Which red dot sight for my Model 41?

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lawman dan
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Which red dot sight for my Model 41?

Post by lawman dan »

I'm returning to bullseye competition after a 15 year hiatus. I retired from the Corps last summer, and find that I want to get back into competitive shooting.

So, I'd like to put a sight on my Model 41. I'm okay with buying the newest Matchdot II, but I'm reading a lot of comments on various forums, saying why bother, and just buy an Ultradot 4.

I'm also the Rifle Instructor for my son's Boy Scout troop, so I will probably occasionally move the sight to various 22 rifles in support of their troop shoots.

I'd appreciate any thoughts and suggestions.


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Post by Isabel1130 »

I dont think the Ultradot 4 dot is being made or sold anymore so that may not be an option. I prefer the 4 dot so I am kind of sad about that. If what you are talking about is the ultradot scope that only has a 4 MOA dot, with different intensities, those are fine too and a bit cheaper. They work well for me indoors but I dont shoot well outdoors on an uncovered firing point with that small a dot. It is hard for me to reacquire in sustained fire on a bright day. Even the cheaper scopes like the Bushnell work fine on a 22. Where you really need to worry is when you slide mount a dot on a 45. I would chose an Ultradot or an Aimpoint to stand up under those conditions.
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What kind of sight for a model 41

Post by penman53 »

A standard Ultradot would be an excellent choice for your pistol. I think by far they are the most utilized in bullseye competition today. At least where I shoot here in Oklahoma City.

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Jerry Keefer
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Post by Jerry Keefer »

Check out the Aimpoint Micro... Expensive, but it is proving itself to be a very good choice. Many of the top guns are moving to it, and many were on the line at Perry this year. After we figured out how to mount it, and fixture extension tubes/filters, it is clearly the way to go.
No failures that I am aware of..

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Post by TonyT »

I have quite a bit of astigmatism and many red dots show either cloverleaf or other multiple dots of varying intensities. The red dot sights which have provided the cleanest circular red dot have been the old Tasco ProPoint, Luepold-Gilmore, Ultradot and Docter refles sight. I prefer the 8iminute old Tasco ProPoint with it's 30mm tube. The Luepold Gilmore is significantly larger and has a hexagonal tube. The Ultradot provides a clear dot but i have had fits with it blinking off at the most awkward moments. the Docter reflex in the 7 minute size is very small with a nice circular dot but it does not have click adjustmenst for windage and elevation so the initial sighting in takes a bit more time - it also requieres adjustment after battery change.
lawman dan
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Post by lawman dan »

Thanks for the input. I ended up going with the Matchdot II.
C. Perkins
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Tony T :red dot blinking

Post by C. Perkins »

Dont mean to Jack this thread but with your blinking UD.

Always turn the UD dial clockwise.
Never turn it counter clockwise.
Like if you turn it from off to #5 and want to shut it off my going back to 0.
Go back to 0 (off) by going clockwise all the way around to off.

The contacts will loosen by turning it CCW.

I suggest cleaning the battery contact inside the cap with a pencil eraser or alchohol and a q-tip.
Put it back together and rotate it CW 10-20 times and see if this cures it.

Worked with mine a few years ago.


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Re: Tony T :red dot blinking

Post by TonyT »

C. Perkins wrote:Dont mean to Jack this thread but with your blinking UD.

Always turn the UD dial clockwise.
Never turn it counter clockwise.
Like if you turn it from off to #5 and want to shut it off my going back to 0.
Go back to 0 (off) by going clockwise all the way around to off.

The contacts will loosen by turning it CCW.

I suggest cleaning the battery contact inside the cap with a pencil eraser or alchohol and a q-tip.
Put it back together and rotate it CW 10-20 times and see if this cures it.

Worked with mine a few years ago.


Thanks for the tips.
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Re: Tony T :red dot blinking

Post by Isabel1130 »

TonyT wrote:
C. Perkins wrote:Dont mean to Jack this thread but with your blinking UD.

Always turn the UD dial clockwise.
Never turn it counter clockwise.
Like if you turn it from off to #5 and want to shut it off my going back to 0.
Go back to 0 (off) by going clockwise all the way around to off.

The contacts will loosen by turning it CCW.

I suggest cleaning the battery contact inside the cap with a pencil eraser or alchohol and a q-tip.
Put it back together and rotate it CW 10-20 times and see if this cures it.

Worked with mine a few years ago.


Thanks for the tips.
I ended up sending one in to Florida. The dot went out completely. It is back now and working fine. In my opinion Ultradot has better customer service than Aimpoint.
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