measuring buttplates

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measuring buttplates

Post by Abi »

How many points of contact must I have for measuring of the curvature of the it a matter of opinion? Do I need to fill in the gaps or not? Thoughts?
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Re: measuring buttplates

Post by bruce »

AFAIK there is no mention of number of contact points mentioned in this context.
Long answer first;
The legality (or not) of your buttplate, would depend on how the buttplate sits against your jacket. If the jacket contacts the part of the plate between the posts, then the perpendicular line for the measurement of the rear projections would have to be there.

Short answer;
I'd fill the gaps :) b The butt hook projecting rearward from the bottom of the butt plate must not extend more than 153 mm (A) past the rear of a line that is perpendicular to a line drawn through the axis of the bore of the rifle, and that is tangent to the deepest part of the butt plate depression that normally rests against the shoulder;
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