Barreled action for smallbore prone ?

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Barreled action for smallbore prone ?

Post by DavePat »

I'm starting the process of putting together a gun for NRA smallbore prone shooting and would like you guys input on which barreled action you think would be best. I can't afford the G & E or the Bleiker so I'm limiting the list to

1. Walther as in the KK300 Anatomic
2. Anschutz 2013 or 2007
3. FWB as in their 2700 model

Also - what barrel length should I be looking at ?

Thanks in advance for your help.
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Post by bpscCheney »

All up to your personal preference. I prefer the Walther trigger but the Anschutz barreled action. I would recommend the square actions so FWB is out along with the 19xx series Anschutz. I prefer the shorter barrel for weight reasons as it allows the weight to be further to the rear. Just add a bloop tube ;) . But again it's all what you like.
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Post by justadude »

If you are just getting started one of the more common and less costly that you mentioned are fine.

Walther is noted to have an excellent trigger although the Anschutz is tried and true with about 30 years on the basic design.

For prone shooting lock time is not that big of a concern.

The other post sites a preference for "square" actions, consider that Sergei Martynov shoots an older round action Anschutz and it does not seem to hinder his performance.

Before the age of the bloop tube most barrels were 24-26 inches in length. Now days you are starting to see a few shorter fatter barrels with a tube to make up the difference to a more normal barrel length.

As they are plentiful and parts are plentiful it is hard to go wrong with an 18xx or 19xx Anschutz. Are there better actions out there? in a word, yes but few people can shoot well enough to be able to tell the difference.

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Post by dontshootcritters »

I agree with the last posting.To be fair I don't think you will go wrong with any of the options that you have noted interest in.They all have good reputation and parts available.Obviously it would pay to get a check done on anything that you cant try before paying the money.
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Post by bpscCheney »

I should explain my preference of the square action. With a square action you can more easily switch to an aftermarket barrel. Not so much with a round action which requires a great deal more skill and knowledge. But I agree as well, a round action will not hinder in the slightest (and is actually what I shoot with because I got a great deal on a 1913/2213) I just love the ability to be able to buy a barrel from Lilja or whomever and undo a few bolts and slide in a new barrel.
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Post by gwsb »


You are going to think I have lost my mind but if you are building a smallbore prone gun. A 18 or 19 series Anschutz or Winchester 52 b,c,d,or e is the best choice.

The Winchester has a short bolt throw that makes it eaiser to load in prone.

The most important step to a winning belly gun is not the action but the barrel , gunsmith and ammo. These three things are the difference between shooting 10's and winning championships.
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Post by Thedrifter »

Ill Speak on behalf of the Feinwerkbau 2700's

I own and shoot a FWB 2602, but the changes are small in comparison to a 2700. I personal favor the FWB trigger over the Anschutz triggers, I cannot speak on the Walther trigger. But I too have heard good things. Two advantages of the FWB Trigger are that you can adjust the weight in position and the trigger can be offset left and right as well as forward and back.
As for barrel length, for a prone gun, I favor the 26” barrel and I will explain why I think longer barrels have an advantage in prone. The first reason is because longer barrel can be less sensitive to ammunition selection, this is my observation as well as others. The second reason I favor a long barrel is because it adds more weight, this help dampen your pulse and also reduces muzzle jump while shooting.
Now these are just my opinions and I have no scientific facts to back this up, however I have owned a long barrel Anschutz, a short barrel Anschutz, and now a long barrel FWB, that I adore. I have been shooting the FWB for about a year now and have no complaints on the rife, I could say a few bad things on the shooter though.
With a Short barrel, you have more control over where you add the weight and how much you add so that is something to think about. The shorter barrels are also favored because in theory the bullet is in the barrel a shorter length of time making the shooter less of a factor… but good luck with that because my highest Standing scores have been shot with a long barrel.
Best thing to do is spend some time with a rifle you want to buy, ask to borrow it for a week. Just a side though but it would be nice if we could get one of the larger companies to rent out rifles for a trail period.

Hope this helps,

and now some inspiration:


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Post by RobStubbs »

I think it's all about personal preference. I shoot an old anshutz 1813 in a gemini stock and for me the stock is by far more important than the action. By that I mean most (all) top end barrels and actions are similar and pretty much identical in terms of accuracy (for normal - sub-elite shooters).

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