Load for .32 S&W Long

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Steve K
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Load for .32 S&W Long

Post by Steve K »

I've been trying to workup a 50 yard load for my Hamerlli 280, 32 S&W Long. I've used a variety of powders, Federal Match primers, and Dardas 98 grain wadcutter bullets, but haven't been successful. However, on another site, a shooter recommended using a round nose bullet seated deeply for long range shooting;no other information was provided. Has anyone tried a similar load?
Barry G
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Re: Load for .32 S&W Long

Post by Barry G »

Dave Wilson suggested to me to try H&N 100 grain wc, 314 diameter with 1.9-2.0 of W231 in my Pardini. Groups shrunk significantly to 3-31/2 inches at 50 yds. Not the tightest but it just isn't a 50 yard gun with stock barrel unless you are lucky.
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Re: Load for .32 S&W Long

Post by fc60 »


Attached is my best test target with a factory Benelli barrel. (50 yards, barrel mounted in fixture.)

The ammunition is key!

Patience and attention to detail prevails.


Barry G
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Re: Load for .32 S&W Long

Post by Barry G »

Wow Dave, you are right, that ain't luck.
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Re: Load for .32 S&W Long

Post by ghillieman »

32 wadcutters can be made to shoot well at 50 yards, its just not as simple as doing so with a 45.

With the 32 everything is so much smaller that tolerance stacking really has an effect.

If you have the European .313 bore diameter you will want a .314 diameter bullet and a .314 expander that is the same length as your bullet.

If you have one of Dave's fast twist .311 barrels, use a .312 diameter bullet and a .312 expander.

If you use a progressive press, use a spherical powder that throws a consistent powder weight. A tenth off in this cartridge and you will know it.

I found out this past year that using mixed cases gives horrible results with this caliber. So, buy new brass of the same manufacturer.
Actually, the mixed cases will hold 10 ring at 25, but at 50 yards your pushing your luck.
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Re: Load for .32 S&W Long

Post by Rover »

Great advice, Ghillieman!

BTW Can we see a picture of you in your suit?
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Re: Load for .32 S&W Long

Post by ser2711 »

Fantastic target at 50 yards, Dave! Which powder and how many grains did you used?
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Re: Load for .32 S&W Long

Post by fc60 »

ser2711 wrote:Fantastic target at 50 yards, Dave! Which powder and how many grains did you used?
1.68 grains of Bullseye, Lot #669

Remember, accuracy comes only from repeated testing of your components.

I have obtained X-ring groups with Bullseye, 231, VV N310, VV N320, and other powders. The best bullet I have tested is the 100 grain H&N, which is becoming impossible to obtain due to the UN Arms Treaty restricting export/import.

Also, I am a big fan of Lapua cases.


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Re: Load for .32 S&W Long

Post by ser2711 »

Thank you Dave for your useful information.. We are lucky in Italy we have no problems about H&N bullet but we cannot find Bullseye powder.. I use with success N310..
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Re: Load for .32 S&W Long

Post by cnnhead »

With Dave's invaluable support I've managed to produce such a load: Lapua case, CCI primer, VV N310 1,39gr, H&N .314L bullet. Though I tested it on 25m distance only the results look quite promising in terms of potential performance on 50yds.

I tested my rounds with Pardini HP supported on a sandbag with a scope mounted. 10 rounds, 25m.
Lux2.jpg (28.45 KiB) Viewed 5579 times
Lux.jpg (26.03 KiB) Viewed 5579 times
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Re: Load for .32 S&W Long

Post by fc60 »


Thanks for the images.

Scanned targets say much more than words.

When I test off sand bags, I use a Burris 7X pistol scope. At 50 yards, I hang a target backwards, white side out, and place a one inch black square paster in the middle. Align the crosshairs along two edges such that you are aiming at a corner. When the shot releases, you know quickly if you moved. Since the paster is one inch square, it reduces your hold error considerably.


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Re: Load for .32 S&W Long

Post by siordian1 »

This last weekend I shot a 842-26x with my Walther GSP expert 32 SWL, at the Desert Midwinter match at Phoenix Rod and Gun. I used Fiocchi factory ammo. My best 50yd target was a 90 with 2x and 3 tens. If you shoot 25yd short line matches using the B16 target, then you can really have fun. It will put them all thru a hole the size of a quarter, you just have to hold onto it.
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Re: Load for .32 S&W Long

Post by cnnhead »

I tested several factory ammo batches with rather average results (maybe except Lapua). Here are some samples, again at 25m only.
fact - lapua 5 - 1.jpg
fact - magtech 10.jpg
fact - geco 10.jpg
fact - fiocchi gt 10.jpg
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