Which Official Target for 15Y indoor range?

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Which Official Target for 15Y indoor range?

Post by Gregbenner »

Hi everyone, I am new to the forum, 1st post. I have a couple very basic questions about the targets and scoring at a 50' indoor range. Although I have never shot competitively, I do my best to shoot well, and would be interested in seeing how I compare. I shoot at an indoor range on the west coast, and there doesn't seem to be much bullseye competition so thought I would ask here. I shoot pistols only, currently focused on 22s. As near as I can tell, for 15 yard (50') indoor shooting ,the proper target is an NRA B2 or B3? Is this correct? Also, what I found on the net seems to suggest the scoring is usually based on a perfect score of 300? 3 10rd magazines, with 10 points max for each shot. However, I seem to recall posts where folks refer to scores in the 8-900s, implying 1000 would be perfect?

Any input, or links would be greatly appreciated.

C. Perkins
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Re: Which Official Target for 15Y indoor range?

Post by C. Perkins »

Welcome to the forum;

NRA 50ft slow fire is B-2
NRA 50ft timed and rapid fire is B-3

Max score per shot is 10 points with 10 shots on on each target.

A national match course consists of 30 total shots of 10 slow fire, 10 timed fire and 10 rapid fire with a perfect score of 300 points.

A full course of fire is 90 total shots of 30 slow fire, 30 timed fire and 30 rapid fire with a perfect score of 900 points.

I get my targets from National Target Co.

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Re: Which Official Target for 15Y indoor range?

Post by Gregbenner »

Thx Clarence!! Gives me something to shoot for. Early this week, for the 1st time ever, I tried shooting single hand. Wow, what a difference.
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Re: Which Official Target for 15Y indoor range?

Post by jmdavis »

5 rounds per magazine.

National Match Course
Slow fire: 10 shots in 10 minutes

Timed fire: 10 shots in 2 strings of five with 20 seconds for each string

Rapid fire: 10 shots in 2 strings in 10 seconds per string


2 strings of slow fire, with 10 minutes per string
National Match a Course
4 strings of timed fire with 20 seconds per string. Score each 10
4 strings of a Rapid fire with 10 seconds per string score each 10

All strings are 5 shots

Good luck.
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Re: Which Official Target for 15Y indoor range?

Post by crankythunder »

Welcome to the world of bullseye shooting!

A small point that I want to bring up, you mention that you are shooting at a 15 yard range which is actually 45 feet as opposed to 50 foot.

Small difference but if you start recording your scores and then shoot a competition at the correct distance with the correct targets, your scores may disappoint you. Get a tape measure and verify your target distance.

Check out American Targets in Denver Colorado. While you have to call to order, no ordering on line, they are the best prices I have found and their shipping costs are really cheap.

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Re: Which Official Target for 15Y indoor range?

Post by Gregbenner »

crankythunder wrote:Welcome to the world of bullseye shooting!

Check out American Targets in Denver Colorado. While you have to call to order, no ordering on line, they are the best prices I have found and their shipping costs are really cheap.


Thx for the reference! I found a couple places on line to just download the targets and print them? Both the B2 and B3 targets. Seemed good enough for my uses? Most important to me was the confirmation the the black rings in the center of both (i.e. the7,8,9 or 9,10,x rings) are very close to 3". Since my eyesight is not so great I like to use the "Shoot N C" targets so I can see my hits as I shoot. (Is this "cheating??) I currently tend to use the 3" ones, but also have the 2" ers. Their rings aren't identical to the official ones, but for my casual shooting seem good enough. Currently I can shoot pretty easily at a rapid pace in the 3" ers using both hands, but that accuracy reduced to maybe 25' yesterday which was the 2nd time I have shot one handed. Current goal is to replace the two handed accuracy with one hand, and then try for the 2"s. Thx goodness bulk 22lr ammo is getting a bit easier to find!

I can't really measure the indoor range, but the mgr said if I run the targets all the way to the end stop it is a bit past the 15 yard line and close to 50'. Unfortunately not many other options. The range I go to sponsors action type shooting, but no bullseye. Doesn't seem to be much in the San Diego area.
Mark Freedman
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Re: Which Official Target for 15Y indoor range?

Post by Mark Freedman »

There are two sanctioned Precision Pistol matches (formerly known as Bullseye) in San Diego County. One in Escondido, and one in Dulzura.

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Re: Which Official Target for 15Y indoor range?

Post by Gregbenner »

Mark Freedman wrote:There are two sanctioned Precision Pistol matches (formerly known as Bullseye) in San Diego County. One in Escondido, and one in Dulzura.

Can't seem to find it, would u have a linc?
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Re: Which Official Target for 15Y indoor range?

Post by crankythunder »

Dear Greg:

Printing targets might suffice for the time being, but in short time you are going to want to track your progress, recording your scores, and striving to do better.

The approved targets have a number of advantages over the printed ones:

1) they are the exact size required, no slight duplicating errors.
2) They are made of heavier stock which allow the bullet to cut a cleaner hole, thus more accurate scoring.
3) the background is tan or off white, much less harsh on the eyeball then office paper.
4) unless you are getting free printers, paper, and ink at work, they are comparable in price if not cheaper when purchased in quantity.
5) the ink will not run or fade, at the bottom of our target box, we have some targets that have been stored for perhaps 20 or 30 years. Still top quality.
6) quicker and convenient. Call up American target and the box shows up on my door two days later. If I was printing out 3000 targets (my usual order quantity), I would still be fussin with the printer will all the jams and miss feeds.

Another point that might not be relevant in your situation is that with NRA approved targets from a recognized supplier, that is one point of argument from a competitor that did not score his goal in the match.

Bullseye is a precision sport with a precision mindset. Quality targets are the first step to prepare the mind for competition and success.

If you have a couple minutes, I would like to invite you to visit my team's website. I have received lots of complements on it, especially from new shooters who tell me that there is a lot of good relevant information for them.

Mark Freedman
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Re: Which Official Target for 15Y indoor range?

Post by Mark Freedman »

Gregbenner wrote:
Mark Freedman wrote:There are two sanctioned Precision Pistol matches (formerly known as Bullseye) in San Diego County. One in Escondido, and one in Dulzura.

Can't seem to find it, would u have a linc?


http://www.sbrgc.org/Resources/Document ... 1%2015.pdf
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Re: Which Official Target for 15Y indoor range?

Post by Gregbenner »

Thanks Mark!! I see Escondido shoots twice a month, albeit outdoors at 25 and 50 yards (yikes). I have never shot that distance, but the local range I go to has a "rifle" side which is 25 yards, so i have at least work up to that. Thanks again,
Mark Freedman wrote:
Gregbenner wrote:
Mark Freedman wrote:There are two sanctioned Precision Pistol matches (formerly known as Bullseye) in San Diego County. One in Escondido, and one in Dulzura.

Can't seem to find it, would u have a linc?


http://www.sbrgc.org/Resources/Document ... 1%2015.pdf
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Re: Which Official Target for 15Y indoor range?

Post by Gregbenner »

Thanks CT, really like your website. Am half way thru, but now "need" to go to the range. I hear what you are saying re: targets, for now I will stay with the Shoot n C so I can see if/where I hit. When I get better one handed I will take your advice, its not about the $$, its the convenience.
crankythunder wrote:Dear Greg:

Printing targets might suffice for the time being, but in short time you are going to want to track your progress, recording your scores, and striving to do better.

The approved targets have a number of advantages over the printed ones:

1) they are the exact size required, no slight duplicating errors.
2) They are made of heavier stock which allow the bullet to cut a cleaner hole, thus more accurate scoring.
3) the background is tan or off white, much less harsh on the eyeball then office paper.
4) unless you are getting free printers, paper, and ink at work, they are comparable in price if not cheaper when purchased in quantity.
5) the ink will not run or fade, at the bottom of our target box, we have some targets that have been stored for perhaps 20 or 30 years. Still top quality.
6) quicker and convenient. Call up American target and the box shows up on my door two days later. If I was printing out 3000 targets (my usual order quantity), I would still be fussin with the printer will all the jams and miss feeds.

Another point that might not be relevant in your situation is that with NRA approved targets from a recognized supplier, that is one point of argument from a competitor that did not score his goal in the match.

Bullseye is a precision sport with a precision mindset. Quality targets are the first step to prepare the mind for competition and success.

If you have a couple minutes, I would like to invite you to visit my team's website. I have received lots of complements on it, especially from new shooters who tell me that there is a lot of good relevant information for them.

Mike M.
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Re: Which Official Target for 15Y indoor range?

Post by Mike M. »

Gregbenner wrote:Thanks Mark!! I see Escondido shoots twice a month, albeit outdoors at 25 and 50 yards (yikes).
All it takes is a little practice. And it's great for freaking out the duffers at the local club. :-)
Jon AP
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Re: Which Official Target for 15Y indoor range?

Post by Jon AP »

You may also want to consider practicing at the San Diego Police Pistol Range (Federal Blvd near 805). It's open to civilians and is a very pleasant range complete with a tunnel so that you can change targets without calling a cease fire. The civilian portion of the range is 25 yards only. I believe that they close before most people get off work on weekdays, but they are open for weekend shooting.

At 25 yards you'll be using B-8 and B-16 targets, which are naturally larger than the B-2/B-3 targets that you'd use at a 50' range. You'll actually find that your scores are higher at 25 yards. Besides scoring higher, it's always more pleasant to shoot outdoors (quieter, fresh air, sunlight, less crowded).

Once you get the hang of it, go to a match and rub elbows with your fellow competitors.
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Re: Which Official Target for 15Y indoor range?

Post by Gregbenner »

John, thanks! Was unaware of this. I don't work, so days during the week is perfect. I just started shooting at the B8 targets (actually the 6" shoot N C which is the same size as the black center on the B8 target) using one hand. I gather from your comments this is an outdoor range? Will try to do this ASAP!
Jon AP wrote:You may also want to consider practicing at the San Diego Police Pistol Range (Federal Blvd near 805). It's open to civilians and is a very pleasant range complete with a tunnel so that you can change targets without calling a cease fire. The civilian portion of the range is 25 yards only. I believe that they close before most people get off work on weekdays, but they are open for weekend shooting.

At 25 yards you'll be using B-8 and B-16 targets, which are naturally larger than the B-2/B-3 targets that you'd use at a 50' range. You'll actually find that your scores are higher at 25 yards. Besides scoring higher, it's always more pleasant to shoot outdoors (quieter, fresh air, sunlight, less crowded).

Once you get the hang of it, go to a match and rub elbows with your fellow competitors.
Jon AP
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Re: Which Official Target for 15Y indoor range?

Post by Jon AP »

Yes, the San Diego Police Pistol Range is an outdoor range. I should have mentioned that. I left San Diego many years ago, but it was by far my favorite place to shoot bullseye. Unfortunately they don't have matches anymore, but as you read in other posts there are other clubs where you can go for matches.
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Re: Which Official Target for 15Y indoor range?

Post by Gregbenner »

Jon AP wrote:Yes, the San Diego Police Pistol Range is an outdoor range. I should have mentioned that. I left San Diego many years ago, but it was by far my favorite place to shoot bullseye. Unfortunately they don't have matches anymore, but as you read in other posts there are other clubs where you can go for matches.
Since I essentially never shoot outdoors, I think this will be great practice. Too bad we can't use the 5o yard range, although not sure i can see that far (lol). Thx again.
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