pardini 22 issues

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Re: pardini 22 issues

Post by xeye »

wdsmn wrote:Try taking a .25 caliber bronze brush and bending a 90 degree at the end of the threads. Use this in a circular motion to clean out the throat of the barrel where the bullet and casing sit. This should get rid of any lead build up at the throat. You can also attach it to a drill and clean out the throat.

already bought that T shirt. Have the .25 bronze brush but I can only rotate because I have Larrys scope mount on the top.

Let me tell ya, at this moment...that thing is clean. I spent 30 min. on it.

I don't know how the chamber can be tight when all the rounds I have drop right in with a "clunk" and fall right out again when I invert the barrel
j danielsson
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Re: pardini 22 issues

Post by j danielsson »

Your barrel has been peened by the bolt. That makes the backend of the chamber tighter and that why cci functions better because of their harder case and sk functions worse because of their softer case. Sk expands more. Put a drop of oil on the case and the symptoms may very well become less.
To fix the problem, get a conical piece of hard steel, bigger big end diameter than your chamber. Insert it and hit it with some feeling and a hammer. Thats it.
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Re: pardini 22 issues

Post by xeye »

j danielsson wrote:Your barrel has been peened by the bolt. That makes the backend of the chamber tighter and that why cci functions better because of their harder case and sk functions worse because of their softer case. Sk expands more. Put a drop of oil on the case and the symptoms may very well become less.
To fix the problem, get a conical piece of hard steel, bigger big end diameter than your chamber. Insert it and hit it with some feeling and a hammer. Thats it.

I expect I need to remove the shroud and weights to position tool for some "feeling". Is that a big deal? It's not pressed in is it?

I think the swage, when it shows up, should accomplish the desired enlargement, no?
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Re: pardini 22 issues

Post by left360 »

I have used the Brownell's chamber 'iron' to good effect on a couple of different .22 pistols. S&W Mdl 41, Hammerli 208 and a friend used it on a High Standard. It did away with the need to 'oil' rounds to enable reliable function of the Mdl 41 as long as the chamber was kept relatively clean.

I don't recall using much 'feeling' other than some light tapping and working the iron around by the handle. The ironing tip can be unscrewed from the handle and screwed on to a cleaning rod on the other end so it can be done from the muzzle but you wouldn't be able to rotate it much by the handle (rod), though it does have flats so you can put a wrench on it to turn it. I'd want to be sure of adequate muzzle crown protection if I did it from that direction.

Good luck.
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Re: pardini 22 issues =>Ironing

Post by xeye »

OK, bought the tool and Ironed the chamber. Tried the SK spez. two rounds. It still didn't cycle but the extraction was much easier. So I cleaned thegun again and Ironed again. this time two rounds worked, so I went to the range and ran 40 -50 round of SK and Wolf through it. The first round of SK did not cycle but all the rest did.

I am cautiously optomistic. When I get a chance to try and other 50 rounds without cleaning and they all function then, I will label it a success.

thanks all
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