The Rio Range

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Dan Ide
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The Rio Range

Post by Dan Ide »

I saw on a web site the new shooting range for the Rio games. From the included map and from what I have heard from other shooters, it is in the same physical location as the World Cup event I shot at in 1989. Boy, what a difference! The old air gun range was cover on three sides with a partial roof and the back part was mesh screening. The Free pistol range was two steps above cow pasture shooting, except it was hacked out of almost jungle. How I would love to shoot on the new plant. Hope our team does really well. Dan Ide
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Re: The Rio Range

Post by Spencer »

the Rio range: what the Sydney range could have been...
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Re: The Rio Range

Post by ruig »

Was there today between 10 and 12... Very very hot. Concrete / metal box.

Dessert was 2,5 hours drive from shooting range to the hotel (Copacabana). 43km. 17,2km/h!!! Yammi, yammi :-D
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Re: The Rio Range

Post by SamEEE »

This one is spooky similar to Sydney:

This one too, kinda.
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Re: The Rio Range

Post by Spencer »

SamEEE wrote:This one is spooky similar to Sydney:
I could list the differences - and they are manifold.
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Re: The Rio Range

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Re: The Rio Range

Post by SamEEE »

Spencer wrote:
SamEEE wrote:This one is spooky similar to Sydney:
...they are manifold.


Oh... many and various. I liked the timber at Sydney, very neat. The gabion baskets potentially full of snakes, not so much.

Neat, learned something new today. Thanks for the videos Igor - those desks look pretty craptastic!
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Ian Harris
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Re: The Rio Range

Post by Ian Harris »

Interesting - it looks like Sius has done away with the separate printers for each lane and moved to a single printer / laptop for each section of targets.
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Re: The Rio Range

Post by Metookevin »

Hoped they did not copy these Sydney Range features:- sloping concrete floor on 50m range firing points, slow elevator that sometimes does not align with floor properly, lack of sloping walkway means you have to take elevator if you have heavy luggage, air rifle range opposite pistol range so you can enjoy loud centre-fire ammo going off, elevated walkway goes past pistol range so visitors can enjoy loud centre-fire ammo going off, car park a long walk from anything, air rifle range lights 30 or 60 bays even if there is only 1 practicing shooter. But at least it is still running & operating & that is quite an achievement for an Olympic range.
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Re: The Rio Range

Post by j-team »

Metookevin wrote:Hoped they did not copy these Sydney Range features:- sloping concrete floor on 50m range firing points, slow elevator that sometimes does not align with floor properly, lack of sloping walkway means you have to take elevator if you have heavy luggage, air rifle range opposite pistol range so you can enjoy loud centre-fire ammo going off, elevated walkway goes past pistol range so visitors can enjoy loud centre-fire ammo going off, car park a long walk from anything, air rifle range lights 30 or 60 bays even if there is only 1 practicing shooter. But at least it is still running & operating & that is quite an achievement for an Olympic range.
You should take up pistol. There's less to complain about!
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Re: The Rio Range

Post by renzo »

Metookevin wrote:Hoped they did not copy these Sydney Range features:- sloping concrete floor on 50m range firing points, slow elevator that sometimes does not align with floor properly, lack of sloping walkway means you have to take elevator if you have heavy luggage, air rifle range opposite pistol range so you can enjoy loud centre-fire ammo going off, elevated walkway goes past pistol range so visitors can enjoy loud centre-fire ammo going off, car park a long walk from anything, air rifle range lights 30 or 60 bays even if there is only 1 practicing shooter. But at least it is still running & operating & that is quite an achievement for an Olympic range.
I don't mean to pick on your rant, but how do you get to hear center fire ammo shooting during a WC or an OG?
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Re: The Rio Range

Post by Spencer »

renzo wrote:I don't mean to pick on your rant, but how do you get to hear center fire ammo shooting during a WC or an OG?
Quite right, but back in 2000, RFP with ventilated barrels was as loud as most ISSF CF loads.
The 25m/10m layout was designed after the Barcelona layout, but Barcelona has (had) glass walls on both sides of the spectator walkway. The original design for Sydney had no wall and we managed to get one (only) at the back of the 10m range.
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Re: The Rio Range

Post by FabioRifleRio »


I am from Rio de Janeiro and I was a former member of the Brazilian Rifle Team from 1985 to 2007... I am now 49 and still shooting olympic air rifle.

I would like to write some things that may be interesting for this topic:

I shot at the very first "ancient" World Cups held in Rio in 1988, 89 and 90... Oh god... Raymond Debevec also shot in 89 or 90... Do you this old times we in Brazil had so much dificulties to get equipment and believe, Debevec bring some shooting boots to sell...and I got one pair!)

This was on a very old military field and with all limitations we had (and have) and it is awesome to find people here that went to Rio on those years!

This "new" Rio Range (CNTE - Centro Nacional de Tiro Esportivo or National Shooting Sport Centre) was built for the 2007 Pan American Games ( I shoot!) but with eyes on the ambitions to Brazil to host the 2016 Olympics. The project was actualy based on the Sydney Venues. I also shot at World Cup Sydney 2000.

I sorry for the long time to travel from Copacabana to Deodoro. Rio was "drawned" in construtions and street and avenues improvements we hopefully expect to ease the car/bus movements...

By the Time of the Olympic Games, we will provide "exclusive lanes" to ease the athletes transportation. Lets see.

Unfortunately the Finals Range did not complete the construction, making audience and athletes suffer from the hot temperaturaes at finals course. This is embarassing...But I hope all this will be surpassed by the time of the Games.

The other thing is the weather. I hope to get a way more confortable temperatures in august days, (winter in south hemisphere). May be with 20 to 28 Celsius. No need of heavy coats.

If you are interested to see many many pictures of WC Rio 2016 you are invited the see my Facebook page " Fabio Coelho".

I also have YOUTUBE videos you might be curious: " The UIT World Cup in Rio 1988". Yes! This is an awesome register! It was recorded with old vhs tape system and digitalized few year ago... You can see this rare footage of the 50m range competitions and the Air rifle range witch I remember the air rifle match was won by Mr. David Johnson! I appear on this video, arriving at the range carring an aluminium rifle case and using a green-yellow jacket, I was 22...

see at

There are othwer interesting old videos at the World Cup Mexico 1991 - Benito Juarez and the World Cup Sydney 2000.

Hope you enjoy.

Sorry for the bad english and fell free to ask wathever you want.
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Re: The Rio Range

Post by FabioRifleRio »

Talkin about the pistol range:

Both Sydney and Rio Range have the same problem... The noise even for the 22 pistols are very high and disconfortable. But only for the public. The closed air conditioned Air guns hall offer some noise protection.

I think the opportunity to make some adjustments in Rio's Range to close the pistol range with some kind of wall with big glasses. There are a food place next to this range and staying there for a coke and sandwich during a rapid fire session is awful.
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Re: The Rio Range

Post by Metookevin »

Just to clarify my "rant" regards noise, I refer to usage of the Sydney range outside of WC type competitions. Just normal everyday shooting. Air weapon range is sound insulated but on occasion you do get very loud centre fire pistols banging away & these could be non ISSF calibres - I only know they are very loud. Also depends on what doors are open. The facility's shop occupants (located adjacent to the pistol range) suffers greatly from the pistol range noise at times & I wouldn't put up with it without hearing protection. If only they had put the pistol range at the far end...........
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Re: The Rio Range

Post by FabioRifleRio »

Metookevin wrote:Just to clarify my "rant" regards noise, I refer to usage of the Sydney range outside of WC type competitions. Just normal everyday shooting. Air weapon range is sound insulated but on occasion you do get very loud centre fire pistols banging away & these could be non ISSF calibres - I only know they are very loud. Also depends on what doors are open. The facility's shop occupants (located adjacent to the pistol range) suffers greatly from the pistol range noise at times & I wouldn't put up with it without hearing protection. If only they had put the pistol range at the far end...........
It is true.
It is a big problem and I really don´t know why the project managers do not improve the drawing of the Rio's Range, planning a protective wall to separate the 25m range to the spectators hall.

As I said, even with .22 sport and rapidfire pistols, the noise is very high due to the reflection and reverberation through big concrete surfaces the range is built.
Dan Ide
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Re: The Rio Range

Post by Dan Ide »

When I was there in 89, pistol side of the house, the Argentine buss pulled up, the doors opened, and out came a soccer ball! Great fun even back then
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Re: The Rio Range

Post by FabioRifleRio »


I would like to invite you to walk by Rio Shooting Range using the Street View feature from Google: ... 312!8i6656
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