MEC Frame Glasses

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MEC Frame Glasses

Post by BobN54 »

I am planning to purchase either the Champion Olympic Archer or MEC Frame Glasses for shooting 3p. Can someone explain how the MEC system works? It appears that the glass holder can be easily removed from the frame without losing the settings; is that correct? What about the standard glass holder vs. the 3-position glass holder set? The 3-position holder appears to have an extra knurled knob so the lens holder can be removed from the end-piece and moved to a 2nd end-piece that's setup for the next shooting position, and so on. Do I have that right? But the 3-position set, which includes 3 end-pieces and one lens holder, retails for a very expensive €224. In comparison, the standard glass holder retails for €37, thus 3 of those is €111, and really one only needs to buy 2 since 1 comes with the frame. So why does anyone buy the 3-position set?
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Re: MEC Frame Glasses

Post by HWN1011 »


I have just been through exactly the same issue as you. It took me a while to work it out. I ended up going for the 3P system.
The problem is lenses. For the 3p set you need 1 lens. For the individual system you need 3 lenses making.
You will have the same issue when your eyes change (which they will) and you need a new prescription. If you have 3p system only 1 lens needed.

3p system
MEC Frames basic 134Euro
3p System 224Euro
Lens 48Euro
Total 406Euro

Individual System
MEC Frames basic 134Euro
Individual Lens Holders 37Euro x 3 = 111Euro
Lens 48Euro x 3 =144Euro
Total 389Euro

As you can see only 17Euro difference. You are better off going with the 3P system especially looking further ahead when you need to spend 144Euro on lenses not 48Euro.
Also if you are doing air rifle you will need a 4th holder.
Don't forget you will also need several blinders probably 3. One for each position.

I am not a fan of the Champion Olympic much prefer MEC.

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