Loading ammo into magazine...

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Loading ammo into magazine...

Post by conradin »

Can anyone give me a quick answer...when the command of load is given, does that mean:
1. putting rounds into the magazine, then put magazine into the pistol? or
2. rounds already are inside the magazine, so just put magazine into the pistol?

if 2, then does it mean: you can load 5 rounds into 12 different magazines for all the strings before the match even begins?

In the case of revolver, can you put all the rounds into 12 speed loaders first before the match even begins?

Also, if 2. can you load 10 rounds into a 10 round magazine so you can go through 2 strings? So when the first string is finished you merely drop the magazine off and wait for the command and pop it back in for the next string?

Same question will apply to Olympic shooting...I'll post the question over there.
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Re: Loading ammo into magazine...

Post by CamelNL »

Its fill your mags. But not load your weapon. You load your weapon when you actually gonna shoot.
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Re: Loading ammo into magazine...

Post by crankythunder »

Dear conrandin:

In competition bullseye, the command to load means put a pre loaded 5 round magazine in the pistol. If you are using a revolver, let the range officer know and he will keep an eye out for you to make sure you are not rushed too much.

I have never seen a quickloader used in a revolver match. Not saying that they are not used but I have never seen one.

When I was shooting a Baikal IZH-35m, I accumulated a dozen magazines such that I could get through a 900 point match without reloading magazines. I did this primarily because I had installed aftermarket springs that were very strong for reliability. The strong springs made loading the magazines difficult and as such, preloaded them so I would not need a thimble to protect my thumb or worry about dropping a magazine spring compression tool on the floor during a match. I found that I missed the mind numbing procedure of loading a magazine when they were already pre loaded.

Hope this helps!

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Re: Loading ammo into magazine...

Post by CR10X »

Since this is in the bullseye forum, I assume you are asking for Conventional Pistol matches.

In Conventional Pistol, the command to load means to insert a loaded magazine, with the appropriate number of rounds for timed and rapid fire, into the gun or into the revolver cylinder and make the gun ready to fire for that string.

According to the rules you will be given the command to load either with the word "load" in the command for slow fire strings or "with 5 rounds load" for timed and rapid fire strings. Slow fire does not require any specific number of rounds to be loaded, timed and rapid are specific.

You may come to the line with any number of loaded magazines for conventional pistol unless local range rules prohibit. Most load the mags during the preparation period or during set up. You will have time to reload the magazines before going to score targets after the shooting strings.

The commands by the range officer, if properly given and followed will tell you everything you need to do for Conventional.

As always mentioned, the rules are available on line at the NRA Competitions webpage
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Re: Loading ammo into magazine...

Post by GunRunner »

command to load, is just that, put a preloaded mag, or speed loader into the un and prepare to fire, you can have as many preloaded mags or loaders as you want, although most shooter only use two
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Re: Loading ammo into magazine...

Post by Xman »

So what it boils down to load means inserts mags and when time starts in any stage you push the slide lever or pull back on the slide to actually insert a round into the chamber.

Am I correct on this?
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Re: Loading ammo into magazine...

Post by oldcaster »

If you are shooting a bullseye match and they say "with 5 or 10 rounds load" for the slow fire portion this means that you should insert a magazine into the gun and close the action. If you only load 5, after you have shot your rounds, load the next 5 and shoot them also.

If you are shooting timed or rapid fire they will say, "with 5 rounds load", and this means to insert magazines and close the action so you are ready to shoot. Immediately after shooting and making your gun safe which usually includes inserting an Open Chamber Indicator or OCI into the chamber, you should start to reload your magazines and not go down to the targets until you are finished.

When shooting a revolver it depends on the range. Usually extra time will be given after the command load is given so you can put the 5 rounds in the chamber and close it. After the chamber is closed you may cock the revolver because all that is left of the commands are --is the line ready- the line is ready- ready on the right- ready on the left- ready on the firing line. If you don't have turning targets they will also say commence fire.
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Re: Loading ammo into magazine...

Post by CR10X »


I tried to be as specific as possible in accordance with the Conventional Pistol rules. With the "load" command, the competitor should load the gun and make ready to fire assuming the position of 5.3 Figure B. There is no specific number of rounds required for slow fire strings. Specifically (The number of rounds to be loaded by the competitor
in slow fire stages will be determined by the competitor.)

At a properly run match there will be a series of commands after the load command starting with, "Is the line ready?". If no competitors announce "not ready" or even if they do and the range officer does not hear, it will follow with, "The line is ready". If a competitor has an issue and the commands continue, simply assume the alibi position and do not fire the string.

The commands will continue with "Ready on the right", "Ready on the left", Ready on the firing line" with approximately 3 seconds between commands and the targets facing or "commence firing" 3 seconds after "Ready on the firing line".

As for when the competitor can raise the gun to the target, the rules say: Competitors may point their guns toward
the target after the command, “Ready on the right.”

There is also a very complete list of commands in the rule book covering making the line safe, making the range clear, resuming commands, etc., etc. A surprising number of matches do not use these consistently and it really makes a mess of things. I've even heard the command "The range is not safe, you may handle your guns" when the range is clear and ready to resume firing for the next string. WTF??

Per my previous post:
In Conventional Pistol, the command to load means to insert a loaded magazine, with the appropriate number of rounds for timed and rapid fire, into the gun or into the revolver cylinder and make the gun ready to fire for that string.

According to the rules you will be given the command to load either with the word "load" in the command for slow fire strings or "with 5 rounds load" for timed and rapid fire strings. Slow fire does not require any specific number of rounds to be loaded, timed and rapid are specific.
And: As always mentioned, the rules are available on line at the NRA Competitions webpage
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