Marvel 22 conversion units

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Marvel 22 conversion units

Post by BEA »

How finicky are these conversion units? I know there are those who have good luck with them, and some probably don't, but are they considered to be a reliable product in general? Is there any real difference between those offered by Bob Marvel vs those by Marvel Precision?
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Post by Orpanaut »

To answer the last question first, the big difference between the conversion units sold by Marvel Precision versus those sold by Bob Marvel himself is that you can actually get the ones made by Marvel Precision. You can order them directly from the company, or you can get them from Midway USA, or you can order them from Larry's Guns. In contrast, while Bob Marvel is a tremendously talented and accomplished gunsmith, just reaching him to order one of his units is a challenge.

As to the conversions themselves, they seem to be just as reliable (or as finicky) as most .22 target pistols. A lot depends on the 1911 lower used. Sometimes a conversion that runs like a clock on one lower has issues on another.
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Post by jackh »

It might be the "ammo" problems in conversions is really too tight a chamber for the ammo chosen.
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Post by TonyT »

I have experimented with Marvel, Jarvis, Ciener and Tactical Solutions 22 conversion units on a number fo different 1911 frames.
The Marvel units are the only ones capable of bulseye level accuracy.

Both of my units were purchsed before Bob Marvel sold his original company and I have had the current Marvel Precision perform work on them. My units have been 100% relaible with Wolf MT/SKJagd and Aguilla SE SV ammo.

In my testing it appears that the sloppier the frame to slide fit the more reliable the functioning of the unit. I also run my units fairly wet with Rem Oil - that appears to be a requirement for the Jarvis/Tactical Solutions units.
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Post by GBertolet »

I have the Tactical version I purchased about 10 years ago. It's a standard 5" slide profile. I purchsed mine directly from Marvel for around $300, with an extra magazine, base pads and a magazine loading tool. Came in a nice padded nylon zippered case, with compartments for each of the parts. I just use mine for plinking, and it shoots better than I can hold. I have had no reliability issues. The rear sight is adjustable and gives a very good sight picture, similar to a Bo-Mar. Marvel recommends HV ammo for maximum reliability this model, although SV usually works ok also. The down side is, the top end is aluminum, being light, making the balance way off, and the aluminum slide does not lock back on the last shot by design, so it doesn't get peened by the slide stop. Marvel does make a more dedicated target version, which functions better with SV ammo, and is considered to have even better yet accuracy potential. As suggested in an earlier post, accuracy can be affected by frame to slide fit, just like any other 1911.
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Post by TonyT »

I should mention that both of my Marvel units are of the current Unit #1 design which is designed for bullseye pistol level accuracy.
Being an old bulseye pistol shooter, I instinctively count to five, thus the slide lock back has not been an issue with me.
In order to improve the up front balance I used one of Marvel's steel compensators attached to the front of the barrel or a short steel "bloop tube". The "bloop tube" requires less frequent cleaning than the comp.
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Post by GunRunner »

A lot of function issues are frame related, if you have a good frame setup and the latest marvel version with the new mags it will function as good as any production unit. mine does
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Post by marvelshooter »

When correctly set up with the right mainspring in the lower and the recoil spring matched to the ammo you are using they are as reliable as any other .22
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Post by shadow »

My husband had Tony Kidd build a Marvel for him on a new Caspian frame. He has no problems with it.
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