Buckmark Click Values, etc

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Buckmark Click Values, etc

Post by Xman »

Now that I have my BM. I pose the question before shooting blind at 50 ft, 25 yds and 50 yds.

I know enough put the rear sights in the center of the click range and start from there,

However I only have access to a 50ft range and anticipate entering a 900 portion of a 2700 match in the near future.

Can anyone give me a click value for the buckmark model and a general get me in the black clicks at 25 and 50 yds up from 50 ft?
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Post by Rover »

No change.
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Post by oldcaster »

When dealing with iron sights there is never much adjustment between the distances that Bullseye events are shot because the sights are so close to the bore line. If dealing with a scope, it depends on how tall the mounts have the scope above the bore and then could be several clicks from 25 to 50. -- Bill --
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Duh I should of known that but......

Post by Xman »

having come over to the dark side (pistol) from rifle when going from 50ft-50yd to 100yd and being used to raged hole 5 shot groups and clicks can mean 10' or x's.....the short sight radius and the "large" 10 rings in pistol and the black being 8 ring or better ...all I could recall about geometry is that I hated it...lol
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