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Wing nut
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Post by Wing nut »

Anyone using the new HD Micro dot or have any thoughs on it for 50' bullseye.
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Re: ultradot

Post by Kirmdog »

Guy on my BE team has one mounted on a S&W 52 and seems to like it. But they are pricey compared to the regular UltraDot.

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Re: ultradot

Post by Ttgoods »

I have both, get the regular Ultra Dot its $100 less.

I would sell you mine like new for $200 comes with extra batteries I bought one line for $265, New Box and everything.

Shot 280 with that dot on my 22 so its just a matter of preference not performance.

I may not have registered it yet not sure on that.

Nothing wrong with the micro and for certain uses its better but I like the Ultra better than any of their other offerings

Most people use a smaller dot on 52's so it might work for you.

Benefits of the Ultra Dot

More settings


Tube extension

Nicer dot

Lens does not get dirty as much

Benefits of the Micro Dot

its shorter

one bolt
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Re: ultradot

Post by Chuckiep »

YES. I have been using the HD micro for 5 2700's on my Les baer Wad gun: Here are some things you need to watch out for (if you are used to regular ultra dots)

1. There is no "attachments" for it. If you like an extention tube, polarizer, or others. This is unfortunate i am worried about rain at the nationals, water droplets on the scope. i will have to make a make shift cover for it.

2. There is a wierd "clamp" that the actual scope is mounted to. There are 4 screws that hold it on, and Ultradot put gray sealer in the holes. During the NC state championship this failed, the screws backed out. My scope now wiggles left and right. I had two really pretty groups on the left and right side of the 7 ring. Needless to say, I do not trust this product anymore. To make it worse, Ultradot says it voids the warranty to cut out the sealer and tighten the dang screws. AND that dissallows you the option of just getting scope rings for it and just bypass thier reinvention of the wheel.

3. I love it. If it wasnt for the crappy mounting design, and ultradots stupid policy. This would go on all of my guns. Shot my first 97 on the long line with it... a 97 WITH A 7. it was in practice but, still. the dot is SO crisp compared to my 1" ultra dots.

I am sending it in this week. I am hesistant to keep shooting with it. we will see what ultradot says. if it happens again, i will send it back to ultradot and ask nicely for them to remove the mount and give rings for it. that is if the tube is a standard size, to which, i do not think it is. SO BEWARE. i am just so mad that i cannot adjust my equipment without voidng a warranty. When I called they said "oh wow thats wierd, that has never happend"
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Jerry Keefer
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Re: ultradot

Post by Jerry Keefer »

I hated this scope when I first started working with them, but now, after working out the bugs, there's nothing better available. This is what can be done to overcome the negatives.. The scope is basically military, and not initially intended for BE.. The mount cross bolt has a tendency to break.. adds too much weight and looks like a brick on the Mona Lisa. Tubes can be fabricated to work with the Ultra Dot extensions and filters.. I quickly ran out of those, so now, I make most of the tubes.. Sorry, I am not taking on more work.. Fred Totts and I have collaborated, and he is making something similar, and a heavy duty mount/bolt that will not break..
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Re: ultradot

Post by Chuckiep »

Wow that is pretty work Mr. Keefer. I will try to contact Mr. Totts.
With your mount, are you tapping the scope rail on those hammerli's? Will you be selling these? Will there be a point in the future that you would sell some scope tubes?

Thank you,

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Jerry Keefer
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Re: ultradot

Post by Jerry Keefer »

Chuckiep wrote:Wow that is pretty work Mr. Keefer. I will try to contact Mr. Totts.
With your mount, are you tapping the scope rail on those hammerli's? Will you be selling these? Will there be a point in the future that you would sell some scope tubes?

Thank you,

The bases are seated/buried into a closely machined pocket in the ribs for strength. Not as critical on the .22s but the 45 it is essential, plus it gets the optic down closer to the bore line. They are designed to enable removable without removing the rib, in the rare event the scope needs to be quickly replaced. There is a number high volume shooters who have had these in place for several years with zero issues..The machining is extensive, and the tube threads are metric..So it increases the final costs, but the H-1 is an excellent optic. Top of the line when set up as you see, in my opinion. Battery life is incredible, at something like 5 years even if you leave it on at position 7 or less....
I am not selling any.. Fred is making, installing, and selling the tubes.
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Re: ultradot

Post by davekp »

Jerry Keefer wrote:
Chuckiep wrote:Wow that is pretty work Mr. Keefer. I will try to contact Mr. Totts.
With your mount, are you tapping the scope rail on those hammerli's? Will you be selling these? Will there be a point in the future that you would sell some scope tubes?

Thank you,

The bases are seated/buried into a closely machined pocket in the ribs for strength. Not as critical on the .22s but the 45 it is essential, plus it gets the optic down closer to the bore line. They are designed to enable removable without removing the rib, in the rare event the scope needs to be quickly replaced. There is a number high volume shooters who have had these in place for several years with zero issues..The machining is extensive, and the tube threads are metric..So it increases the final costs, but the H-1 is an excellent optic. Top of the line when set up as you see, in my opinion. Battery life is incredible, at something like 5 years even if you leave it on at position 7 or less....
I am not selling any.. Fred is making, installing, and selling the tubes.
How can I contact Fred Totts?
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