Feinwaerbau AW93 vs Pandini SP .22

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Feinwaerbau AW93 vs Pandini SP .22

Post by peterc52 »

Hi guys,

New user here :)

I'm about to buy my first .22 gun which will mainly be used for 15 m and 25 m bullseye.

I narrowed it down to these 2 guns. I haven't tried the Pandini (but a lot seems to like it) but tried the AW93 today and really liked it.

Also really like that the chamber stays open on the AW93 after last shot fired.

Please post experiences for both (and i have searched and read a lot about both) Unfortunately I cant try the Pandini before buying if thats the way i go.

Kin regards,
Peter from Denmark
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Re: Feinwaerbau AW93 vs Pandini SP .22

Post by PFribley »

Have you looked at Match Guns 22lr target pistols. Check em out.
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Re: Feinwaerbau AW93 vs Pandini SP .22

Post by CamelNL »

The 2 weapons you call are totally different form each other. The pardini grip has a much more angeled grip than the FWB.
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Re: Feinwaerbau AW93 vs Pandini SP .22

Post by william »

peterc52 wrote:I haven't tried the Pandini (but a lot seems to like it) but tried the AW93 today and really liked it.
Stop right there!

You really liked the FWB. You like that it stays open after the last shot, which the Pardini doesn't. Do you want to buy a pistol (in which case it looks like your choice is clear); or do you want to make yourself crazy (in which case you can hang around here for all the non-helpful replies)?
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Re: Feinwaerbau AW93 vs Pandini SP .22

Post by j-team »

Firstly you should try the Pardini before making a decision, you might like it more.

Can I ask why you want a pistol that stays open after the last shot? Are you planning fast reloads? Because the reason that virtually all other target pistols don't do this is because the hold open makes the recoil on the last shot feel different, and target shooting is all about consistency. By the way, you can deactivate the feature on the FWB with a smaller magazine button.

For what it's worth, I think the FWB is a very well made and reliable pistol, just of a somewhat dated design. Very good for Sport Pistol but not the best choice for Rapid Fire. Personally, I would go for the Pardini every day of the week.
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Re: Feinwaerbau AW93 vs Pandini SP .22

Post by ChipEck »

I own both an AW-93 and a Pardini Bullseye edition .22 (and .32 ACP Pardini). For me the Pardini is much better. I like the grip angle, really like the ability to adjust the weights in the front to what feels best for me. Really like having two identical pistols for .22 and for centerfire.

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Re: Feinwaerbau AW93 vs Pandini SP .22

Post by sobakavitch »

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Re: Feinwaerbau AW93 vs Pandini SP .22

Post by Chia »

sobakavitch wrote:I have an AW-93, SP New Mechanical, & MG-2. Have had a Walther GSP Expert, Benelli MP90, & Hammerli 208S. My preference is the AW-93, MG-2, & then the Pardini SP.

As you have indicated in your post, there is a wealth of info on the Pardini SP while not so much on the AW-93.
Could you speak a bit more about the MG-2? That one has interested me for a while, but I'm hesitant because of how rare it is in this country.
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Re: Feinwaerbau AW93 vs Pandini SP .22

Post by sobakavitch »

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Re: Feinwaerbau AW93 vs Pandini SP .22

Post by SamEEE »

Pardini. Accept no substitutes.

unless you have long fingers, then you will likely find yourself crammed up against the magazine housing.
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Re: Feinwaerbau AW93 vs Pandini SP .22

Post by hundert »

AW93 and its variants dominated until 2011, through 80s and 90s.

Many switched to Pardini in the last 5 years, but it's probably just a trend or maybe even a marketing strategy. The scores didn't improve really.

Some athletes won nothing after the switch.

In Wroclaw 2011 Salkuvadze (Olympic champion) still shooting an A93, so did Kostevych. Both shoot Pardini today. While Kostevych arguably improved her scores, it was the opposite for the Georgian.

You see people shooting 590+ with either one of them. Also interesting, in this video Chen Ying, who's probably the strongest 25m shooter of all time, shoots a Morini CM 22RF, after switching from a Chinese pistol. She shot 206 !!! in the final in London 2012 Olympics and with her Chinese pistol in 2008 she shot 208! !! ! ! ! !

You probably need to try them both before you decide. In the end, you may end up with a completely different gun.
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Re: Feinwaerbau AW93 vs Pandini SP .22

Post by william »

Question arose: "Can I ask why you want a pistol that stays open after the last shot?" How about: "So I don't have to worry about my firing pin striking an empty chamber because I've lost track of how many shots I've fired."

Recoil consistency is nice and an absolute necessity for 25m Rapid Fire, but American bullseye shooters have done very well for a long time using pistols that lock open after the last round.

Don't make yourself crazy. Get the pistol that you know you like, and forget about everything else except practicing.
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Re: Feinwaerbau AW93 vs Pandini SP .22

Post by Chuckiep »

OP says that be wants it for bullseye? Or is this for men's rapid 25m? If it's for NRA bullseye pistol I would advise to not get either of those. If you want to put a red dot on it both Guns need a bit of fudging to mount an optic. Buy since he posted in Olympic pistol, I assume he means standard pistol and rapid? If so, please please please shoot that pardini.
The FWB is sub standard.
1. Compare the triggers, aND find someone who will let you adjust both. Pardini wins in that category.
2. Compare the recoil. Pardinis stay down on target. FWBs are jolty feeling.
3. I have seen FWBS struggle with waxy bullets, like cci and eley.
4. Compare the sights. I think pardini has much better sights.
5. Try to get ahold of a Morini cm22 tmet2003@yahoo.com will beat out the FWB too
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Re: Feinwaerbau AW93 vs Pandini SP .22

Post by peterc52 »

I actually dont know the right word for what im going to shoot (im danish). But indoor its 15 m 10 shots per paper target(??) and 30 shots total.

I'm going to do my best to try to shoot a Pardini.

If I decide for the Pardini which model to go for? RF or regular (i want the most versatile one).

Thanks a lot guys, it helps me :)
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Re: Feinwaerbau AW93 vs Pandini SP .22

Post by hundert »

Chuckiep wrote:
3. I have seen FWBS struggle with waxy bullets, like cci and eley.
if you go down that path you should've mentioned that Pardinis jam nearly every ISSF final^^
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Re: Feinwaerbau AW93 vs Pandini SP .22

Post by j-team »

hundert wrote:if you go down that path you should've mentioned that Pardinis WIN nearly every ISSF final^^
I've fixed your spelling mistake.
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Re: Feinwaerbau AW93 vs Pandini SP .22

Post by IPshooter »

j-team wrote:
hundert wrote:if you go down that path you should've mentioned that Pardinis WIN nearly every ISSF final^^
I've fixed your spelling mistake.
I see your point. And, I'll add two more comments:

1. I've watched several important and unedited ISSF RFP Finals lately, and I do not recall seeing any malfunctions. There may have been some, but I haven't seen them.

2. There's a reason why the clear majority of shooters in RFP Finals are using Pardini. And, it ain't because they're willing to lose while using a free, sponsored or bonus-related pistol.

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Re: Feinwaerbau AW93 vs Pandini SP .22

Post by hundert »

j-team wrote: I've fixed your spelling mistake.
that may as well be because of marketing, who knows why they all shoot Pardini, their scores are no better than what people shoot with an izh35, Klimov also switched to a Pardini in Rapid fire, even though he had more success with his Benelli (still holds the Olympic record today)

The same trend is in air pistol, everyone shoots a Steyr, and then Tan Zonglian comes along and wins everything with a Walther LP400 or Chen Ying with her Morini and not just by a little, they completely dominated the field.
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Re: Feinwaerbau AW93 vs Pandini SP .22

Post by Gregbenner »

I'm just getting into Bullseye, have an older 208, a GSP Expert as well as an AW93, acquired in that order over a year. I love all three, but will shoot the AW93 at an event this weekend. I shoot it best. Perhaps the trigger? Only small negative is only 5 rd mags available, I have 10 rd ones for the other two. Hope to get a Pardini some day as well, was concerned about the grip angle until I heard Horton make 1911 angle grips for it.
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Re: Feinwaerbau AW93 vs Pandini SP .22

Post by divingin »

j-team wrote:Can I ask why you want a pistol that stays open after the last shot? Are you planning fast reloads? Because the reason that virtually all other target pistols don't do this is because the hold open makes the recoil on the last shot feel different, and target shooting is all about consistency. By the way, you can deactivate the feature on the FWB with a smaller magazine button.
I recall seeing a modification for the Pardini magazine that held the bolt open when empty. Something about adding a small piece of sheet metal around the button inside the mag. I suspect it was on this forum, but I am not 100% on that. Needless to say, I haven't performed the mod. No reason to, as I don't feel it's an important feature on a target pistol.

I shoot a Pardini .22; I think it's a great gun. I've shot a few AW's; I think they're very nice as well. In my case, it comes down to: a) what you own, and b) what you prefer.

If I hit the lottery, maybe I'll buy an AW and shoot whatever one feels and/or performs better for me. Until then, I'll shoot the Pardini.

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