BSA Shooting Sports Dir Summer Job

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BSA Shooting Sports Dir Summer Job

Post by Peakconti »

I received an e-mail today from the Camp Director for Camp Wakpominee, they are part of the Boy Scouts of America, Twin Rivers Council in NY. The Camp is located in the Fort Anne Area (Lake George Area). They are looking for someone to serve as Shooting Sports Director for their camp. They figured they would reach out to the Shooting community for assistance.

If you are interested in working, I am sure you can check them out on the internet for exact dates and details about the camp. You must be at least 21 but no experciance is needed. I think the Staff Week starts the last week of June (after school ends (June 21st?)) and then the camp runs for 5 weeks. Staff is normally off from Sat at noon till Sunday at noon. Not sure if there are additional nights off during the week. That being said, they are desperate so I would negotiate to your own benefit. Training is required they would pay to attend the week long training. My guess is if you are a teacher and are not finishing school til the end of June you might have to go during staff week. They would certify you as a NRA Rifle/Shotgun Instructor. The Camp has a very nice Rifle, Shotgun and Archery Range.

Salary I have no idea, since I have not worked at a BSA Summer Camp since 1985 ($1500 back then) plus they give you room and board. Its a great and fun way to spend the summer. If I can answer any additional questions just send me an e-mail.

Contact info is below along with his orginal e-mail to me, also if you are not interested please pass it onto any of your teacher friends. College students, retired friends or anyone else who might want a summer job.

Peter Visconti

Hi Peter,

Hope all is going well.

I'm reaching out in the hopes you may know someone that could help me out. I am
still looking for a Shooting Sports Director and Assistant Director for the
summer. I thought you might know someone that might be interested in this
opportunity through your shooting circles. The people need to be 21 but don't
need to be currently certified because they will have to attend a weeklong
training where they will receive BSA and NRA certifications. I can send you a
full job description if you would like. If you do know of anyone that may be
interested you can pass along my contact info to them.

I appreciate your help with this.

Jake Gotimer
Unit Service Executive & Camp Wakpominee Director
Twin Rivers Council
253 Washington Ave. Ext.
Albany, NY 12205
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