Smith& Wesson 52. 38 WC

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Smith& Wesson 52. 38 WC

Post by ser2711 »

I am a fan of S&W 52.. someone still use this in competitions of everybody now pass at Prdini or Benelli .32?
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Re: Smith& Wesson 52. 38 WC

Post by jglenn »

plenty of them still used in Bullseye competition.. My wife shoots one for centerfire
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Re: Smith& Wesson 52. 38 WC

Post by ser2711 »

Yes.. but the only problem if you don't reload is to find in Italy suitable cartriges..we don't have Federal and Fiocchi are not bad but to function properly need to change spring in a light one..even Magtech are very good but we can find here only .32 WC.. too strong for Pardini but very accurate.
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Re: Smith& Wesson 52. 38 WC

Post by Ttgoods »

If you do not have access to reloading supplies or ammo it is tough.....I have heard they really shoot factory WC ammo the best like Sellier and Bellot or Magtech. They were popular when the police used revolvers in the US and had access to large quantities of cheap or free ammo.

The M52 is accurate but not as accurate as a 45acp 1911 customized for bullseye or a 32 cal sport pistol. The Pardini will shoot as well as the the 22lr. Pardini makes a model that converts from 22 to 32.

If you can not own a 45acp 1911 in 38 super could be an alternative, but they need to be customized and to get one that hold under 1.5 inches at 50 meters you will need to pay 3000 EU.

In Europe a Swiss Hammerli 210 may be an option they will hold under 3 inches.

I would go with the Pardini , Walter GSG or a good MR73 revolver if you have access to one. Benellis shoot good when they shoot. My guess there is more 32 cal in the EU then in the US.

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