50' small bore ISU target size vs. air rifle 10m target size

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50' small bore ISU target size vs. air rifle 10m target size

Post by conradin »

I find out my range let me practice small bore in the indoor range, which is 50 feet long. So I ordered the 50' 10 target 50m international reduced target paper targets from Champion Choice. It will take awhile for the items to get here since it will be shipped via UPS ground. Meanwhile I still have a lot of 10m air rifle 10 targets paper targets left.

I wonder if someone has a 50 feet 10 target 50m international reduced target target paper, can measure the diameter of the target for me?, This include the 1 ring, the 4 ring, and 10 ring. This can help me adjust and practice using my current stock of 10m air rifle 10 targets paper targets until the proper paper targets come in. Thanks.

PS. What is the proper height of a 50' 50m international reduced target used in standing, and also kneeling and prone? Obviously the height cannot be the same due to simple geometry.
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Re: 50' small bore ISU target size vs. air rifle 10m target

Post by conradin »

I found the target sizes in the NRA rulebooks:

Smallbore Rifle Rules:
4.2.1 Targets as Score Cards - Targets constitute the score cards when scored in Statistical Office and therefore must be retained in good order until the time allowed for filing challenges and protests has expired. See Rule 11.6.2.
4.3. 50 Foot Target. NRA/USAS-50 - 12 bullseyes (2 for sighting) 50 meter International Smallbore Rifle Target reduced for firing at 50 feet. 3 through 10 rings black.
10 ring...................... 0.76 mm 6 ring.................... 18.75 mm
9 ring...................... 4.12 mm 5 ring.................... 23.63 mm
8 ring...................... 9.00 mm 4 ring.................... 28.50 mm
7 ring...................... 13.87 mm 3 ring.................... 33.38 mm

Position Air Rifle Position Rules:
4.2 10 Meter Targets -
(a) Official NRA Targets AR-5/1 (single bullseye), AR-5/5 (5 bullseye), AR-5/10 (12 bullseye). International air rifle targets for firing a 10 meters.
The scoring rings 4 through 9 are black.
10 ring.............................................0.5 mm
9 ring...............................................5.5 mm
8 ring.............................................10.5 mm
7 ring.............................................15.5 mm
6 ring.............................................20.5 mm
5 ring.............................................25.5 mm
4 ring.............................................30.5 mm
3 ring.............................................35.5 mm
2 ring.............................................40.5 mm
1 ring.............................................45.5 mm
Ring thickness...............0.1 mm to 0.2 mm
Permitted deviation from the specified dimension-maximum 0.05 mm. Minimum visible size of target card (single bull targets) - 8 x 8 cm.
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Re: 50' small bore ISU target size vs. air rifle 10m target

Post by jhmartin »

If you are soooo excited you can't wait for the targets, get the SCATT program on your computer. Then print out the 50' target at 15.24meters.

In terms of height ISSF has a wide variation of target height ... .5 meters at 50m. And in addition those targets are fixed height.
For example ... from previous posts we see that the middle of the 50m targets at the OTC in Colorado Springs is .75m off the floor, while at Ft Benning, GA they are only .28m above the floor of the shooting building.

Most 3-Position shooting organizations hang their 50' targets centered as follows:
Prone position 0.5 meters (19.7 in.) (± 10 cm. or 4 in.)
Standing position 1.4 meter (55 in.) (± 5 cm. or 2 in.)
Kneeling position 0.8 meters (31.5 in.) (± 10 cm. or 4 in.)
(this from the CMP 3-P air rulebook)

Again note the fairly wide allowable variation.
In our Junior Club we hang the Kneeling & Prone targets as noted above but I have them hang their Standing targets at 49 inches if they are practicing for OTC matches and 44" if they are practicing for an event at Ft Benning.
This is based on an article years ago in the CMP's "On The Mark" publication that had the calculations and tables for the simple math.

We found that the Kneeling and Prone target heights were close enough that the kids could easily adjust on the lines of the facilities, but the "down angles" of the standing position needed some major gun setup changes when going from 50ft-->50m when practicing for the two different facilities.
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Re: 50' small bore ISU target size vs. air rifle 10m target

Post by rmca »

jhmartin wrote:In terms of height ISSF has a wide variation of target height ... .5 meters at 50m.
Sorry but that's wrong. For ISSF you have: Height of Target Centers

Target centers must be within the following heights when measured from the level of the firing point floor:

Range---Standard Height---Variation Allowable
300m------- 3.00 m--------- ±4.00 m
50m-------- 0.75 m--------- ±0.50 m
25m-------- 1.40 m--------- +0.10 m/-0.20 m
10m-------- 1.40 m--------- ±0.05 m Horizontal Variations for Target Centers on 300m, 50m and 10m Rifle and Pistol Ranges Target centers at 300m, 50m, and 10m must be oriented on the center of the corresponding firing point. Horizontal deviations from a center line drawn perpendicular (90 degrees) to the center of the firing point are:

Range----Maximum variation from center in either direction
300m----------- 6.00 m
50m------------ 0.75 m
10m-------------0.25 m

Hope this helps
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Re: 50' small bore ISU target size vs. air rifle 10m target

Post by jhmartin »

I agree that the target height is .75m (at 50m), but there IS the variation of .5m (height) that is allowable. (i.e the"±0.50 m")
Horizontal variation is ±.75m at 50m. (which seems a LOT to me)

He is however, hanging targets at 50 ft, and most organizations that shoot on paper hang all the targets at the same time if possible.
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Re: 50' small bore ISU target size vs. air rifle 10m target

Post by redschietti »

Air and 50 ft targets are very close to the same. And the middle is always the middle!! Remember that in f0 ft smallbore you have to remove the entire dot, not just touch it like in air. The 50 ft dot is bigger than the air target dot. The rest is close enough. If you are just starting you need to be shooting groups anyway!!
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Re: 50' small bore ISU target size vs. air rifle 10m target

Post by conradin »

The 50' target paper arrived today. They are very similar to the 10m AR in size.
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Re: 50' small bore ISU target size vs. air rifle 10m target

Post by PCU »

Ref your question on target heights. If you use USAS rules; "USAS 50 foot ranges – Height must be adjustable for rifle."
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