Value of Hammerli 280

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Value of Hammerli 280

Post by Nickster »

A friend at our club has a Hammerli 280 for sale. Actually he has 2 that could be bought. He wants to sell the .32 cal and may be able to be talked out of the .22 cal. Both are like new with a cheap Tasco red dot mounted. Anybody have any ideas on the quality and reliability of these pistols? How about an estimate of the value? Thanks.

Mike M.
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Re: Value of Hammerli 280

Post by Mike M. »

The .32 would depend on whether the upper mounts with one screw on the front end, or two small pins. The former is more desirable. The .22 should be fine.

I'd say $1200-$1500 each. I own one, and consider it an excellent gun in .22. The early .32s are known for throwing shots...mine will reliably shoot the first shot in the magazine 3 inches high at 25 yards. Frame flex, apparently. Hammerli made a stabilizer brace you could screw on in place of the barrel weights, but it's a permanent installation. You lose the great advantage of being able to fine-tune the balance of the gun. Hammerli revised the design, the later .32 version is supposed to be good.

I like mine quite a bit.
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Re: Value of Hammerli 280

Post by Leon »

Why would anyone in their right mind pay $1500 for one of those when you gcan get one of these new for the same price? ... 0S-22.aspx

Superior to the 280 in every respect...
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Re: Value of Hammerli 280

Post by PFribley »

Buy the 280!!!!!!
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Re: Value of Hammerli 280

Post by Tycho »

There must be a reason why 280s go for 500 on ebay... .32 kits for less than a 100... wait, that's in Europe. And don't compare the Benelli trigger to that of the 280, that will make the Benelli look like a chimpanzee built it. A 3rd or 4th series 280 will still shoot world class, the only question is if you like the grip angle or not - if not, there's nothing you can do about it.
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Re: Value of Hammerli 280

Post by SamEEE »

Probably worth 1600 for the both in the states if they are tidy.

Might go for 800-900 for the set here in NZ

Hammerli 280 has a wonderful trigger group. Very nice standard pistol. Parts still available although for how long is anyone's guess as Hammerli no longer Swiss.
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Re: Value of Hammerli 280

Post by mudhenk27 »

I suggest being careful about value discussion on this forum, given the significant differences in the markets of different countries. Everyone is doing their best to be helpful, but they aren't always in a position to understand your marketplace.

For example, I asked about a Unique 2000U that was offered at $800 here in the USA. I was told that was way too high a price. Perhaps it was, but the gun sold a couple of months later for $1015 at a gun show in Colorado. I never would have paid near that, but someone did.

I'm not trying to say that example is typical, but it is a real example of the difficulty.

Best of luck finding your gun......Bill
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Re: Value of Hammerli 280

Post by Leon »

You can still purchase new, unfired Hammerli 280s in Germany and Switzerland for half the quoted US value here...
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Re: Value of Hammerli 280

Post by dhenry132 »

I have a 280 in both 32 S&W Long and 22 LR
Both will make a ragged hole at 25 yd and under 1 inch at 50 yd
Love them both
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