Suggestion on optic sights for buckmark

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Suggestion on optic sights for buckmark

Post by Xman »

I need some low cost- moderate cost optic sight suggestions for my recently purchased buckmark..low cost as I parted with a good portion of my play $$$ on the buckmark with full length rail.

I see some "value" priced on that major auction site and some outragous ones too.
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Post by golddredger »

I am also looking for a sight for my Ruger Mark III. I too have been looking at the "value" sights at the major auction site and I see pricy ones or the cheap ones. I need a sight that is good enough but will not break the bank. I hope someone can chime in on this for us. I was thinking the NC star or Tru-Glo sites. Several models to choose from around the 45.00 to 80.00 range. Both your Buckmark and my Mark 3 will use the same. Looking forward to replies.
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Post by dsd »

Not trying to sound like a snob, but you do get what you pay for in optics.

I would avoid NCStar. I have heard mixed things about the TruGlow, but they are very heavy. I would be more inclined for the Bushnell TRS at just under $100. I liked that one as it was 3 MOA Dot, a nice size, decent weight, and a name brand.

Best of luck and keep us posted on how it works out.

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Post by TCNTN »

I agree with the previous post. I have two of Bushnell TRS red dots, both mounted on 22s. One is on a buckmark. Both TRS have performed very well.

I just purchased an Ultra dot to mount on a 1911 but haven't received it yet. Due to the pounding a dot would receive on a 1911, I went with one a little more expensive than the TRS. Ultra dots are very common on 1911s so I guess that attests to their reliability. You get what you pay for.

You will enjoy a dot on your buckmark.
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Looking closely at BSA

Post by Xman »

Just bought a BSA spotting scope for AP and BE and the quality look good. So I will keep my eyes on a BSA optic at this point. The BSA web sight is pretty nice too. Hope it is an indication overall for its products.
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Post by Misny »

If you stay in the sport, you will end up getting the optic that you should begin with. I understand that some folks are on a very limited budget. I know how it is, because I started out when money was nearly non-existent. One thing to remember is red dots aren't the end-all. If a person has good eyesight, adjustable iron sights work very well. I would definitely look at getting trigger work before I bought a red dot.
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Post by Xman »

Have already done the heggis flip in the trigger..Have a nice short consistant 1st stage and a sharp consistant let off at about 40 ounces. Have older eyes and am placing a home made Merit like aperture on my eyeglasses and it REALLY let me focus on the front sight wiht a sharp sight picture. Will stay with the irons till my scores max out then give the optic a go. Just doing the research now for the optic. Might try out some friends pistols (22) with various optics with and without the aperture on the glasses. They mostly have bushnells, EOs and othe HIGH end optics....
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Post by firefirst »

Ebay got a red-dot Millett SP1 for $60.00 my MKIII is blue and the scope is silver but it shoots 10's mostly 8's but there are some tens
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Post by Rover »

I bought three BSA red dots on line for $25 apiece and mounted them all on springer air rifles, which are notoriously hard on optics.

So far, they have held up better than my UltraDot mounted on a .22 pistol.
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