training air pistol targets

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training air pistol targets

Post by siordian1 »

I found a set of air gun training targets on the Kruger Targets website. I could not copy the image but it was a black circle, black triangle and vertical and horizontal black bars. Are they useful, how would you train with them? Thanks
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Re: training air pistol targets

Post by SteveT »

Black target is used to focus on shooting groups and not worry about score.

I can't think of any reason to use a triangle target.

Vertical and Horizontal bars are used to focus on or test the shooter on vertical alignment and horizontal alignment. Use the horizontal bar and focus only on aligning the top edge of the sights. The group should be stretched out horizontally. Use the vertical bar and focus only on the right-left alignment of the sights. The group should be a vertical string. I've never found them to be useful. I think they encourage the shooter to look at the target, but then I shoot deep sub-6 to keep from being distracted by the bull.
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Re: training air pistol targets

Post by Neon21 »

-The triangle is to train to hold the gun horizontal.
you can easy align the sights with the edge of the triangle or see if you hold the gun inclined (right word in english?)
-The "normal" target without rings is to not concentrate on the score you shoot.
-The horizontal bar is to see if you are in the right center of holding in the vertical.
-The vertical bar is to see if you have tendencies to not going down in a perfect vertical line but waggle from side to side.
-Completely white is to only concentrate on trigger pull (sights should not move)
-Completely black is to concentrate on the sights and to align the light gaps
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Re: training air pistol targets

Post by TomAmlie »

I used to make the horizontal and vertical bar targets by putting a piece of electrical tape on the back of the target. It's an interesting diversion, but I'm not sure of the training value.
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Re: training air pistol targets

Post by Mclain »

This is a great means of reinforcing a sequence, strengthening the shooting arm and improving trigger control. There are a few golden rules to keep it enjoyable (and viable).
1. Don't overdo it. There's no future in putting in hour-long sessions that bore you senseless. I dry fire for 15-20 minutes, a couple of times a day if I'm keen.
2. Do exactly the same things you would do to live fire. Same clothing, footwear, glasses and tempo.
3. Use an aiming mark. Anything will do, I use a black patch on the wall. Not so much to aim at, but it's great practice for teaching the body to retain a constant line to the target. Try not looking for the target until you lower the pistol into your aiming mark. With a little practice you will find you are instinctively going back to the same point every time.

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