usas ranking updates?

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usas ranking updates?

Post by zuckerman »

Why are the USAS mens' air pistol ranking updates not being performed? I do not find any references to matches for the Olympic Trials 2, back in February, nor any matches after that.
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Post by Rover »

I guess because we screwed up letting them take over from the NRA.
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Post by Isabel1130 »

Rover wrote:I guess because we screwed up letting them take over from the NRA.
yep. I find the attitudes at USA shooting insufferable. Phones go unanswered. Web sites are not updated, and the officials have a condescending attitude towards everyone not already on the team. I wondered why so few of my NRA buddies went to international matches or bothered to join USA shooting after they split from the NRA. I found out through personal expereince. The USA shooting matches are two or three times as expensive, and the international rules nannies make sure it is half the fun. Some nice people there, of course, but the institutional attitude is a grim one. When my membership expires, I probably wont be joining again. It is simply not worth it to attend the two matches a year that are within driving distance and don't conflict with an NRA match.
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Post by BenEnglishTX »

Rover wrote:...letting them take over from the NRA.
Why did that happen? My last real involvement with potential Olympians was in the 1980s when the NRA ran things and I remember saying to someone at the time "Well, one thing's for sure. The NRA would *never* let go of responsibility for the International programs. They can always score political points by pointing to the fact that they help young people reach the Olympics."

I turned out to be as right about that as I am about most things. It wasn't long after that that the NRA let go of that responsibility. I never knew why.

Anybody been around long enough to explain it to me?

Alternatively, if this is a touchy subject, somebody feel free to tell me I shouldn't have asked and I'll let it drop. I'm just curious; that's all.
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Post by Pat McCoy »

The split occurred because IOC would not allow "National Sponsoring Organizations" be involved with politics. It was a choice of giving up the "National Sponsorship" or ILA and all political actions.

USAShooting has been understaffed since inception, and reads it's charter very restrictively. It took many years before they would give any help at all to grass roots programs, but the 3P air program has changed some attitudes, Hopefully some good pistol prospects will be coming out of the Progressive Pistol program in the future.
Last edited by Pat McCoy on Mon Apr 09, 2012 5:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Richard H
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Post by Richard H »

I suggest you use google typed in USA shooting and the first listing was the Olympic trials from February. ... pic-trials
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wrong question

Post by FredB »


The OP asked about the rankings, not an individual match result. I just tried to find the rankings and it crashed my browser.

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Re: usas ranking updates?

Post by Richard H »

zuckerman wrote:Why are the USAS mens' air pistol ranking updates not being performed? I do not find any references to matches for the Olympic Trials 2, back in February, nor any matches after that..
What does that say FredB? Maybe you should read the complete post.

So I posted that the Olympic trials results are easily found via google. Yes there were other parts to his question but that's an answer to one part.

Yes the Rankings don't seem to be working.
Last edited by Richard H on Mon Apr 09, 2012 9:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by zuckerman »

Howdy, sorry for the misunderstanding, I asked a question about the usas rankings updates, and should have expressed myself a little better, let me try again:

Why are the USAS mens' air pistol national ranking updates not being performed? I do not find any references of scores in the mens air pistol national ranking list for matches for the Olympic Trials 2, back in February, nor any matches after that..

and as long as I'm making a point, nor is my personal match history being updated either. ... and I have emailed usas... and my dues are up to date..
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Post by RMar »

[/quote]Why did that happen?... Anybody been around long enough to explain it to me? [/quote]

The original amateur sports act (1974?) required national governing bodies for Olympic sports to be single purpose organizations. A handful of organizations, maybe five or six, were grand father claused and remained Olympic sport governing bodies. The NRA was one of those, yachting and equestrian may have been two others. The NRA was, I believe, the last of those organizations to lose the governing body charter for their sport.

For a variety of reasons a formal complaint was submitted to the USOC against the NRA (1994 ish?) and a review of the complaints and of the NRA as governing body for Olympic shooting followed. The USOC formed an interim board during that review, found the complaints to be valid, pulled the charter from the NRA, then started the process to establish USAS. That's a high level description minus a lot of details and the terminology I use might not be precise. To those who feel one way or another about the whole thing, I am not offering my opinion. I am simply telling you what happened. That's about it.

The NRA did not just "give it up." They fought to remain the governing body. They continue to this day to provide support to the sport.
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Post by Chris »

The transition was a rough time for our sport. I knew many people on the US shooting team at this time and they went from having a great budget to a much smaller one and it took a long time to build it up.

I am not sure but I have a feeling USA Shooting still does not have the same level of budget they had under the NRA.

If I remember this correctly one of the other major issues is the NRA wanted to still be involved by giving money but they wanted access to USAS member list. USAS said NO.
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