My Hope in starting this thread is that we can produce a number of results from various rifles and ammunition manufactures, so that any individual (myself included) can know what to expect from testing a rifle. I have heard of rifles that shoot 13.4mm groups for 40 shots and that is wonderful. However, I do not think that everyone will achieve a group that precise. Recently (results below) my rifle shot groups that ranged from 11.4-19+mm in size (10 shot), these same groups were around 17-20+ mm after 40 shots.
My goal is to answer these questions:
What is poor?
what is average?
what is above average?
So if you can, please share your results, so we may compile such a list (With Pictures) to answer these questions.
Similar posts include: ... l#Post9963 ... sc&start=0
Thanks in advance,
Cameron K
My FWB 2602 Results: