Tactical Solutions 1911 Rimfire Conversion Accuracy

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Tactical Solutions 1911 Rimfire Conversion Accuracy

Post by matchguy »


Been looking to get a Marvel Unit1 22 conversion but some of the reviews concerns me about jamming problems with general rimfire ammo. One review recommended the Tactical Solutions 2211 rimfire conversion instead siting the jamming issues.

I don't see any reviews or mention of accuracy of these conversions while the Marvel Precision Unit1 even includes a test target/button. The Tactical Solutions model is made of steel, not aluminum and stays open on the last shot and it has a bull barrel. TS doesn't even mention accuracy on their site.

What type of accuracy does the TS 2211 do? Is it minute and not an issue or is it significant? Is it a match grade unit or just a plinker? I'm not looking for something I need to run expensive match ammo thru just to get it to be reliable but want it to be accurate. Already got a Ciener and it eats anything but isn't that accurate at longer distances. I'm surprised someone hasn't run one on a Ransom Rest at 50yds and posted the results.

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Post by trulyapostolic »

The right magazines solved all my issues. Buy the GSG mags with your Unit 1.
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Marvel Precision

Post by montster »

With the GSG Magazines and CCI standard velocity ammo mine runs great, accuracy is great and I like it.

Has same reputation as a Smith 41, Ammo selective and CCI seems to be the usual top performer.
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Post by Isabel1130 »

Again, my experience is the same. I have gone alabi free with a Marvel Unit One when paired with the GSG magazines. The only time I have had an alabi in a match is with a broken firing pin.
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Post by matchguy »

Do any of you find the lack of the slide locking open on the last shot a big negative?
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Post by trulyapostolic »

I don't mean this sarcastically... I have no issue counting to 5. I would like a steel slide however.
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Post by matchguy »

trulyapostolic wrote:I don't mean this sarcastically... I have no issue counting to 5. I would like a steel slide however.
I don't have a problem counting either, I always count my shots but wanted to see what match experts thought. What's that Burt Lancaster said in Valdez is Coming when the leader of the bandits asked him "you count your shots" and he answered "you better!!"

I do think Marvel should just offer the one that stays open on the last shot.

Thanks for the info everyone. I ordered one. Got a better deal on the original model that doesn't stay open. I can live with counting to save $100.
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Post by Isabel1130 »

matchguy wrote:
trulyapostolic wrote:I don't mean this sarcastically... I have no issue counting to 5. I would like a steel slide however.
I don't have a problem counting either, I always count my shots but wanted to see what match experts thought. What's that Burt Lancaster said in Valdez is Coming when the leader of the bandits asked him "you count your shots" and he answered "you better!!"

I do think Marvel should just offer the one that stays open on the last shot.

Thanks for the info everyone. I ordered one. Got a better deal on the original model that doesn't stay open. I can live with counting to save $100.
I think counting is a good habit to get into.
Having a slide that locks back changes the recoil on the last shot. Having to manually lock back the slide on the last shot is good practice and good for your gun awareness during a match. By the way to get good results with the GSG magazines, you need to get in the habit of using the sling shot method to chamber the first round. Dont just push the slide release. Unless you are sending the frame to a gunsmith who specializes in tuning Marvels, be careful about setting the trigger under about 2.5 pounds. The 1911 trigger is not designed to be set that light, and this has caused problems for some people.
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Post by Trooperjake »

I always count my shots, it gives me something to think about.
I only recently switched to the marvel, because my Walther GSP has gotten too heavy for me.
I have begun to feel the difference between the second shot and the softer feel of the fifth round feeding. But I do not depend on this.
I just returned my 2 kimber mags to midway and exchanged them for the GSG, way too many misfeeds. So far they work great, not a single misfeed.

Any one have any experience with the Advantage Arms Unit, they are cheaper and was thinking of getting one as a backup.
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Post by jackh »

Thread drift but I too count my shots. But I think it is a bad habit. I have better groups when I do not count. I find that concentration on what I am doing in what I think is Ed Hall's observer sense is better. There seems to be a subconscious awareness of the shot count status. Maybe it is the feel of the slide when no sixth round is present. Seeing and feeling the rhythmic sight alignment and recovery is what I seek to have. It is tough to get to this state of mind.
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Post by Isabel1130 »

Technically, you don't have to count your shots with a Marvel unit that doesnt lock back. You should count the rounds as you load them in a magazine, then the gun will count for you. If your last trigger pull goes " click" instead of "bang", no problem. just good dry fire training. You will however be embarrased a few times as you put your hand up for an alabi, only to realize, there wasn't one. :-)
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Post by jackh »

I am sorry but I want my guns to all be the same and lock back. (Just like that conversion and 45 grip is the same for the whole 2700 :) Load 5, lock back. No extra steps.

Right now my Advantage Arms run better that my Marvel Precision. And the MP do run pretty good (early one and a steel lockback). Only trouble is I do not totally trust the AA stop inserts. I have had two early design inserts break on me. The newer square plate design does not gain my whole trust. But it is still running.
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Post by BrewCol »

Does anyone use a Kart conversion kit?
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Re: Tactical Solutions 1911 Rimfire Conversion Accuracy

Post by TonyT »

matchguy wrote:Hello,

Been looking to get a Marvel Unit1 22 conversion but some of the reviews concerns me about jamming problems with general rimfire ammo. One review recommended the Tactical Solutions 2211 rimfire conversion instead siting the jamming issues.

I don't see any reviews or mention of accuracy of these conversions while the Marvel Precision Unit1 even includes a test target/button. The Tactical Solutions model is made of steel, not aluminum and stays open on the last shot and it has a bull barrel. TS doesn't even mention accuracy on their site.

What type of accuracy does the TS 2211 do? Is it minute and not an issue or is it significant? Is it a match grade unit or just a plinker? I'm not looking for something I need to run expensive match ammo thru just to get it to be reliable but want it to be accurate. Already got a Ciener and it eats anything but isn't that accurate at longer distances. I'm surprised someone hasn't run one on a Ransom Rest at 50yds and posted the results.

I have used the Marvel, Ciener, Jarvis and Tacticasl Solutions 22 conversion units. Both of my Marvels were the originals which corresppond to the current Unit#1. They have been totally reliable with Wolf MT, SK Jagd and Aguilla SE SV ammo. The Tactical Solutions unit is designed for HV ammo and is a great unit for action pistol games but not for bullseye pistol. Using Wolf MT and a red dot sight at 50 ft the Marvel unit provided 3/8 inch groups off sandbags while the Tactical Solutions unit was ca 3/4 inch. The difference is due to the rock solid lockup of the barrel on the Marvel unit while in all the other units the barrel is only held in place by the pin of the slide stop.
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