New ISSF Rules - order of fire of positions & finals spr

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Post by gwsb »

On the contrary the President of the ISSF , Olegario Vazquez Rana, shot in several Olympbcs and held 2 world records. Gary Anderson the VP has 2 Olympic Golds and several world records.

While I dont know who actually put pen to paper about the rules, it sure seems like the ISSF needs new blood . The last time Gary shot international the heavy coat had just been outlawed. Most of today's international shooters had not been born when he quit international.

I know these people do not know what it costs to outfit a shooter for international today and they have done these changes just for the Olympics. There is little or no coverage of the lesser international matches. And obviously no consideration has been given to things like college and junior shooting.
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Post by EJ »

gwsb wrote:Add this to the new requirements for coats, pants and boots and we are looking at another few thousand $ in addition to the thousands already spent on stuff, some of which will be worthless on Jan 1.
What will be worthless?

I can only think of one thing, possibly two (Sauer boots and maybe a jacket), the rest can, with some tweaks, be legal.
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Post by silentfury214 »

EJ wrote:
gwsb wrote:Add this to the new requirements for coats, pants and boots and we are looking at another few thousand $ in addition to the thousands already spent on stuff, some of which will be worthless on Jan 1.
What will be worthless?

I can only think of one thing, possibly two (Sauer boots and maybe a jacket), the rest can, with some tweaks, be legal.
"only" the jacket and boots? A custom jacket costs at least $1300-1500, and the boots another $200-300. That is a lot of money that many people just don't have.
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Joined: Fri Feb 19, 2010 6:50 am

Post by EJ »

Sauer boots, other makes can be altered to work.
Jackets: change that side panel and you're good.
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Location: Gt Yarmouth, Norfolk, England


Post by RobinC »

You can give just in and just replace or modify your kit, your choice, but when do we reach the point of saying enough of this rubbish?
Perhaps the next time stupid changes come out? Or perhaps the time after that?

The ISSF are simply out of touch, but their structure starts at our governing bodies which is the only way we have of voting them out, from then onwards they are self perpertuating, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
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