Competition after college?

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Competition after college?

Post by rsChris »

Hello all!

I used to be heavily involved in my high school 3p precision rifle team and was a a pretty decent shooter. Since then, I went to a college without a rifle program and my shooting has lapsed.

Now I am a college senior and just recently I was practically given a Walther LGM-2 precision air rifle. I'm very excited to look into shooting again, but is there any competition for air rifle for people out of college?

From my searching there isn't much out there, or is there something I don't know? Would I be better off selling the Walther and getting a .22? (I'd hate to do this as this gun is so sweet)
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Post by Abi »


I'm in Chapel Hill, here is what we have in our region...

We do not have any Air Rifle (NRA or USAS) matches in NC or SC. However, Georgia hosts the USAS Nationals at Ft. Benning, the Ole Mill Range has Air Rifle, and across the border at the CMP in AL there are monthly matches as well.

As far as Smallbore goes, we have NRA Smallbore Prone in Creedmoor NC, and Ridgeville SC. Smallbore 3P sorta exists but not really.

I hope to add 3P and Air Rifle matches in the future in my area, but it will probably take awhile.

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Post by rmarsh »

CMP in Alabama hosts "monthly matches". The 60 shot international (all standing) match is open to all ages. I think 3p air is Jr only.

There are various matches at ft Benning and the Olympic training Center for open class shooters. We are at the Rocky Mountain Rifle Championships at the OTC now. It is an an open annual event. Check the USA Shooting website under "events" for these and other events.
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Post by rsChris »

Yes, I am Chris. :) It's interesting to me that as many 3p air rifle matches as I went to in high school that there is not really much out side of high school for local competition.

Oh well. It will be a pleasure to return to Ft. Benning at some point once I start getting some consistency back to my shooting.

It will be very strange to get used to shooting with a pump rifle as I was used to a compressed air FWB years ago.
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Post by BigAl »

Not shoulder to shoulder I know but have you also considered entering some of the postal matches that are available? With the internet there are many leagues that now have scoring done by a local club official and the results are then emailed in. The great thing about that is that you no longer have the postage costs limiting things, so the world can pretty much then be your oyster in choosing a league to shoot in.

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Post by Abi »


3P Air Rifle is primarily a Junior event (age 20 and under). It is a high school event, but in college Air Rifle is shot only in the standing position, and Smallbore is shot 3P. There are 3P Air Rifle events, but as you mentioned you are a college senior I am guessing you are probably not a junior. Over age 20 you shoot in the Open category.

Also, if you are a college student somewhere without a team, you can still attend an NRA Collegiate Sectional and qualify as an individual for the National Intercollegiate Championships (for college clubs not ncaa)


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Post by proneshooter »

The South Eastern Air Rifle Conference holds matches in the area. You could still shoot the rest of your senior year. The Citadel is hosting the NCAA Sectional and SEARC Air Rifle match February 22/23. Palmetto Gun Club in Charleston is holding a prone smallbore match this Saturday and several Air rifle shooters will be attending.
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Post by GCSInc »

Visit our calendar for monthly competition for International Air Rifle, 3P Air Rifle, Smallbore (3P) and Smallbore Prone, as well as Rimfire Sporter Matches.

We have catagories for all entrents.

See ya at a range somewhere.

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Re: Competition after college?

Post by bberg7794 »

rsChris wrote:From my searching there isn't much out there, or is there something I don't know? Would I be better off selling the Walther and getting a .22? (I'd hate to do this as this gun is so sweet)
This past season, the organizer of our growing indoor postal league gave competitors the option of using an air rifle instead of a smallbore rifle to open up the league to more potential shooters: motivated, I believe, by the challenge of obtaining .22 ammunition. I thought that was a fantastic idea, even though I shoot smallbore.

Would it make sense to allow precision air rifles to compete shoulder to shoulder with smallbore in indoor prone, 3P and 4P events? Is there anything a .22 long rifle can do that a precision air rifle cannot at 50 feet? Wouldn't a precision air rifle be much cheaper to shoot, shot for shot, as well?

Anyway, rsChris, you can sign-up and shoot in out postal league next season, if you wish and can find a range. We had clubs from all over the country.


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