Any matches in Southern CA 22-23 Sep?

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Mike M.
Posts: 687
Joined: Fri Apr 14, 2006 11:59 am

Any matches in Southern CA 22-23 Sep?

Post by Mike M. »

I'm going to be in Palmdale, CA that weekend, wondering if there was any shooting available. Thanks.
Posts: 258
Joined: Wed Dec 27, 2006 6:30 pm
Location: Corona, California

Re: Any matches in Southern CA 22-23 Sep?

Post by paw080 »

Mike M. wrote:I'm going to be in Palmdale, CA that weekend, wondering if there was any shooting available. Thanks.
Yes Mike, there is a Bullseye match(900..any class..your choice) at the Prado
Olympic Venue. It starts at 0900 Sunday morning, 9-23-12. All strings are
shot at 25yds, it's very informal(gimpy arm...they'll let you use a two-hand hold)
and it's run by the Silverado Sportsman club. It costs $20. Here's a link to the
Prado events page:

You may find something closer to Palmdale, The Prado shooting range was the
site of the 1984 Olympic shooting events; Palmdale is approximately 80 miles
from Prado.

23's Dad
Posts: 27
Joined: Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:28 pm

Santa Margarita Gun Club

Post by 23's Dad »

The SMGC is hosting a Excellence–in-Competition EIC (Leg) Pistol Match on the 23rd.

Match Bulletin:

Not exactly Olympic Style, but it is an NRA/CMP sanctioned match.
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