Where can I buy o-rings for a Steyr?

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Where can I buy o-rings for a Steyr?

Post by Owl »

I recently bought a Steyr LP-1P that dates from around 2000. The o-rings, which are all green, probably could use replacing, especially the ones on the cylinder pressure gauge and on the threaded fitting that goes between the valve on the scuba tank and the gun's compressed air cylinder. I'd like to replace the others on the gun as well. Where does one go to get replacements? I am thinking that perhaps the size and hardness of these o-rings are to some European standard.
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Re: Where can I buy o-rings for a Steyr?

Post by j-team »

You could try here: http://www.pilkguns.com/

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Re: Where can I buy o-rings for a Steyr?

Post by Owl »

Thanks j-team -- I have an email enquiry in to them.
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Re: Where can I buy o-rings for a Steyr?

Post by nglitz »

If the parts list will tell you the size vs. the part number, it's easy. www.mcmaster.com will happily sell you bags of 100 for $5 or $6. Ace Hardware may well have the size for $.25 each. The green color is just dye: marketing.

Many other industrial supply houses as well.
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Re: Where can I buy o-rings for a Steyr?

Post by seamaster »

what is the green o-ring number?

The high-compression resistant O-ring on the website are mostly non metric. Which dash number O-ring should we be looking for? I am very bad with metric-inch conversion.
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Re: Where can I buy o-rings for a Steyr?

Post by David Levene »

nglitz wrote:The green color is just dye: marketing.
I may be wrong but I think you'll find that, at least in Europe, the green colour indicates a different grade of material.

Having said that, when I was using my Steyr a lot, I just bought bags of Viton O-rings at not-a-lot per 50 and changed the one on the cylinder attachment stem once per month.

Now that I rarely use it I just leave the green O-ring from the last service in place. It's lasted over 5 years.
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Re: Where can I buy o-rings for a Steyr?

Post by Owl »

David, it would not surprise me if you are right about the green o-ring color having a specification meaning. O-rings can be had in different hardnesses, for example. And then there are things like service temp, reactivity with other substances, longevity, and so on. The green o-rings on my gun feel quite hard, not at all spongy, when I press my thumbnail into them. I would feel best knowing that I had o-rings that met the design specs of the gun, rather than the o-rings from Lowes.

I have the manual for the gun, with the exploded parts view, but the part labels do not give any descriptive data such as material, OD and ID, or a Steyr part number. Is there an online website that gives that sort of information?

In any event, I got an email reply back from Pilk -- and a prompt one, for which I am appreciative -- saying that although they can furnish what I need, they would have to get back to me when their tech guy who handles these things returns from a match, to which he has toted their stock of o-rings for Steyrs.

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Re: Where can I buy o-rings for a Steyr?

Post by Rover »

I guess he's taking care of "the boys". He'll help you out.
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Re: Where can I buy o-rings for a Steyr?

Post by Gwhite »

The National Collegiate Pistol Championships are next week, and I know Buck usually attends. The MIT team is flying down to Fort Benning on Saturday.
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Re: Where can I buy o-rings for a Steyr?

Post by David W. Johnson »

There is a Canadian fellow on ebay that has rebuild kits. He may have just the cylinder ring as well.

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