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Post by spektr »

Well I got sucked into Bullseye by some guys at the local range, and THIS happened. ... 209&type=1

It started as a stock S&W 22A that I got on sale... I Bought a ton of points with it since
it replaced my wife's Ruger SR22 that I shot in the first time I tried the game.

Trigger work, A 2x dot for my old eyes, a visit with a hacksaw and files to remove noseweight,
PILES of repair epoxy and rubber glove time and we end up with this.....

It shoots over 90's slow fire and I'm the weak link there....

As much fun as it was to do all this, and Yeah I'm an Engineer at Boeing so it wasn't that big a deal,
I should have just bought something REAL, Probably Italian with a Rink Grip.

BUT I haven't had this much fun in a long time........

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Re: Frankengun

Post by izzyjim »

spektr wrote:Well I got sucked into Bullseye by some guys at the local range, and THIS happened.

I've seen worse. And I have worked with some Boeing engineers here in md. before.
At least you got the urge to hacksaw something out of your system.

So now you have a gun that works for you, and you are shooting 90's with it. You have done well.

In another year (or so), you might be ready for that expensive Italian import that many of us lust after. ... 209&type=1

It started as a stock S&W 22A that I got on sale... I Bought a ton of points with it since
it replaced my wife's Ruger SR22 that I shot in the first time I tried the game.

Trigger work, A 2x dot for my old eyes, a visit with a hacksaw and files to remove noseweight,
PILES of repair epoxy and rubber glove time and we end up with this.....

It shoots over 90's slow fire and I'm the weak link there....

As much fun as it was to do all this, and Yeah I'm an Engineer at Boeing so it wasn't that big a deal,
I should have just bought something REAL, Probably Italian with a Rink Grip.

BUT I haven't had this much fun in a long time........

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Re: Frankengun

Post by kle »

Funny enough, Rink Grips does make a grip for the 22A: ... 255&p2=255

But your solution was probably cheaper.
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