Looking to start library

Hints and how to’s for coaches and junior shooters of all categories

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Looking to start library

Post by shooter'sdad »

Looking for suggestions on books that would make up a sound basis for shooting library. 3 objectives...
1) teenage intermediate rifle and pistol shooter (air and .22)
2) 4-H kids from 9-18 mostly beginners
3) a novice 4-H coach (me) for air and .22 pistol and rifle

Titles already hunting down include MEC 2009 Ways of the Rifle, Fenning's Smallbore Rifle Shooting: A Practical Guide, 1988 Yur'yev Competitive Shooting, MEC Air Rifle Shooting, With Winning in Mind.

Any missing? Any that shouldn't be on the list?

Thanks for all thoughts!

Pat McCoy
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Post by Pat McCoy »

NRA Junior Rifle Marksmanship for the new shooters. Very basic.

"The New Position Rifle Shooting", by Pullum and Hannenkrat. Intermediates wil benefit from position improvement and the mental training section.
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Post by Abi »

a few more I have on top of those already mentioned:

Training Shooting Sports: Rifle - Pistol by Barth & Dreilich, 2011 (ISBN 9781841263052)

Rifle: Steps to Success by Launi Meili, 2009 (ISBN 9780736074728)

...don't forget magazines for junior shooters
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