Thoughts on Anschutz 8002 Alu vs. 9003

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Thoughts on Anschutz 8002 Alu vs. 9003

Post by Duckslayer »

I used to shoot an 2002 Alu and had great luck with it, the problem was that it wasn't mine. It was a club gun and I wanted my own so I purchased a slightly used Feinwerkbau p700. I like the gun but it just doesn't fit me as well as the Anschutz did. This has been a real hindrance on my self confidence and overall shooting of the gun. I am now looking to get an Anchutz again and since I cant find a new 2002 I was interested in the 8002 and 9003. Is the 9003 really worth the extra $1200. How do the guns compare to each other in regard to reliability and accuracy. Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated.
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Post by TerryKuz »

Like you said the decision is based on fit and personal preference. I had the 2002CA, the 9003, and I currently have the 9003 Precise and Walther LG400. The 20002CA and standard 9003 are really close in feel. I feel the 9003 is not worth the extra cost as compared to the 8002. The 9003 Precise and Walther LG400 feel very different to me. The Precise stock has a cant in the stock while the others are straight line. For me the Walther feels the most solid, and it is hard to describe, but it fits into a "slot in my position". The others seem to be out of the balance zone or slot. The Walther has a really nice adjustable palm shelf, and the Precise palm shelf cants - but I don't use the cant feature. Probably the best solution is borrowing a rifle for a week or so and dry firing the heck out of it to get a true appreciation. Good luck.
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