camera $69 at the time (they have a sale every day and if you get on their e-mail list they will tell you every day) Get the one that has a focus (I didn't so my picture is a little blurry.) Camera/transmitter is up next to the target. It transmits by "microwave" to a reciever that has the RCA plug output (all this is included in the price.) Monitor over my shooting position in Garage.
Works for me.
Jim P.
Steve Swartz

Re: A thought for a new "gadget"

Post by Steve Swartz »

On a related note, I've been at rifle ranges where they had small cameras on the targets downrange (behind a berm, of course!) so shooters could shoot without having to use spotters/target setters. You would shoot for 15 minutes or so, and then everyone would proceed downrange and swap out targets.
At the firing point, you had a small B&W T.V. that would show you each shot. You could even mark/number shots onth e screen with a grease pencil as your string progressed! No zoom or slew, so if you didn't put your shot in the black you were out of luck.
Pretty "low tech," but cool nonetheless.
: Following the spotting scope discussion, I've been pondering a new idea. Suis Ascor's a rather expensive system for small installations - has anyone ever tried to hook a CCD camera to a telescope and display the resulting image of the target on a small CDU so that the shooter gets a display similar to that of the Suis Ascor system?


Re: A thought for a new "gadget"

Post by Fabian »

A cordless web cam will also work, it would cost approximately $140, and you can record the action on your computer.

Mick Young

Re: A thought for a new "gadget"

Post by Mick Young »

: A cordless web cam will also work, it would cost approximately $140, and you can record the action on your computer.
The club I shoot for looked into that and the only problem is they dont have 50m range.
Keep'em on the middle
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