Older Steyr upgrades

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Older Steyr upgrades

Post by Jwhelan939@aol.com »

Hey all,
I have an older Steyr Mannlicher lp10. I would like to get the trigger and cocking arms upgraded to the newer ball bearing styles. The bolt upgrade looks easy enough, if I could get the parts; however I read that the trigger upgrade involves drilling. Anyone know someone that may offer these services? Thank you for your time and help.
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Re: Older Steyr upgrades

Post by Gwhite »

It would help if you told us what country you are in. If you live near Austria, I bet Steyr could do it.
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Re: Older Steyr upgrades

Post by Jwhelan939@aol.com »

Sorry. I'm in the US, Just outside Philadelphia. I emailed Steyr about a year ago and they never responded. Figured I would try and find someone stateside.
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Re: Older Steyr upgrades

Post by Gwhite »

If it's do-able, your best bet would be to call Pilkguns.
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Re: Older Steyr upgrades

Post by j-team »

Jwhelan939@aol.com wrote:Hey all,
I have an older Steyr Mannlicher lp10. I would like to get the trigger and cocking arms upgraded to the newer ball bearing styles. The bolt upgrade looks easy enough, if I could get the parts; however I read that the trigger upgrade involves drilling. Anyone know someone that may offer these services? Thank you for your time and help.
The ball bearing trigger is a factory upgrade as far as I know, in my opinion not worth it. Yes it is a better trigger but it will cost too much to have done. Better to sell that pistol and buy a new one, that way you will have the latest pistol. Get a price on the upgrade, then add that to an estimate of how much you could sell your current pistol for and see how much difference there is between that and the cost of a new one.
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Re: Older Steyr upgrades

Post by kevinweiho »

I also have two older Steyr Mannlicher LP10's and I’ve never shot one with the ball bearing trigger upgrade. If you have the opportunity to shoot both side by side, you’ll definitely know if it’ll be worthwhile to get the upgrade(s) done.
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Re: Older Steyr upgrades

Post by rmca »

I've shoot both pistols. It's not worth it.
The ball bearing trigger (on my LP10) is marginally better than the old style lp10.

I would suggest this instead:
- Read the manual and "retune" the trigger, specially the sear engagement. Screw until it fires, then back up a 1/4 to a 1/6 of a turn.
- If the pistol is old, a disassemble and clean of the trigger components sometimes works wonders. It's a simple design, but you have to punch out the pins.
- Send it to your host, Pilkguns.

If none of the above resolve your problem, then I would take j-team's advice. Sell and buy a newer version.

Hope this helps
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Re: Older Steyr upgrades

Post by Jwhelan939@aol.com »

Thank you all for your thoughts. I am not actually having any problems with the lp10. I just had a "latest and greatest" mentality. I have been using it to shoot 10m style for about 8 months and am averaging in the mid 550s. If everybody seems to agree that the trigger upgrade isn't worth it, maybe I'll skip it. Thanks all for the help.
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Re: Older Steyr upgrades

Post by David Levene »

I spoke to a few people who had it done when it was first available (15-20 years ago).

From memory, some could feel the reduced side to side movement, others couldn't. Those who could feel it loved the conversion.
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Re: Older Steyr upgrades

Post by v76 »

Had both. The newer one did feel less "hollow" and tighter but I'd agree with marginally better. Wouldn't invest much more than 100-125$.
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Re: Older Steyr upgrades

Post by kevinweiho »

Jwhelan939@aol.com wrote:I am not actually having any problems with the lp10. I just had a "latest and greatest" mentality. I have been using it to shoot 10m style for about 8 months and am averaging in the mid 550s.
Good training and perseverance are way more important than the "latest and greatest" mentality.
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Re: Older Steyr upgrades

Post by kevinweiho »

David Levene wrote:I spoke to a few people who had it done when it was first available (15-20 years ago).
David, if I'm not mistaken, I think the ball bearing upgrade on the trigger was about 10 years ago?
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Re: Older Steyr upgrades

Post by David Levene »

kevinweiho wrote:
David Levene wrote:I spoke to a few people who had it done when it was first available (15-20 years ago).
David, if I'm not mistaken, I think the ball bearing upgrade on the trigger was about 10 years ago?
You could easily be right, my mental arithmetic could have been faulty ;-)

I was working on the LP10 being introduced around the turn of the century and the conversion being available about 3-5 years later.

I probably should have said 10-15 years ago.
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Re: Older Steyr upgrades

Post by C. Perkins »

Purchased my Steyr LP1 from Pilk about 5 years ago.
They stated at that time that they could do the trigger ball bearing upgrade.

Give them a call.


Also, my LP1 is 16 years old and does not have the upgrade.
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Re: Older Steyr upgrades

Post by hundert »

there's no difference between the two, don't waste money (I have both).
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