I did somthing silly the other day.... up date

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I did somthing silly the other day.... up date

Post by 97nick »

I have a Walther LP 300 that I am getting on well with, and improving with. (last postal score was 552)

I was shooting last night and asked my mate next to me if I could have a shot with his Styer. humph. it didn't recoil at all! my Walther kicks quite a bit. is this normal for the LP 300? is there anything I can do? I cant afford to change pistol so I am going to have to live with it.
I have played around with taking the foam pad out under the barrel (never liked that anyway) and also taping up the port under the absorber at the front. this helps a bit.
Does the LP 300 have the magnetic recoil absorber or is that just in the 400? any help would be appreciated thanks
Last edited by 97nick on Sun Jan 04, 2015 2:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: I did somthing silly the other day....

Post by Rover »

Were your shots 10.9s?

It kicks. So what. Get a firmer grip.
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Re: I did somthing silly the other day....

Post by Gwhite »

A firmer grip may help, but only if it is consistent. You may find it easier to be consistent at some level less than a death grip. Less tiring too...
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Re: I did somthing silly the other day....

Post by Marc Orvin »

To answer your question, the 300 does not have the magnetic absorber. The 400 does.

High recoil or low recoil, the key is to be consistent with your grip and follow-through. Just keep training and logging what works and what seems to make things worse.

Best of luck to you. And enjoy!!
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Re: I did somthing silly the other day....

Post by v76 »

If you're getting on well with it, you should probably stick with it. I'm sure you'd shoot the same scores with the Steyr.

BUT, might wanna chrony it and look up what the velocity is.
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Re: I did somthing silly the other day....

Post by m1963 »

Competitor: "Coach, I changed (insert one, here: my grip, my pistol, my stance, my breathing, my ammunition, etc.) and I am shooting better!" Coach: "Continue the change for a week of training. If you are still shooting better after that it is a true change. Otherwise, it was simply the euphoria from trying something different. Which means you should focus on the fundamentals."

How many of us have heard this from our coach and found out that they were right?

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Re: I did somthing silly the other day....

Post by 97nick »

thanks guys; I will crony it, to see what it is doing power wise. is it possible to dial down the power?

the grip: my coach made me train with only my second finger holding the grip. he said the gun looked like it recoiled less. how much can you grip the pistol? I understand that only the web, second joint of the second finger and second joint of the 3rd finger are to "grip" the stock, the second finger to take most of the hold. I have been shooting with a lighter hold than normal and feel a bit out of control with the gun. but then if you do a 60 shot comp can you keep the tighter hold up for that long?
it was hot the other day when I was dry firing, and I noticed my pulse affecting the gun. (I cant bug my old coach to much as I have moved away and cant get lessons)
I have added a fare bit of putty to the grip, so I will look at this and see if I can take any off. I think I will remove a bit under my little finger as this may be interfering with the recoil
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Re: I did somthing silly the other day....

Post by 97nick »

I just crono'd it, its doing 547 fps, (5.25 foot pound) seems a tad high to me?
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Re: I did somthing silly the other day.... Crono and grip

Post by Rover »

Close enough for jazz!

About a normal setting if you're using light (7gr) pellets. A little high for heavies, but not enough to matter.
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Re: I did somthing silly the other day.... Crono and grip

Post by FredB »

Can't agree w/Rover. If the recoil is bothering you, dial down the velocity. Around 480 fps is perfectly adequate - many very accurate guns shoot at even lower velocities. You'll get less recoil and more shots per refill.
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Re: I did somthing silly the other day.... Crono and grip

Post by Rover »

Recoil? Surely you jest!
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Re: I did somthing silly the other day.... Crono and grip

Post by 97nick »

yes, it does recoil!

any idea what the procedure to reduce power?
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Re: I did somthing silly the other day.... Crono and grip

Post by Rover »

Take off your grip, find a large screw on the back of the gun, turn it widdershins 1/4 turn. See how you like that.

But, really, if you're seeing recoil it's due to your technique.
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Re: I did somthing silly the other day.... Crono and grip

Post by deadeyedick »

turn it widdershins 1/4 turn.
widdershins ? ( In a direction contrary to the opposite force of the sun ) ...got to love that one.
But, really, if you're seeing recoil it's due to your technique.
Could be more to it than technique. I have fired both pistols side by side using the same technique and the Walther still had more recoil.

The design characteristics of both pistols probably has more to do with recoil than technique alone. ( However this in no way diminishes the need for correct and consistent technique.)

Having owned both pistols I prefer the zero movement of the Steyr , but as others have stated the ability to achieve similar scores can be obtained with both. Just a case of adapting to either.

It seems that the more time spent attempting to turn a pistol into what it never was reduces time for the most important element.....practise.
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Re: I did somthing silly the other day.... Crono and grip

Post by mctrucky »

Ok, don't laugh out loud, but are you sure it is recoil?

I had a similar experience with my Morini which I lived with for months, and eventually bought a Steyr to compare with. Then I put it on a SCATT and low and behold, the recoil was starting before the gun went off.... Mad I know, but it was my poor triggering - not the gun to blame. Sold the Steyr on and persevered with the Morini - best thing I ever did....

Watch the sights, squeeze the trigger and follow through - note the 'and follow through' and not 'then follow through'.

The gun going pop should just be something that happens between you arriving on aim and you putting it down. Follow through is just a description of what you are doing after it goes bang - it is exactly the same as what you were doing before and during it going bang.

Just do that and you'll get another ten points immediately. No need to thanks me, just send the cheque to the usual address :-)
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Re: I did somthing silly the other day.... Crono and grip

Post by 97nick »

the gun does recoil quite a bit.
I have taken the small piece of foam out of the barrel suppressor, which touches the cylinder and I always hated (a barrel should not touch anything in my book) and its better.
I will dial down the power on sunday and report back.
I have taken a bit off the thumb shelf which has enabled me to better relax my thumb along the grip, and taken off a bit of the putty so the heel of my hand and little finger have more room.
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Re: I did somthing silly the other day.... Crono and grip

Post by django »

I shoot with morini 162 ei (have recoil) score 95
I shoot with steyr lp10 (almost no recoil) score 95.

No different.
Except i enjoy griping morini than my steyr. I shoot faster with morini than steyr. It' easy aim with morini than steyr. But for deep 10 steyr (almost no recoil) beat morini .

If morini give additional barrel weight like steyr and provide customer with repair video on youtube like steyr i considered to buy morini
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Re: I did somthing silly the other day.... Crono and grip

Post by Gwhite »

There are various weight systems that have been available for the Morini. One clamps onto the barrel and has weights on rods on either side, and one clamps onto the large round piece the cylinder screws onto, with a single rod that sits below the cylinder. See here (about 2/3rds of the way down the page):


I must say, the repair videos from Steyr are very nice. However, the number of people who are qualified to fix the electronics in a Morini is a lot smaller than the number of people who can easily change a seal on a Steyr. It would be nice if Morini would provide info on servicing the non-electronic bits. My personal one has never had any issues, so I wouldn't know what might need the video treatment.
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Re: I did somthing silly the other day.... Crono and grip

Post by therider »

Do you have an explaination for that?
I have shot a few times with morini 162 ei, and I too find that it is incredibly easy to aim. I have been watching the grip for hours , but I don't understand the reason for that.

With Steyr lp10e I have more problems.

However, at variance with your experience I get the deepest 10 with my new MGH1, which recoils a bit, but only if you make mistakes.
I have been struggling for months and, as Mctrucky writes, I too discovered it was trigger error.

Whilst Steyrp hides my errors, MGH1 punishes me severely. However thanks to that my trigger pull is improving a lot. The better I shoot the stiller it becomes. If I hold confidently and I make the front sight "travel back along the bore until it hits my eye", than I do not need to watch the computer....it's simply 10.9.
A small error and it is a 7. Steyr would give me a 8.

The more I shoot it, the more I love it. I am still struggling with the grip.... I would like a Morini kind of feel in my hand.

May be I will go to Cesare again and beg him to make a Morini grip to my MGH1!!!! :-)
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Re: I did somthing silly the other day.... Crono and grip

Post by django »

therider wrote:Django,
Do you have an explaination for that?
I have shot a few times with morini 162 ei, and I too find that it is incredibly easy to aim. I have been watching the grip for hours , but I don't understand the reason for that.

With Steyr lp10e I have more problems.

However, at variance with your experience I get the deepest 10 with my new MGH1, which recoils a bit, but only if you make mistakes.
I have been struggling for months and, as Mctrucky writes, I too discovered it was trigger error.

Whilst Steyrp hides my errors, MGH1 punishes me severely. However thanks to that my trigger pull is improving a lot. The better I shoot the stiller it becomes. If I hold confidently and I make the front sight "travel back along the bore until it hits my eye", than I do not need to watch the computer....it's simply 10.9.
A small error and it is a 7. Steyr would give me a 8.

The more I shoot it, the more I love it. I am still struggling with the grip.... I would like a Morini kind of feel in my hand.

May be I will go to Cesare again and beg him to make a Morini grip to my MGH1!!!! :-)
I just took a rough my personal conclusion may be true may also be wrong.

why i shoot faster using cm162ei
1. 5mm wide front sight. You simply put under the black circle (at 6) and pull the trigger. bullet will hit 10. Not in the middle of the ring could just as well on the edge (10.2) but still counted 10
2. The shape of the factory grip that fits the hand anatomy. When I raised cm 162ei and aiming toward the target. My eyes are direct parallels between rearsight front sight and target.Height of seat sight quite fit and when shooting a gun barrel is not likely to go down. Ballance was good. Nice high sight.
3. Mr. Ragnar Skanaker one of the best shooter actively designing this pistol. No wonder if this weapon is so easy to use. The results of his thought and experience

I never try MG1 , because no one here use it.
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