Pardini 32cal bullseye gun

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Nine major
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Pardini 32cal bullseye gun

Post by Nine major »

I have heard the 32 cal. Aren't accurate from 50yrd because of the rifling of the barrel. I also heard they have a new model with a barrel with a different rifling. Has anybody got any info on this.
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Re: Pardini 32cal bullseye gun

Post by Isabel1130 »

Nine major wrote:I have heard the 32 cal. Aren't accurate from 50yrd because of the rifling of the barrel. I also heard they have a new model with a barrel with a different rifling. Has anybody got any info on this.

From my understanding the 32 ACP is quite accurate at the fifty yard line, with jacketed ammo, and good reloading.
The .32 S&W is best used indoors or for the outdoor short course, since the bullet is less stable ballistic ally.
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Re: Pardini 32cal bullseye gun

Post by Sixftunda »

The current Women's Champion and my fellow member of Team UltraDot, Brenda Silva, uses a Pardini .32 for CF. She shot an 880 with it at Perry. She uses factory ammo at the long line and hand loads for the short line. They are more affected by the wind at 50 yards so you need to be proactive with windage adjustment.
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Re: Pardini 32cal bullseye gun

Post by Isabel1130 »

Sixftunda wrote:The current Women's Champion and my fellow member of Team UltraDot, Brenda Silva, uses a Pardini .32 for CF. She shot an 880 with it at Perry. She uses factory ammo at the long line and hand loads for the short line. They are more affected by the wind at 50 yards so you need to be proactive with windage adjustment.

I believe I heard Brenda say that she had a Dave Wilson barrel in her Pardini .32. I don't think
She is shooting lead at the long line, but it is a possibility.
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Re: Pardini 32cal bullseye gun

Post by CR10X »

Which .32 are you talking about, .32 S&W or .32 ACP? It will make a difference and you have a choice of either with the Pardini.
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Re: Pardini 32cal bullseye gun

Post by 6string »

You might find it quite helpful to try out the search function for this site. The Pardini 32s have been discussed in quite some detail, 32 acp vs. 32 SW, loading info, custom barrels, etc. There's just tons of good info!
Not to avoid going into your query, but I 'll bet you'll find more info

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. . . .

Post by sobakavitch »

. . . .
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Re: Pardini 32cal bullseye gun

Post by Isabel1130 »

sobakavitch wrote:Per above:
"I believe I heard Brenda say that she had a Dave Wilson barrel in her Pardini .32. I don't think
She is shooting lead at the long line, but it is a possibility."

Interesting but somewhat confusing.

If she had a Dave Wilson barrel, then she was probably shooting 32 S&W Long although I understand that Mr. Wilson has done some work with the 32 ACP. At the time I read about that, the results were not promising.

If she wasn't shooting lead, then she was probably shooting 32 ACP.

I have a GSP Expert 32 S&W Long with a Wilson barrel. I tried 32 ACP bullets a while back to see what they could do and my results showed them to not work very well at 50 yards. At 25, they were okay but not great.

I have had great success with the Speer 98-grain bullet once I figured out brass, powder, load, and crimp for my GSP Expert at both 50 and 25 yards. Doing so was a quite an endeavor. When Mr. Wilson built the barrel for my gun, he sent it to me untested because my upper would not fit on his wife's pre-GSP Expert GSP. I took it to the range using Fiocchi commercial ammo as he recommended and the 1st 3 shots at 50 yards were a single hole. Accordingly, I can attest to the exceptional quality of his work.

We had a couple of High Masters shooting scores in the 880's with their Pardini 32 S&W Long with the Wilson barrel at our Virginia matches. One used the H&N bullets and the other used the Speer. We all used V-310.

A few shooters I know have shot both the 32 ACP and the 32 S&W conversions for their guns. I think Brenda has the S&W for sure, and I think that one has the Dave Wilson barrel.

I shoot a 9mm for Center fire. I use jacketed hollow points for the 50 yard line, and lead for the 25.
Reloading is a bit less tricky, and I think the big advantage of a dedicated centerfire gun is the 2.5 pound trigger.
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Brenda Silva Clarification

Post by fc60 »


Yes, Brenda Silva did shoot a Pardini with one of my custom barrels at Camp Perry. She actually fired an 871X33 and earned the High Woman Title.

She fired Fiocchi Commercial 98 grain Wad Cutter ammo. (32 S&W Long)

This information I receive from her husband Tony and the NRA results posted online.


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Re: Pardini 32cal bullseye gun

Post by Trooperjake »

Nine Major

I suggest reading the postings below:

Pardini HP 32 ammo talk.

I am shooting the new Pardini 32 acp and would not switch back to the 32 S&W Long.
I had been shooting the Walther GSP.
Getting great results, and a higher average score in CF.
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Re: Pardini 32cal bullseye gun

Post by Dipnet »

I use the new Pardini Bullseye SP 22 RF/32 ACP and the latter is accurate at 50 yards with Hornady factory 60gr XTP loads and with reload data reported elsewhere on this forum, e.g., 2.30 grs Titegroup, 60gr XTP bullet; I think the OAL was about 0.90 and crimp was important (but which eludes me at the momement). Dave Wilson reported excellent results with 2.6 gr. 231 (also 60gr XTP). An excellent LSWC was designed by a Trooperjake (Accurate Mold #30-060A).

Here some reload data I've cobbled together from multiple sources: It should only be used as a basic guide and not actual reload data. NOTE: USE ALL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS.
Bullet Powder Start gr. Max gr. Start vel Max Vel Note.1 Note.2
60 HDY XTP AA No. 2 1.7 2.5 800 950
60 HDY XTP Bullseye 1.9 2.2 850 950
60 HDY XTP 231 2.0 2.5 800 950
60 HDY XTP 700x 2.2 850
60 HDY XTP Titegroup 2.3
60 HDY XTP VV N310 1.5 1.8 800 950
60 HDY XTP VV N320 1.6 2.1 800 950
60 Speer GDHP Bullseye 2.6 1,030
60 Speer GDHP Unique 3.2 971
60 Speer GDHP Power Pistol 3.6 1,030
60 Speer GDHP VV N310 1.7 1.9 720 875 NMB A: 25yds
62 SWC (0.313) Power Pistol 2.6 na 869 942 WL: 2.7" @50yds
62 SWC (0.313) Power Pistol 2.8 na 948 1,001 WL; 3.5" @50yds
62 SWC (0.313) Power Pistol 2.9 na 988 1,052 WL; 5.1" @50yds
62 SWC (0.313) Win 231 2.0 na 859 946 WL; 3.9" @50yds
62 SWC (0.313) AA No. 5 2.8 na 809 870 WL; 2.3" @50yds
62 SWC (0.313) AA No. 5 3.0 na 851 950 WL; 2.6" @50yds
62 SWC (0.313) AA No. 5 3.1 na 900 956 WL; 4.4" @50yds
62 SWC (0.313) Win WST 1.9 980
62 SWC (0.314) Power Pistol 2.6 na 907 989 WL; 2.7" @50yds
62 SWC (0.314) Power Pistol 2.8 na 967 1,056 WL; 4.6" @50yds
62 SWC (0.314) Power Pistol 2.9 na 1006 1,058 WL; 6.3" @50yds
62 SWC (0.314) AA No. 5 2.8 na 867 927 WL; 2.3" @50yds A: 50yds
62 SWC (0.314) AA No. 5 3.0 na 877 967 WL; 2.5" @50yds A: 50yds
62 SWC (0.314) AA No. 5 3.1 na 862 987 WL; 4.4" @50yds
62 SWC (0.314) Win 231 1.6 2.0 775 890 1.9"@ 50yds
71 SIE FMJ AA No. 2 2.0 2.2 572 650 19300 psi
71 SIE FMJ AA No. 5 2.9 3.2 619 703 19700 psi
71 FMJ AS30N 1.5 1.7 745 830 15,000 cup
71 FMJ AP70N 2.2 2.4 780 880 14,900 cup
71 Win FMJ AutoComp 2.7 3.0 879 937
71 SIE FMJ Bullseye 2.0 2.2 835
71 SIE FMJ Titegroup 2.0 2.2 824 910
71 SIE FMJ VV N310 2.0 2.2 1,001
75 gr Rimrock RNFP Unique 2.6 2.9 1,035 0.915 OAL
75 gr Rimrock RNFP W231 2.4 2.7 1,069 0.915 OAL
75 gr Rimrock RNFP Bullseye 1.7 2.6 803 1,067 0.915 OAL
75 gr Rimrock RNFP Titegroup 2.3 2.5 1,089 0.915 OAL
75 gr Rimrock RNFP VV N320 2.3 2.5 1,074 0.915 OAL
75 gr Rimrock RNFP Win WST 1.7 2.1 857 958 0.925 OAL 2.1" @50yds

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Re: Pardini 32cal bullseye gun

Post by montster »


Appreciate sharing the load information! I am starting to work on a load for a hammerli 280 32 acp.
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Re: Pardini 32cal bullseye gun

Post by Dipnet »

Hey Monster,
The data that eluded me for the 32 ACP load are: 60 gr. XTP, R-P brass, 2.30 gr. Titegroup, OAL: 0.925, Crimp, 0.332; can yield near 1-inch groups at 50 yards.

I realized that I previously posted data from an old file (for the 32 ACP); the updated data are listed below. Always use standard saftey protocols when reloading ammunition.

Load Data for 32 ACP
Bullet Powder Start gr. Max gr. Start-vel Max-vel Notes
60 gr HDY XTP 700x 1.8 2.3 800 1,000
60 gr HDY XTP AA No. 2 1.7 2.5 800 950
60 gr HDY XTP Bullseye 1.9 2.3 850 950
60 gr HDY XTP Clays 1.4 1.6 800 950
60 gr HDY XTP Clays 1.7 2.0 800 950
60 gr HDY XTP Clays 2.4 2.6 800 1000
60 gr HDY XTP GreenDot 2.1 2.4 800 950
60 gr HDY XTP Titegroup na 2.3 OAL: 0.925, 0.332 crimp; 1.1" at 50yds
60 gr HDY XTP Win 231 2.0 2.5 800 950
60 gr HDY XTP VV N310 na 1.8 OAL: 0.894; crimp: 0.330, 2-in. accuracy at 50yds
60 gr HDY XTP VV N320 1.6 2.1 800 950
60 gr Speer GDHP AA No. 2* 2.6 963
60 gr Speer GDHP Bullseye* 2.6 1,030
60 gr Speer GDHP H. Universal* 3.0 1,021
60 gr Speer GDHP Power Pistol* 3.6 1,030
60 gr Speer GDHP Red Dot* 2.3 1,030
60 gr Speer GDHP Titegroup* 2.6 1,058
60 gr Speer GDHP Unique* 3.2 971
60 gr Speer GDHP VV N310 1.7 1.9 720 875 NMB; <1.0-in accuracy at 25 yds.
60 gr Speer GDHP Win 231 2.6 950
60 gr Speer GDHP 700x* 2.6 1,060
62 gr SWC (0.313) Power Pistol 2.6 na 869 942 W.Lau: 2.7-in. accuracy at 50yds
62 gr SWC (0.313) Power Pistol 2.8 na 948 1,001 W.Lau; 3.5-in. accuracy at 50yds
62 gr SWC (0.313) Power Pistol 2.9 na 988 1,052 W.Lau; 5.1-in. accuracy at 50yds
62 gr SWC (0.313) Win 231 2.0 na 859 946 W.Lau; 3.9-in. accuracy at 50yds
62 gr SWC (0.313) AA No. 5 2.8 na 809 870 W.Lau; 2.3-in. accuracy at 50yds
62 gr SWC (0.313) AA No. 5 3.0 na 851 950 W.Lau; 2.6-in. accuracy at 50yds
62 gr SWC (0.313) AA No. 5 3.1 na 900 956 W.Lau; 4.4-in. accuracy at 50yds
62 gr SWC (0.313) Win WST 1.9 980
62 gr SWC (0.314) Power Pistol 2.6 na 907 989 W.Lau; 2.7-in. accuracy at 50yds
62 gr SWC (0.314) Power Pistol 2.8 na 967 1,056 W.Lau; 4.6-in. accuracy at 50yds
62 gr SWC (0.314) Power Pistol 2.9 na 1006 1,058 W.Lau; 6.3-in. accuracy at 50yds
62 gr SWC (0.314) AA No. 5 2.8 na 867 927 W.Lau; 2.3-in. accuracy at 50yds
62 gr SWC (0.314) AA No. 5 3.0 na 877 967 W.Lau; 2.5-in. accuracy at 50yds
62 gr SWC (0.314) AA No. 5 3.1 na 862 987 W.Lau; 4.4-in. accuracy at 50yds
62 gr SWC (0.314) Win 231 1.6 2.0 775 890 1.9-in. accuracy at 50yds
71 gr SIE FMJ AA No. 2 2.0 2.2 572 650 19300 psi
71 gr SIE FMJ AA No. 5 2.9 3.2 619 703 19700 psi
71 gr SIE FMJ AutoComp 2.7 3 879 937 COL: 0.978
71 gr SIE FMJ Win 231 2.1 2.3 805 871 COL: 0.978
71 gr SIE FMJ Titegroup 2.0 2.2 824 910 COL: 0.978
71 gr SIE FMJ Universal 2.2 2.4 781 881 COL: 0.978
71 gr FMJ AS30N 1.5 1.7 745 830 15,000 cup
71 gr FMJ AP70N 2.2 2.4 780 880 14,900 cup
71 gr Win FMJ AutoComp 2.7 3.0 879 937
71 gr SIE FMJ Bullseye 2.0 2.2 835
71 gr SIE FMJ Titegroup 2.0 2.2 824 910
71 gr SIE FMJ VV N310 2.0 2.2 1,001
75 gr RNFP Unique 2.6 2.9 1,035 0.915 OAL
75 gr RNFP Win 231 2.4 2.7 1,069 0.915 OAL
75 gr RNFP Bullseye 1.7 2.6 803 1,067 0.915 OAL
75 gr RNFP Titegroup 2.3 2.5 1,089 0.915 OAL
75 gr RNFP Titegroup 2.0 0.940 OAL; 0.332 crimp, 2.6" at 50 yds
75 gr RNFP V N320 2.3 2.5 1,074 0.915 OAL
75 gr RNFP Win WST 1.7 2.1 857 958 0.925 OAL
85 gr HDY XTP No. 2 1.6 1.8 612 695 18800 psi
85 gr HDY XTP No. 5 2.2 2.4 615 699 19100 psi

Before I sold a Walther GSP, I compiled load data for the 32 S&W L. I repeat, these data are intended as a general guide only. Always use standard saftey protocols when reloading ammunition.

I have about 900 Lapua and a 100+ Speer 98 gr HBWC if you are interested.

32 S&W long wadcutters loads for Walther GSP; COL: 0.920‒‒0.969.

Bullet Weight Powder Weight, gr. Vel. fps Notes
Lapua HBWC 83 gr. HP‒38 2.1‒2.4 679‒800
Lapua HBWC 83 gr. Bullseye 2.3‒2.7 782‒908
Lapua HBWC 83 gr. Titegroup 1.7‒2.0 633‒754
Lapua HBWC 83 gr. Unique 3.0‒3.5 742‒902
Lapua HBWC 83 gr. VV N310 1.7 807* *6-in barrel
Lapua HBWC 83 gr. VV N310 2.0 938* *6-in barrel
Hndy HBWC 90 gr. Bullseye 2.0‒2.3 715‒790
Hndy HBWC 90 gr. HP‒38 2.1‒2.4 744‒831
Hndy HBWC 90 gr. Titegroup 1.9‒2.1 765‒818
Hndy HBWC 90 gr. Universal 2.4‒2.7 777‒844
Speer HBWC 98 gr. AA2 1.8
Speer HBWC 98 gr. Bullseye 1.6 674
Lapua HBWC 98 gr. Bullseye 1.7
Speer HBWC 98 gr. Bullseye 1.8 777
Speer L‒HBWC 98 gr. Bullseye 1.8‒2.2 765‒780
Speer HBWC 98 gr. Bullseye 1.6
L‒DEWC 100 gr. Bullseye 2.0 818
H&N .312 100 gr. Bullseye 1.7
Speer HBWC 98 gr. HP‒38 1.9‒2.3 718‒861
Speer HBWC 98 gr. Titegroup 1.8‒2.0 780‒860
Speer HBWC 98 gr. Universal 1.9‒2.2 675‒830
Lapua HBWC 98 gr. VV N310 1.4 764* *6-in barrel
Lapua HBWC 98 gr. VV N310 1.9 843* *6-in barrel
Speer HBWC 98 gr. W231 1.8 718
Speer HBWC 98 gr. WST 1.5

Hope these data are enough information to begin experimenting. Data sources are the same available to you: forum reports, manufacture load data, and info from handload data websites. Regarding bullets, I had my best results with hollow base wadcutters although some reported good success with double end wadcutters. When you find a load that works, you'll find the holes punched in paper are strangely satisifying. Cheers, dipnet
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Re: Pardini 32cal bullseye gun

Post by montster »


I have titegroup and bullseye in enough quantity for this coming year. Have the hornady 60 grain for a long line load and the rimrock bullets coming for lower cost option or short line load. Hoping these combinations along with your and many others shared experience will get me to a good load for each bullet quickly.

Finding that metering out 1.8 grains reliably required me to disassemble, clean and tune up my hornady powder measure. After the overhaul the consistency was very good or as good as my scale can distinguish.

Thank to many for sharing.
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